Question about Mercy being unfun

Here’s my take on it,
When I fell in love with playing Mercy back during the healer draught of season 1 I loved her for two reasons,

  1. It was a fun game of cat and mouse with the flankers, I had to be on my toes with GA and still find the focus and time to heal my team AND track enemy ultimates for point 2.
  2. IMpactful feeling. A successful rez whether it was tempo or mass felt good, in the same way a zenyatta feels good for popping that trance just right or that Ana gets for stopping that potentially team wiping ult with Sleep dart.

Now though, not only does Valkyrie and E rez not even come close to that impactful feeling at all (I mean Valk dosen’t even have the burst healing of coalesance to pull a tank out of danger for example it’s literally just a pocket for everyone which is always the most boring aspect of Mercy)
But her new abilities ALSO screwed with the flow of point number 1 because

  1. E rez isn’t the fair vulnerability that made me enjoy the chase it’s a Self CC that unless you’re being babysat is welcoming death
  2. The tactical thought that required the ult tracking is gone, E rez is basically the equivilant of Looking both ways before you cross and the only time to really get value out of Valk is to pop it before a fight starts.
  3. Valk is so hard to hit the only danger are hit scan ulti’s or Master+ level hit scan players and even then it’s a shot in the dark.

In TL;DR Fair Vulnerability and the Impactful Feeling that pulled it all together is why I enjoyed Mercy, E rez and Valkyrie spit in the face of both of these concepts by way of how they function or what they replace.

This is why I find Mercy 2.0 unfun to the point I refused to play her even after the January Nerfs where she was still a must pick apparently


I find unfun the way I have 0 impact in game. Her ultimate is useless. Other healers have ults that can be really usefull to counter other ultis or even to power up heroes like Ana does. But Mercy? It sucks.

Also, she’s supposed to be a mobility hero. She flyes from one play to another healing everybody. But then, suddenly, I have to stop to rez somebody and it tooks a million years while I’m there standing barely moving. If you wanna rez good, you have to be careful and hide. So basically, you are hiding again.

I never hid as a Mercy, only keep my distance, and I managed to get some risky amazing resses, even with Mercy 2.0 before they nerfed rez and it was ultra slow. I loved how that risk felt: jumping to a dead ally and try to ress them without being noticed. But not now. There’s nothing risky and exciting. Or I hide and it’s boring or I don’t hide and I’m dead.

I personally don’t mind the healbot part, I enjoy healing and powering up my teammates and that’s the only thing that is the same. Different part is that before there were special moments when I felt I was making a change in the game, when I felt like: this is my moment! Now I don’t. It’s like it doesn’t matter what I do. Just heal, hide, heal, hide.

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