Question for all the nerf doomfist people

  • Seismic slam shouldn’t tick up damage if you’re sliding on a roof.
  • If they took Brig’s ability to propel herself off of ramps and inclines, why did they still allow Doom to do so? :thinking:
  • Make his abilities move him a little slower. Currently he can essentially fly and moves very erratically.
  • A lot of Doom’s success relies on him landing Seismic Slam. Slam needs a more audible cue when it’s activated not when it lands.
  • He currently has the most accurate shotgun in the game and he can animation cancel shooting it. Adding recovery time after firing a shot would allow for some kind of reaction/counterplay or maybe just increase its spread.

These are my suggestions, however fruitless. My preferred solution is to flat out delete him from the game. He’s stupid and broken. Take Hanzo and Widow with him while we’re fantasising.

Using the, “Well c’mon, suggest ideas to change him then!” to decry people taking issue with his design is a bit of a cop out because it isn’t the community’s job to design him. Additionally, someone can have an issue with a stupidly designed hero without having compiled a list of changes, concept art and a biography. No matter what people do or say, Blizzard still pulls the trigger on any changes.

The sheer amount of people saying it’s BS should be enough and Blizzard has access to real data while we only have anecdotes.

Edit: Additionally, if anyone thinks my suggestions would “put him in the bin”. Please remember that I’m being generous and the bin is where I want him to be.


I don’t remember this. Can you give me that patch?

Bug fixes Don’t count, it’s like saying “fixed a bug where bastion wouldn’t heal”. Things that need to work and get fixed are not buffs

I only remember the dmg buff when she was reworked into sym 3.0 and I’m just taking in consideration after sym 3.0 was live. Yeah she got the ignore armor buff but that was more to counter goats instead of buffing her (it didn’t work). Also take in mind that she was good because of the ammo regeneration while shooting shields. If the meta would’ve been dive, she wouldn’t get any nerfs because she wouldn’t be effective. Also sym is kind of a team effort when full charge (just like bastion or zaryab full charge) so trying to 1v1 her when full charge is dumb.

Then how would you get to max dmg?

I agree with this, it could be because he’s a DPS while Brig and moira (yeah moira had one) are supports but then why did they removed genji’s super jump and triple jump? (Idk if you know about this. It was very early on the game)

I think it’s his playstile, maybe Nerf the speed but not the range that he moves (?) But he’ll need some compensation

Uh sure but… I think it’s loud enough, not like rocket punch but…
Anyway he’s not gonna kill you with a seismic slam, he’ll probably uppercut to shotgun but at the time he uppercuts you clearly have time to react, sure if you’re a support different from Brig or Moira you can’t escape but if you’re like a mccree who got the combo then there’s no excuse for missing the stun

This is probably the dumbest complain I’ve heard about him lmao. Have you seen doomfist ever relying on his shotgun? I’ve only seen that when he’s hacked couse he can’t do anything else and I think he’s pretty useless. The only moment I see that thing being used is when he gets out and does some dmg to shield or whatever, or after slam or uppercut.

Lmao, I hate Hanzo too but. Chill :slight_smile:

It’s not the community’s job to design him but it’s the community’s job to identify the problem and give solution to it. If doomfist doesn’t work correctly you should say at least 1 of the worst things he has and what to replace it with
I may do my own doomfist rework soon… Soon…

i don’t think nerfing an overtuned hero to a normal, balanced level should put him in “the trashcan”. But it seems like a lot of people exclusively want to play heroes with huge K/D potential like Doomfish, so if he got nerfed in any way and became more challenging in any way they would stop playing him completely. Then his pickrate would drop, and blizzard would sound the alarm again and buff him again. it’s a vicious circle. The problem is balancing heroes based on pick rate or even win rate rather than some other empirical criteria.

Like, some heroes are blatantly obviously overtuned based on their abilities alone (like Mei), but then they get buffed even more just because they have lower pickrate than other heroes. Meanwhile, the pickrate stays low because the community genuinely hates the hero because of how powerful it’s become, or how cheesy its’ abilities are, or whatever - they just have no interest playing that hero. Blizzard sees low pickrate and buffs the hero again. That’s not balancing, that’s mismanagement.

It came out August 9, 2019. I dont remember the exact patch number.

Yes, they do count. They drastically changed how she functions and how she damaged enemies.

No, not really. This also affected Zarya’s beam as well. It dramatically made them deadlier; they wouldn’t have ignored it even if she wasn’t meta. They nerfed Torbjorn’s alternative fire because it was actually too strong, and he has never been close to meta.

I play Symm. I actually enjoy her. I’ll charge my beam off of someone on the team and then chase after others with a fully charged beam. It’s not that the enemy tried to 1v1 me. I isolated them to 1v1 them, and it was VERY easy to kill people when the tickrate fix hit live.

Neglecting how impactful the tickrate fix was, even if it wasn’t a specific buff to Zarya, is dishonest.

Sym always will always be a target, unfortunately, but doomfist…his kit isnt like anything else.
The only one’s that should be able to one shot a hero are the snipers, not someone’s giant metal fist.

He was a problem even before the meta. My fellow silver plebs can do his combos. Maybe not well, but they can still get at least one kill and almost make it out with a snippet of health.

I dunno the Dooms you vs but the good ones sneak in shotgun shots between combos and then immediately cancel it with another cooldown. EG Slam + shot + uppercut. The shot in the middle there doesn’t even play because you can cancel it immediately. It’s a free 50-150ish damage and just looks like he slammed + uppercutted you.
Due to this, I also think his shotty damage could come down a little.

Why should it?

Mate I’ve been here since beta.

I’m not sure you’re reading my suggestions well enough.


With doomfist you need use his body as weapon and is really hard to master he takes way too much time

With Sym you can camp most of the time with the sentries to get ur kills

So unless you increase the skill-celling of Sym i dont think she is allowed be on same caliber as him

iirc jeff said there would be no reworks until overwatch 2

so, for doomfist, he has an insta kill and his only non-cc ability is his primary fire
since theyre not gonna do reworks, they can nerf him to f tier and let him rot for all I care

I would rework him into a Tank. He has the Hitbox and CC to work as a Tank. All he needs would be damage-output nerfs and health-buffs. Maybe buff his passive aswell.

I want him out of the game.

His kit is fundamentally flawed, which is why he keeps going from OP to useless. He can’t be balanced. There are several characters like this. The kits are just poorly designed.

I would rather he be usless than OP. When he’s weak, only the people that play him suffer. When he is OP everyone else suffers.

Right? Someone who understands me lol
But people can’t do anything but say he’s to easy course they get one shot. I also think they’ve never tried doomfist before

Doomfist main don’t suffer
Oh btw. He’s not op. Specially when I hack him

Yet almost every single one of the tens of thousands of players encompassing the 99th percentile disagrees. That’s crazy. Maybe they should git gud :frowning:

What’s needed is an ability or hero that allows players to survive Doomfist’s combo potential.

Zarya’s bubbles are a good place to start but they don’t last long enough and she only gets 1 that she can give to her allies, plus it’s exclusive only to Zarya. Maybe give a similar ability to other heroes/classes? Or an ability that grants temporary HP boosts beyond normal limits will allow victims of Doomfist’s combos to survive his onslaught.

It’s either that or nerfing Doomfist’s damage, cooldowns, HP or anything involving only him.

Edits for spelling, grammar and structure.

Sym isn’t a good comparison. Even with people complaining about her before her nerfs, Reaper and Doom were both still far superior. The only other thing she brought to this meta was her ult, imo. She wasn’t super powerful in double barrier, she is in fact, very weak against it because she can’t do much when there are constant shields. Adding a third barrier that eclipses all other barriers in terms of strength was her only saving grace.

And then, you charge your beam, put up a wall, then get punched into an actual wall, because Doomfist is stupid.

She is not and never has been on the same level of power as Doomfist. To even make that comparison is one of the biggest reaches I’ve seen in quite a while.

And after all that she’s gone back to being one of the worst heroes you could pick.
Hell even after the beam changes Doomfist just runs her over like nothing.

Dont go talking about nerfs and trash tier like doomfist and sym havnt ever been viable. You want to talk pointless nerfs sombra has become a glorified star wars meme and doomfist players helped that along

I disagree. Sym and Doom are better DPS than Sombra in terms of kill potential, but Sombras existence can turn some heroes into genuine throw picks (Doom, Hammond, Zen).

Hack and EMP will never not be strong.

Doomfist is basically a failed design.

When he was released it was full of bugs, for good and bad. That way Doomfist were able to hit you even if there was a car or part of the scenario betwen you and him. In any case the fact that he was a brawler, that the upercut was letting you without the chance to do anything against it and having a one shot kill ability made him one of the most hated characters in overwatch. There were, by that time, even articles from the forbes magazine with the title “why Doomfist is the most hated hero”.

Then after some adjustments and nerfs he went to oblivion, now the meta and some adjustments more and indirect buffs made him unstroppable. The only counter to a Doomfist is basically another doomfist.

He doesnt need buffs or nerfs, he needs a serious rework. One where the develop team can think twice about his place in this game. Same happened with brig for example. Doomfist is not the only flawled design from blizzard, one that you pointed out was sym, or even bastion if you allow me to say it.

Yes I agree with you in one thing, same as symm, you change this or that and she is trash or he is trash and then he dominates and theres never a middle ground. That should give us a hint of … how can a character be so badly designed that his kit can be so dominating or so weak without a middle ground.

Basically when you have a character that is so realiant on his ability set you obtain that. About the hate, I cannot help it, basically cause i understand people that want to play the game. And let me develop this idea a bit more please…

I can understand the frustration of playing against him, same as mei, symm or other characters basically cause…
In a first perspective game theres a stronger identification with your character, everybody knows that is bad design when you take, in such kind of games, the control away from the player.

That losing control, been pushed freezing etc (not only to doomfist) causes more frustration to players cause they feel defendlessness. So any character whose abilities are based on stripping your character abilities from you can be frustrating and lead you to such kind of bad feeling.

If you think about it doomfist was shut down by sombra in the past. The enemy team picked up a doomfist you could pick a sombra just focusing on doomfist and the doomfist was…done. Exactly the same as picking a doomfist made anas or zen to change or live a hell of a game without the chance to fight back.

My point, my dear friend, is that this game is full of characters that are hard counters, that are so skill based that today they are trash tomorrow they dominate, that the game feels terrible lot of times, that random sources of damage is populating the game and, honestly making the game feel terrible and also adding frustration to the playerbase. I think that it could be good for all if Doomfist design is taken a good look, so doomfist players can play him without going from 0 to 10, and the rest of players could play the game without having so much sources of cc around.
It could be better for the playerbase, for doomfist players and for the general feeling of the game, to be honest.

I’m ok with DF being a niche/not a pick. Granted, I don’t like anything about DF. Not when he was introduced, not when he was nerfed, not when he was op, not when he was “balanced”. Don’t think I’ll ever like what this hero brings to the game.

Just doesn’t feel like he fits.

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Doomfist has top-tier:

  • Damage
  • Mobility
  • Crowd control
    …and is tanky on top of that (The Best Defense…).

My recommendations:

  • Scrap Hand Cannon and The Best Defense…
  • Take the cooldown off Rocket Punch and make it his primary attack
    *Remove Uppercut’s floatiness
    Results: Doomfist’s skill ceiling and opportunities for counterplay both go way up.