haha! I have adhd and poor vision!
Ha! so do I
It took me almost 50 years to do something about the ADHD, don’t be me.
oh dont worry I have been taking my medicine since I was like 5
maybe the game industry and the Un an what ever standard orgnaizations aught to come up with a plausible substitute that clearly is not a cross of any color variation but which they can then use uniformly to the point where it become iconic in its own right
i.e a new safe symbol for medics you can shoot at lol
rather then do lots of random variation the skirt the law…
Personally i would reccoment ++ (the ++ being the c syntax for increment by 1)
possibly put the ++ inside the heart synbol
Or something like that…
War VS who ? Red cross is our western convention for medics.
Why do you talk about war ?
We’re just playing a game.
This topic is unrelated ;).
the US army is quite well known to go after gamers when recruiting…
I mean they even made a game for that purpose “Americas Army” its available for free and actually the medic training in it legit trains you in battle field medicine…
So its not implausible that gamers may go to war… especially not US gamers in particular.
those who game today may pilot drones tomorrow…
Also kids, don’t become a drone pilot for the military, it messes you up super bad, and you don’t have the support afterwards.
You may think it won’t, but it will.
yeah not saying its ideal AOC was quite critical of this and us military precense on twitch… clearly laying the ground work for recruitment… bit if that sort of stuff is gonna go on you may as well make sure everyone does not get instinct that could turn them into war criminals in future.
while he geneva convention only really requires you educate the armed forces the public should ideally be informed too. so i think that aspect of it is at least healthy to aspire to.
(i actually read all versions of the geneva convention once on my kindle with the text-to-speech lol)
I am 100% on board with you here.
Probably because lorewise bap is full medic, he doesn’t shoot… That much
REAL combatants are not allowed to carry the cross. Overwatch is a fantasy. And the Geneva convention does not apply here.
it does apply in that its media in the real world subject ot real world laws…
now i would agree that the overwatch univerts seams to have other laws because otherwise ana would be in deep **** since she uses chemical weapons basically… that is a serious war crime…
This is the point, the laws for the cross DO apply here, because Blizzard doesn’t have a license to use the symbol.
They can and VERY VERY much have applied it to other computer games. I am frankly super surprised they haven’t to OW yet
Red cross on a teal background, like the health pack. They’re legally clear. The “Red Cross” logo is a red cross on a white background, as far as law is concerned.
Other games were forced out even with their stuff not being on a white background.
Legally, I am guessing they are one letter away from making the symbols green.
I suspect they will leave it like this, until that letter happens though.
Nah, still don’t agree with your last posts mate @Confusiarch.
All of this is quite dumb to me.
No way hypnotizing someone with a symbol would help you in war time.
Not that I know what war time means.
I just know that you’ll get poor agility using hypnotizing.
You need to convince to get real agility.
That would mean healthpack are also in trouble…
never mentiond hypnosis just harbit formation and trained reaction…
I actually think the red cross should allow the symbol in games but with strict criteria for how users interact with it…
I.e if you shoot someone with it you should expect for everything go to hell in a hand basket every time…
That would condition people appropriately if they ever do end up being a combatant .
But i suppose the most practical approach may just be to force everyone to leave the symbol alone… but ideally do do that i think the game industry needs to agree on a new symbol to uniformly use that is very diffrent… and then stick with that symbol.
Then the Red Cross was overstepping their bounds in those cases. Their symbol includes the white background.
lets go to the source…
The Geneva Conventions Act 1958 prohibits any design nearly resembling the red cross or red crescent emblems “as to be capable of being mistaken for, or understood as referring to, one of those emblems.”
Like, that is pretty damn clear cut.
It is VERY VERY much in law seen as covering a large large large area in design scape, to stop any “But this symbol we were driving under, to use to move troops to shoot people wasn’t ACTUALLY a red cross, but a slight variant” excuses.