Question for Blizzards legal deperment how is the baptist combat medic skin even remotely legal?
It features the red cross which is not even remotely ok to use in a game! the red cross is protected in the freaking geneva convention it only to be used by non-combatants!
several games have had to remove it! or change it!
when you see a red cross the response should always be not to fire! overwatch basically teaches people to commit a serious war crime.
also if your wearing a red cross you don’t fire at anyone either because that is just as bad if not worse!
I have no idea how they did not actually have their lawyers freak out over this…
You know, this is a really good point. I have no idea how this works.
I’d just never thought about it before, but now I am FULL of questions.
I… yeah… this is a thing.
i jnust reealized it after the TGN channel pointed it out… but yeah this is legit a violation of the geneva convention
I’m no legal expert, but off the top of my head doesn’t it have to be a red cross on a white background specifically for that? While Combat Medic has a red cross in a blue square.
I’ve never thought about this but tbh now that I think about it makes no sense.
ah that could be it… but its still a bit to close for comfort if you ask me…
Still ideally i think they should have used another symbol like a Caduceus staff or something (though technically that is the wrong symbol… people confused it with the Rod of Asclepius at some point)
interesting stuff.
Yeah…I was actually wondering when this would happen.
I just said this for a different topic… But blizzard is so Tone Deaf.
if they actually did a purely non offensive healer i wonder if they legally could use the red cross…
that would be kinda intresting…
though probably not since then you would also be required to heal the enemy for it to really count lol
I mean that could work actually since you could steal ult charge from the enemy medic… (after a lost team fight)
in germany there is literally a health organization called german red cross
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I understand the point, they may change it but I doubt it. indeed the red cross literally screams DONT SHOOT. I don’t understand why but I think it’s to show he is a combat medic
More interestingly, the health packs have it on, which is exactly what prison architect couldn’t do.
Like Baps isn’t the only head scratcher here.
Who is shooting…
The skin is modeled after a Health Pack. It’s shown on a blue background on the scarf patch, where as most other uses of the red cross use white, and shows up in holographic blue on the helmet. Most other healing (Repair Pack, Harmony Orb, Biotic Launcher and Biotic Grasp use plus signs, so how the that translates with the red cross would be interesting to look at.
Thanks, it made my day.
But what about crusaders ?
They also used a red cross.
I think we should sue them…
thats probably why you dont see many crusaders anymore
technically the knight templar could probably sue the red cross lol they used it first…
They got murdered to death by the pope and the french king (the pope didn’t want them in the relic trade which he wanted for himself and the french king owed them money…
Also worth mentioning the Red Crescent is the islamic equivelent of the red cross and has the same meaning and protections as far as i know (i.e the modern meaning not the knight templar stuff lol)
I know it’s a joke but I’m pretty sure that Pope Clemant V disbanded the Knights templar in the 14th century.
“I don’t see any frost giants around”
Totally reminds me of that.
Indeed, might be the reason why.
Then sue the moon !
as far as i’ve heard they and the gnostics got put down in the french inquisition the predate the more famous spanish inquisition but yeah he probably did formally dispand them as well)