Question about Mercy being unfun

In that case we are talking about effective healing and not healing in one match.
Mercy can always, only heal 50-60HP/s
Ana can heal in less than a second (~0.85s with one hit) 75HP. With healing nade 150HP with one hit.
That’s far better healing in the mid fight which can keep teammates way better alive than 50-60HP/s which can easily be outdmged.
Moria can heal 80HP/s and effectively 400HP/s (On all Teammates at the same time), very good in Tank heavy lineups, same goes for Ana.

Zen, Brig and Lucio are not main healers but the healing they can do, with the dmg on top of that, is way more useful than everything Mercy can do and all sups have Ult’s which also help the team in big ways. Be it just raw healin, protection or better dmg. They all have better Ult’s than Val ever could be.

Mercy res is pointless if nothing every dies or dies to rapidly. But you are right with her movement. No other sup can compete with that. But that’s still very little utility.

Now you’re just assuming things.
Also, you could stack your main heal with your Q heal, so I don’t think that last bit would be an issue.

Doesn’t change the fact their shield cannot soak too many damages ! Same for healing, she cannot outheal most of the roster anymore and it is healthy.

She is the go-to the same way S76 is, jack of all trade ! Not so hard to pickup, not « she has to be the best on every domains »

Just a bit of a clarification, her nade heals 100hp BUT provides a 50% bonus healing which means her healing increases during this status effect. Making it relatively easy to just nade a tank, and fully heal them within around 3-4 shots.

You cannot give theorical figures like this, you have to take the whole picture !

Ana : yes she has good healing output and a burst. Does she has always 100% accuracy ? Nop.

Moira : has to be close to her target and has no good mobility. Does she has the same capacity to go from one target to another ? No.

Now mercy : she has the consistency and a good healing output on top of mobility. If you keep increasing her healing efficiency, what would be the point to pick another healer ? Back to square 1 when mercy was mandatory.

Now, could you please tell me, in average, what their healing outputs are ? Is mercy lacking ? Nop.

Ah i forget that. Yeah it’s only 50% more. But that’s still ~107Hp per hit, which is way more than Mercy can do in such a short time.

That is looking at the bigger picture already. If played at max efficiency Mercy is just pointless. And even in minimal efficiency all the other sups can still do way more than Mercy. Even with Ana, with which you only really need to hit a nade, which is far away from difficult.

The healing outputs on average are not important in the regards of effective use.
Mercy always had the better average healing than Ana, even back then she was deemed a troll pick, before they nerfed Ana to the ground.

But anyway. It’s off topic now, so i will just say that to get back on topic.
50HP/s feels bad to use and is is way too weak. 60 would be good, not too strong and enjoyable to use.

Has been used before the last nerf mostly those that wanted mass-rez back used “under-powered” as their argument when that was proven wrong and Mercy was fine they used “unfun” as their argument… even though imo she has bunny hope and super jump which are more fun than what she used to be. But ehh mass-rez!!!

because 'unfun" was the reason why mercy was reworked,because people complained massrez was unfun to play against

That may be fine,but all of a sudden its not fine to use ''mercy is unfun" to change her again?



The more level-headed fans take care to let people know they are talking about her ultimate.

It was not solely on the unfun factor, it was overpwered with invulnerablity and honestly imo it’s just hard to balance a rez especially an ultimate one.

“It was frustrating to play against, and it incentivized Mercy players to hide away from important battles, instead of taking part in them”

From the developer comment.
Your only source of fun is mass-rez? I really don’t understand why such ability is the only way to actually enjoy the game when you recieved two really neat mechanics even if they were added by accident still they remained and increase the fun factor of mercy and actually her skill requirement.

I still find her fun and enjoy playing her.

Feeling of something being fun is subjective: something you find fun about an OW hero may very much be not something your friend will agree with. The only advice to people complaining they do not find Mercy fun to play is to stop playing her - stop torturing youserlf.

Mercy being suddenly unfun depends on what you find the most fun about her in the first place. If all the fun was concentrated in the Mass Res, then I suppose, yes, replacing MR with Valk took all the fun out of Mercy’s toolkit. If it was the high healing output, the ability to sustane your teammates under heavy fire, again, yes, the nerf of 60hp/s to 50hp/s hurt you hard.

To me Mercy’s hallmark is GA which makes her gameplay very fast-paced: you are always on the move, dashing from one teammate to another, from Phara in the air to Rein on the ground, playing tag with adversary Tracer-Winston duo trying to catch you. So to me she is as fun as she was before, harder to heal, but the fantastic mobility is still there.

its much harder to balance rez as an ability

the proof is in the last year of mercy moth meta.

Rez as an ult would have been far easier to balance,they just went too far with invincibility,but that was added because mercy was TRASH ,she kept dying during ult which is why that was added. They could have solved that issue by just having damage reduction or a number of other ideas,but reworking her was a kneejerk reaction that was not necessary.

And the new mercy has not increased her skill requirement,she is easier to play then before,because the thought process now is easy :

  • is it safe to rez? rez !
  • is it not safe to rez? dont rez. You can go for risky rezzes but the higher you climb the more this is punished.

Mercy was SO easy to use after the rework they had to nerf her so much.
Old mercy was underpowered and was challenging to get value out of ,especially before her invincibility buff. And i’d argue that mercy was healthier for the game then rework has been.


Her gameplay was “ok” becuase she had a high reward ability, “Mass rez”.

Now her gameplay is boring because you literaly do nothing and cant save the game by your own.

You can have a Bot Mercy or a Silver Mercy will be the same thing.

Result she was always boring, but now theres no reward for playing her, you dont give utility like Ana, Brig, Lúcio and Zen, you have a 30 seconds rez that may or may not be your death.


You actually still have that thought process with E but with less impact I guess and no hiding and more punishable if your judgement is wrong.

I agree that Mercy was a mess and too op when she had the instant-rez but I still think valk id much more better than mass-rez.

And i’m glad they increased her healing when she uses valk was basically what i wanted. (Well reverted it)

I know it may seem like Mercy is mostly the same. She isn’t though because Mass Resurrect contained probably 80-90 percent of Mercy’s impact and power. That’s probably not a great design, but it is how it was.

Moving on from that… think about what sort of power fantasy Old Mercy had. From what I’ve been able to tell, she had 2 main ones, which I will describe in the next two paragraphs.

The Cleric. The hero who gives up all offensive power in exchange for unmatched ability to keep her team alive. Old Mercy was that in spades. Her heal beam at 60 HPS was (usually) enough to handle general fighting and her ult could save her team from any ultimate combo you can name… as long as Mercy didn’t get wrecked by it too. Mass Resurrect being replaced by Valkyrie makes it so Mercy can’t save her team no matter what comes. That shattered this power fantasy.

The Horror protagonist. The hero who is being hunted and chased by forces they can’t possibly stand up against in direct conflict… so they don’t. They run, they hide, they use their wits to survive as best they can. Then if they are successful they reap huge rewards. Mass Resurrect was both the Mercy’s reward and the motivation for Mercy’s enemies to actually hunt her. Losing Mass Resurrect shattered this power fantasy as well.

Truthfully… I don’t know what sort of power fantasy Current Mercy is supposed to fulfill.


I heavily dislike Mercy’s state, and have disliked her since her rework.

The thing is that current Mercy has nothing but her guardian angel to show the skill of the player.

If a Mercy dies every fight, theyre going to get resurrect every 30 seconds.

If a Mercy is constantly living and supporting her team to the best of her abilities: resurrect is still going to be given every 30 seconds.


It does everything for you, I dont really activate it anymore when my team engages a fight, because when i do it doesnt feel like I was even helping my team, i was just, sitting there in the sky.

Due to the fact that theres nothing but a “hey look Im helping my team while in the skybox!” and “Hey look! I’m rezing!! But dont worry, even if you kill me ill have it in the next 30 seconds~ :wink:

Dont even get me started on the 50 hps, its so excruciatingly slow trying to heal tanks.

I think her new kit could make her more fun for old Sombra mains who miss cooldown (GA, Pistol reloading) and resource juggling. Heal-bot is over…
Try this at the practice range:
Toggling back and forth, heal up the two blue bots who are taking damage, don’t let them die. Try to draw your pistol and damage the red bots while they reload.
At the same time, try to damage boost the blue bot that shoots when he is firing, and draw your pistol and “cover” him while he reloads.
When you get valk fly over to where the large group of mobile bots are and go on a killing spree. See if you can return to position before the first two blue bots get destroyed.
I think this is where great fun as Mercy lies, she’s a whole different hero now.

Shes been unfun since the healing changes.

Let me explain. They made it so that healing was a drag, it got boring healing someone and watching them die anyway. This change was also a nerf to her ultimate gain, and her ult being the only thing she could use almost every fight because of how fast it charged.

The healing change makes it so:

  1. I get to watch people die while i heal them
  2. I now have no utility to use every fight, res doesnt get used every fight, and valk is used every other fight (no matter what).

This is the main reason that Mercy got extremely boring, as well as under powered after the change. The change made recently fixes a lot of this.

The “unfun” statement that you’ve seen comes from the fact that Mercy has very little impact if you look at one fight independently, in the grand scheme of things she had res, which isnt that interesting to use, and valk which since you get it midfight you’d often use it defensively which was another issue because it barely got any value.

This change means i can engage every fight with valk, just like when Mercy was considered OP back in July, but now just with less base healing.

She’s not suddenly unfun…

Here’s my post from November of 2017 (almost a year ago) where I state that Mercy is no longer fun:

And here’s a post explaining why I don’t find her fun anymore (please expand the post as it’s longer than just one paragraph)