Question about what is considered "3rd party"

Okay so in recent news of Visor and Pursuit being banned (thank you!)… I would like to ask… What is considered 3rd party?

This is my assumption, anything that READ YOUR SCREEN is considered bannable, so sites like Overtrack (Also an app) should ALSO be taken down… Just for consistency.

If this is the case, Overbuff, MasterOverwatch are safe… UNLESS 3rd party also takes “Website Scrapers” into account, which I personally don’t think should be banned.

That is all, just some thoughts that rolled into my mind and have caused debates.

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i don’t think pursuit was part of it…it doesn’t give the player real time information. like the statement says. and they can’t ban reading your screen applications entirely. because then every recorder or streamer will get banned automaticly. as far as i know only Visor breaks the rule of conduct. as it stands now.

Screen readers should always be banned, OBS for example IS NOT because it just copies your screen, and doesn’t directly give you in game stats.

Pursuit is, indeed, not allowed.

Edit: this is from the reddit thread on it. Not from me. I don’t use any 3rd party programs. Just don’t care enough to install them.

Edit #2: I can’t get it to link without just pulling that image, so here is the forum thread with the Reddit thread link in the first post:


Yeah, big key word people fail to see is SCREEN READER

i don’t use either of them so i never got that email

Blizzard is the first party, they are the business

You are the second party, you are the consumer

Anything the business does not explicitly provide is already a third party if it affects their product

Anything that gives you information you couldn’t tell yourself is generally a ban able offense. So that one app that told you the enemy Ult levels was obviously inside information. The other that told you enemies were behind you, etc.

Honestly not sure how they are going to do anything about it, in terms of detecting it’s use and so on. But until the built in game recorder is improved they really can’t afford to do much.

I can record perfect games on OBS, if I use the battlenet recording options it’s a jumpy blurry mess and often cuts off a couple minutes into the match.

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I made a post edit, but neither do I. I don’t care enough about games to go through all that.

I posted the reddit thread URL, and it grabbed the first post’s image (shown) instead of linking the entire damned thread. Sigh.

Yes, but my concern is Blizzard’s inconsistency, I understand what a 3rd party means.

I was wondering what does 3rd party mean to THEM?

Didn’t they already explain this

Just like how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop, the world may never know. They keep that kind of thing vague as possible on purpose. That way if the need to chagne their minds later on they have the legal ground work to do so.

Basically “third party” includes everything running on your computer that is not Overwatch. What they actually enforce right now seems to be screen readers that do something with that info. IF they wanted they could ban people for running the windows Calculator.

Not clearly… Not yet anyways.

Wait, which one is this? Was this also visor? I used it’s super early beta, and I don’t remember it…

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Why are you tankful Pursuit got banned? It gives you info on your match 10 minutes after it’s over. I think Blizz needs to either add its own system or allow Pursuit.

Oh yeah I believe their statement only applied to information midgame.


Screen recorders that give you info are not allowed in a perfect world. Opinions, not here to argue about it.

A screen recorder that helps you 10 minutes later sounds completely harmless. It’s like having an automated VoD coach.

Dota 2 has one but it watches your game after it’s over (there are replays of every game for a short time)


I dunno, people need to learn to coach themselves, learn the info themselves.

Pretty sure there was a post linked by one of their very own. The post that talked about why these are not acceptable.

There was, but as I said, it was extremely vague.