So your idea of feedback is to not provide any clear point, contradict yourself with every single post, only resort to personal attacks when called out by everyone and given very clear facts and proof every time, only to repeatedly change your stance on an argument that you can’t even wrap your head around?
Yea that tracks
And it’s given all of us here a really good laugh lol
I mean if you dont understand the context of what I have said or what devils advocation discussions are. Thats not on me. thats on you.
Also. I’ve seen you type “Cry” and “laugh” lot. are you an angsty teen or what? Adults don’t type “cry” or laugh a billion types in chat, when they simply dont agree with something. It just comes off as the guy at the speech podium that already lost the argument 10 minutes ago.
Except that we already covered this and you ARENT being devils advocate you’re just whining and attack anyone who proves you wrong. and if you want me to stop typing things like crying and whining then stop doing it. It’s not wrong to call the sky blue and the grass green when the sky is blue and the grass is green. 37 post worth and counting of proof
Yes the ones who provided evidence to you and did what I am about to do and walk away from a trolling spam poster who can’t be bothered to read the abundance of proof that they have repeatedly given you.
But thanks again for all of the very funny backwards takes you shared. Gave the adults in the room a good laugh all weekend
Never said I was trolling. I asked for facts and evidence.
I pray you never buy any stock options because you’d probably get rooked by every seedy stock broker on wallstreet. If you got no numbers or statistics just like they dont have.
you pretty much solidified you dug your own hole and cant climb out of it either.,
Have a good day. Hit me up on here when you have solid facts and can calm your emotional predispositions.
You didn’t, I did. And you were given them. Repeatedly. It’s no one’s fault but yours that you ignored and attacked everyone who provided it to you every time. Bye bye lil bro
Except for the fact that you were provided them through the entire thread. Every response we all gave to you. You not reading any of them and just spamming messages is on uou
I get free phone number changes. It costs nothing. I play for like a month, leave for 4-6 months, and then come back.
Everyone who’s been here a while knows my user name since 2017.
I don’t care about losing accounts because I routinely delete them when I get tired of dealing with the players in this game just to make sure I don’t log in and annoy myself, then I change the number on my second line (costs nothing) and create a new one when I want to play for a couple/few weeks again. It also ensures that I never buy a single battle pass, skin, etc. in these games.
I’ve always maintained two accounts to reduce the spam I get to my main line. It’s very cheap. I don’t do it “just cause Blizzard implemented phone number authorization.” I use it the same way I use my “spam me bro” email accounts - as disposables.
Congratulations for delivering those words of wisdom, though.
Even if they banned me, I’d literally be back in 5 minutes after calling my cell phone carrier and changing the number. I have zero cares and give zero fooks. AFAIC, they get penalized harsher from me reporting THEM.
I can’t wait for the post crying saying “why was I banned I didn’t do anything ” lil sis don’t know bans are a thing. No access to internet or basic google searches seems like. Oh well, we will all have the popcorn ready to read it
I can’t wait for the post crying saying “why was I banned I didn’t do anything ” lil sis don’t know bans are a thing. No access to internet or basic google searches seems like. Oh well, we will all have the popcorn ready to read it
You are one to talk.
Is there a way to get chat logs from game? My account was silenced for 2 weeks over a month ago and I’ve since been trying to get any reasoning aside from the standard GM Copypasta about T.O.S being breached, but not giving any specifics as to what I said that broke the rules.
From other posts I’ve read and account actions I’ve seen from friends, in most other cases they are given specific quotes of what was said that lead to action being taken. I’ve submitted like 10 tickets asking for help from the so called customer support, and each one has been closed after a GM gives the same copy paste responses, and there is no way to reopen them.
Is there a way to get these chat logs? Or do I just have to accept that I won’t be given any assistance from the company, GMs, or anyone at Blizzard or OW?
YUP, you are the reason why people leave matches.
Thanks Bro . You made my day. Absolutely 100% Gold.
Here’s your bait back.
100% rotten too. didn’t bother throwing it in the fridge for you.
(you just outted yourself too). (Insert Jessie Pinkmen line).
From the child who has openly admitted that to throwing, excessive leaving, spamming, trolling, and both cares so much that it brings them to tears while also claiming not to care about the game at all (then making +40 posts on how they don’t care so much), not reading a single post unless it outright agrees with you, and have also admitted to being wrong without realizing it multiple times in one thread. You totally got me kiddo. Lmao literally nothing you say holds any weight because you have already shown that you don’t have an actual stance on the OP topic and just want to keep whining and projecting your personal problems
And again trying to rank shame me for a rank that I passed out of years ago or falsify someone else’s time/matches played while wildly inflating your own. Has that kind of thing ever worked outside of the elementary school playground? lol go back to whining about everyone leaving your matches can’t see why anyone would want to avoid someone so amazing. Gunna need to switch to single player games soon lol
Given the fact that you literally just poured your heart out on another forum thread to someone that works for blizzard. complaining about being banned for 2 weeks and then getting the thread shut down by the staff. I’d say its a safe bet you got banned for your behavior from Overwatch for a very good reason. and it really does reinforce why people do leave matches that you are in.
I’d absolutely leave a match you are in. Because you dont know when to shut up and play the game.
Sorry, after seeing that. Im not too worried about this much anymore, and the fact that you got called a “troll” and baiting that thread too. Comical.
Sorry, your QQ 2 week ban thread alone solidifies you lost the discussion.