there is also a red crystal symbol… intresting i did not know they had that one… it’s more or a religiously neutral symbol… just as they use the red crecent to not alientate muslims (because of the history of the cross symbol)
they also have a red lion and two start of david variants…
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Some of them are retired.
But the crystal is one we are looking at having as the NZ used variant.
You’re on a right game to spread Team play.
Thanks mate.
I hope you actualy played with us.
Did you ?
Bli² cant survive with US players.
So your statments are maybe not completely appropriate.
Long story short :
- It is just a game.
- Team play is the heart of OW. We play worldwide.
Would you have an advice for post ColdWar teamplayers ?
Red Cross, open up!!!
Random Programmer/Gamer: OMG, they found me!!
[Door Breaks].
Red Cross Team: Be read to be healed… To death!! [Points TF2 Medic’s Gun].
well i was not stricktly thinking in terms of this game per say with that…
But in americas armoy if you do something crazy for instance its game over and you get court martialed if i rember it correctly lol… like if you try to shoot your intructor or something crazy like that…
you could do something similar in a game where you have npc medics
IT probably would not work in a multiplayer game unless they can find some really specific solution to work around a non-combatant role in combat…
which may be possible… but seam hard to pull of… but like in a single player game or campaign mode with npc medic it could work…
Also i dont see your objection to my idea that the games industry needs to figure out a unique new symbol they can utilize for healing symbology it seams like a fairly straight forward practice of visual design… they just need to come up with a joint standard and all use it and players will get used to the new symbol.
it’s not like it would take us long to adapt… then they would never have this problem again…
We already got a lot of new symbols.
Although you’re right on some points.
We might need some standardised info for kids.
damn crosses are now copyright lol
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Red cross on blue background =/= red cross on white background
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Medics with the red cross are in many games and even in real life a Medic is armed so what’s your point?
Here give this a read for some information on modern medics. Take the space out after the H since I can’t post links.
h ttps://
Some symbols are universal, like the cross (not red cross) and the stop sign.
The stop sign is a red octagon anywhere in the world, it is a very important symbol that helps prevent car accidents, should we change it to a new symbol due the risk that gamers not respect it in games could do the same in real life?
no mention of mei’s firefighter skin? or mccree/pharahs lifeguard skin…
ive been taught to be violent against them…
and then theres D-Va’s poli-
It isn’t.
But fictional characters cannot be arrested and it’s not a proper red-cross.
It has to be a red cross on a white background.
Blizzard isn’t a combatant in a war-zone so the Geneva Convention doesn’t apply to them.
And it’s not a proper red cross.
The Red Cross is ALSO a registered trademark.
Doesn’t apply here as that skin isn’t a “Red cross on a white background” it’s a cyan cross on a dark background, or a red cross on a cyan background.
If they were to even try to sue then they’d risk losing their trademark by saying their trademarked symbol is overly broad.
You can’t shoot a GENUINE unarmed medic.
You shouldn’t wear a red cross if you’re an armed combatant.
That doesn’t mean if you break the law you won’t be shot.
And this isn’t technically even a violation of the Geneva Convention which only applies to parties in a warzone.
Same reason Quentin Tarantino’s lawyer isn’t worried their client will be accused of murder for depicting murder in a film.
It’s not a crime to depict a crime in a work of fiction.
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Overwatch isn’t that sort of game.
The game is so far detached from reality, I just saw someone get frozen into a solid block of ice and then 1.5sec later they continued like normal. Uhh, you’d be dead. Every tissue in your body would be destroyed by frostbite.
It isn’t even a game with friendly fire, you utterly depend on red-outlines and names to tell who is friendly and who is the enemy.
Overwatch is fundamentally not the game where you learn “shoot vs don’t shoot” reactions for real world combat.
I just shot at a gorilla.
If there’s going to be any reflex it will be to shoot something with a red outline. Which is impossible in real life.
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Red crosses have been on health packs since launch.
I believe in a court of law, the image must be at least 20% different to avoid copyright infringement.
So I imagine through a combination of slight color and proportion changes, they can easily make an image that invokes the idea of the Red Cross without infringing on their copyright.
Then you’ve also go the argument that a person shouldn’t be able to copyright a simple geometric shape. Like, can I copyright a blue square? Probably not.
Red Cross might sound like it’s referring to the literal red cross, but it isn’t. It’s referring to the literal design of having a red cross on top of a white background or the “reverse Swiss flag”
. You can have varying red crosses in your games/product as long as they’re not Red Crosses.
Here’s another example of them using red crosses:
Also all the healthpacks and such have red crosses in them. Did you even really think this through in practise when you decided to post? 
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The game story takes place in the future. Blizzard could say that it doesn’t stand for the red cross but something else.
“If the red cross emblem or similar signs are used for other purposes, no matter how beneficial or inconsequential they may seem, the special significance of the emblem will be diminished,” an email sent to the game’s developers reads. “The red cross emblem or similar designs are not general signs of ambulances, health care, first aid, the nursing or medical profession, or similar matters. Moreover, they are not signs to be used for commercial purposes, such as for advertising campaigns or on products.”
I still find it hard to believe that they can simply claim “red cross emblem or similar signs are used for other purposes” seems too broad of a statement. I could draw a plus using red ink and have them come after me.
If Alfonso Ribeiro can’t copyright his Carlton Dance then how can some organization copyright a red plus.
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This is borderline absurd. This is a game with sentient robots and characters with powers, not a real war simulator.
This game isn’t training people to shoot red cross members.
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^This, otherwise, we all should be arrested by mass-murders due the fact that we kill a lot of “”“”““people””“”“” every OW match…
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Simple, the red cross has the backing of many governments