One correction on that, evidently downloading your data can include most of your chat lines, so you can scour through those logs. But they don’t have to provide them at time of penalty and the CS staff may not be able to fulfill your request for the specific lines. That’s why getting your data is the best way.
My dude, if there is something known in this forum, is that your claims are absolutely hypocritical. You say 1 thing and do another.
“I don’t care” - while replying INSTANTLY to any thread about leaver penalty.
The amazing part is that you still dont realize that:
You are not getting anything done
No one, except serial leavers are on your “side”
Penalties won’t go anywhere
If you truly didn’t care, you would not be replying to these threads.
What game bans PLAYERS my guy?
What game has a person fingerprint installed that can track your DNA or personalized movements with MNK that even switching hardware/accounts you will still get banned?
So far, my experience with QP leavers penalty has been almost every QP game I’ll have a leaver from my team or the opposition. Typically leaving with about 30sec-1min left of the game so some poor person gets to join and see “loser”.
The only benefit I see it’s had for people, is for toxic people. I’ll get put in a game with someone throwing intentionally, but if I leave I’ll have to wait for my timer, so I will typically have to play it out to prevent suspension. So all I’ve found it has achieved is keeping matches filled for toxic players, they will leave my game cos they don’t care but I can’t leave theirs cos I actually want to play.
This is fake mate, sorry but its not flying.
We all play the game, we all can see that is not the case at all.
When the penalty was XP based, we had leavers in 80% of the matches, most of them with a leaver chain or multiple leavers. Game was borderline unplayable.
This is NOT the case right now.
Now don’t wreck your brain, no one is saying leavers don’t exist or the issue is solved, but it is a deterrent that is definitely working.
Now if it works very well or just “ok”, that might be a perception but claiming its not working is a trillion % dishonest and a gaslight attempt that will not be tolerated.
I play only qp/arcade and I am a leaver myself, so including me + people leaving game after they typed they’re having lags + just random leavers > I have leavers every 2nd-4th game
Ofc it’s not as bad as it was before with 10± people leaving during one match ( i had such game with 6 people left a week ago)
Careful he’s going to accuse you of being another account that’s just run by one person because there’s no way anyone could disagree with them. They’ve already done that like 3 time in one thread
Nah, this dude already got refuted multiple times and added me to ignore list.
The moment you start pointing the double standards/hypocrite stances, backs out real fast and tries to “be offended” and gaslight everyone into thinking that the penalties did nothing.
I wish they removed the penalties for 1 week just so people could see how unplayable the game was and stop throwing false claims in the forum.
I guess I dont remember anything from 2017-2022 where matches were “unplayable” as you state. But I mean if you want to have that for a patch. I am 100% fine with that.
Now I mean after the launch of Overwatch 2 100% yes, matches had most people leaving after the first team fight.
What none of you are talking about is why people were rage quitting after the first loss team fights in Overwatch 2 vs Overwatch 1. Where there was substantially less leaving in that version of the game.
I think if we keep this discussion on topic its safe to assume people are leaving matches after the first team fight due to team inadequacies.
What keller says is “poor behavior” is people leaving because of something he didn’t address in the launch of Overwatch 2, which makes those first team fights come off as a total loss and not recoverable. Hes busy calling people “poor sports” despite its really just his lack of understanding of being a game designer compared to his former boss Jeff kaplan. Which seamed to know how to flow match design.
His whole “accept the game for what it is or get lost” attitude is also why he got his IP sold off Microsoft by his bosses. and also why we are not seeing Microsoft budget this game for new content such as new maps, new modes and story missions.
adding heroes is also NOT “new content” and neither is cash grabs in the battle pass. I mean if thats what people want to do is tell people to like a bad format of the game and to “F/O and play other games.” thats going to lead to more blizzard cuts, and why PVE content will never get rolled out again.
But as for leaving. Absolutely QP suspensions are suspending people with single accounts, but not those that own multiple accounts. Since they are banning accounts NOT players. Which I think is hard for some here to grasp that people are creating throw-away accounts readily and easily,
and those with a diverse understanding of how to circumvent digital systems see this as no actual barrier. (Hence why some people should attend Defcon in Vegas and learn a few things
What game bans PLAYERS my guy?
What game has a person fingerprint installed that can track your DNA or personalized movements with MNK that even switching hardware/accounts you will still get banned?
100% exactly. So you answered the topic of “QP Suspension is useless”.
Hence you are banning accounts, not the players. So people just come back, rinse and repeat.
I mean until they effectively either put up a cash barrier speed bump, its not slowing down anyone from making new accounts.
When there was no punishment for leaving, Quick Play turned into a barrage of people joining and leaving on maps they didn’t want to play. Playing through a match was often cumbersome and sometimes impossible. Not a great experience. I think some sort of penalty should stay in place to curb that behavior, even if it’s different from the current design.
Yeah and now we have people stuck on maps they do not want to play, soft or hardthrowing and making it an even worse experience. Plus people who are getting stomped have a terrible time, because not only do they have a bad time, they get punished ON TOP of having a bad time.
any thoughts on habitual leavers being assigned to a backfill only queue, where they only get backfill assignments until they finish out x number of these?
What did I tell you about gaslighting? Its not going to fly my dude, dont try that creative writing here with me.
When the game was not F2P, the level of leavers in QP was not even remotely close to a few months before the penalties had to be more severe. Stop making up things. Stop throwing blabber.
Again, you got refuted in 9 other threads several times.
QP suspensions are not useless, they simply are not 100% effective in eliminating leavers. Stop lying and pretending anyone said they were.
They are a D E T E R R E N T . Look up that word, and understand reality:
If leavers right now are 30% of the issue they were before the deterrent was implemented, it is effective.
Stop pretending that because something is not 100% effective it equals useless, with an absurd argument about “banning account not players”, when theres not a single multiplayer game there that does ban players.
What an absurd statement. “Hey man, because you cant ban DNA or detect people through different hardware/accounts, you should implement no deterrents”.
Good one buddy. We all know your options/suggestions are “don’t do anything” because you are a serial leaver but again:
And there it is, once exposed, starts insulting everyone.
The dude that pretends what we experienced in game is a lie, and deterrents don’t matter, and when the game went F2P, the number of leavers didn’t increase dramatically.
And of course ends with a sentence playing the victim: The serial leaver that wants the game to be unplayable.
PS: The guy that “doesn’t care about penalties” but replies instantly to ALL threads. There we have it.
Okay. Thanks for the information and the insults. Rage on while I fill the “rage o meter” here.
no but seriously, if you just want to show me up. Stop stooping down to this level of conversation.
Again, sorry but poor players with bad attitudes is a pretty valid reason why people leave matches too, because you spend more time typing in matches than playing. O_O