Qp suspension is useless

If it only happened to them once, me reporting them would not matter much.

One or two single reports won’t make much of a difference.

On the other hand, if this player left many others matches I wasn’t in with them (for me to witness), then my report will help the system recongize and punish a serial leaver, which, in the end, benefits both the game and the community.

It’s never overkill. It’s like when you report someone for possibly cheating. You can’t know for sure they’re guilty, nor can you know they’re not. It’s up to your personal observation / appreciation.

If you were wrong about it, nothing happens to the player, as the OW system will verify if they have cheats or not (though in rare cases, the Overwatch system can make a mistake, like any existing systems in our society).

I behave well in the game but I’m sure I’ve been reported a few times (the rare times I got disconnected from the game or something). It’s no big deal and if people reported me for that, they were in their complete right to do so.



You… you really thought we’d buy what you’re selling?

You: Good lord what’s happening in there?

Dasaries: Aurora Borealis.

You: Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your match?

Dasaries: yes


The reason why people see fewer “leavers” is because people just don’t “leave” anymore. They “throw” instead.

Just throw so that the match ends ASAP. Then, they move on.

That’s what the adjustment has been. So, saying “I see fewer leavers in my game” isn’t really saying anything except the players have functioning brains and have adjusted to the system and adopted an alternative strategy that avoids the suspensions altogether.

I never leave the troll games (probably at least half of QP games). I simply don’t participate and let the enemy steamroll to end the match as quickly as possible.

IMO, the penalties have actually made it worst because more teams are forced to deal with a player who doesn’t want to be there just existing in the map instead of getting a replacement who will play (at least until they realize it’s a waste of their time, as well).

I will never change this strategy. I don’t waste any more time than I need to in these matches.

“GL 4v5!” → Leave VC → Leave Text Chat → Open YouTube on Second Monitor and experience true entertainment until the match is over → Repeat if anyone else wants to FAFO.


In some cases, yes

However, I know of no valid data that supports the claim that this is why that is in every case

Further, we know that those who are penalized for doing so are not playing the game for a period of time. So we do absolutely know that habitual leavers are not in matches at this time, ergo reducing the number of habitual leavers in matches. As such, what we do know says otherwise than what is being said here

As for those who do throw - this is all part of the system. Leavers-turned-throwers are reported. When they accumulate enough reports, they get MUCH much much longer suspensions that those who merely leave. Those long suspensions eventually turn into permanent bans. These lengthy absences from the game are even better for the remaining non-leaver player population

short term, for the current match, yeah, the childish leaver-turned thrower has made the current game worse for all involved

in the long term, those players are as I have already said eliminated for consecutively longer periods of time, vastly improving the remaining player population

it is entirely understandable that those who choose to be leavers or leavers-turned-throwers would be against leaver and thrower penalties, just as real life criminals would prefer lighter or no penalties for their crimes


aside: by what former forumname would we have known you as?


Most people who are chronic leavers don’t have the stubbornness to actually truly stay. The people who most often are the problem can’t stomach sitting in a game anyway feeling its a waste of time.

Most often leavers just quit the game. Its not worth their time. Leaving is low effort compared to just trying to stick out the game. Which is why they leave in the first place. Trying to actively not play is somewhere in between not caring and just playing the damn game regardless of results and not actually playing the game already.

Again, its too much effort for most chronic leavers to care to throw games.

that is exactly what I am saying.

The whole leaver penalties has caused a plethora of issues here and people just act like its the Silver solution to the problem.

its really a security blanket for some that think everything is truly “fine” after the leavers penalties has been put in place. But it feels like talking to people that don’t really see that people that are staying in matches begin to obviously throw games.

Overwatch’s “leavers” thing is people are going to “stay and throw” or “leave”. Its not anything actually being solved, and yet somehow people think the Magic report button just banishes people out of existence.

It only bans the account. Not the person doing it. I mean FFS I’ve seen accounts that I have reported over and over again in matches that I have reported for parked idling in a match being reported by the team. As well as myself reporting them, and literally the next day its the same account, spelled slightly different playing the same heroes and doing it OVER and OVER again.

Leaving is not the most disruptive thing in Overwatch and yet people just only see that as the only issue. Which is concerning because its like they have no actual game sense and are just regurgitating blizzard statements because people cant think for themselves.

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If only there was some kind of report tool or something to deal with the other things in the game that you deem more disruptive…and if only that tool banned accounts that kept getting reported…

What? They do?
Wow they can take effect mid match!
And if it happens repeatedly it could be a permanent ban!
And you’ve already been told this repeatedly and still ignored it like you will again here!


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This rarely happens, and when it does happen, those people get reported and banned because throwing is a bannable offense.

Congrats! You’re risking losing your account every time you do this.

Given the fact that you have not even 500 matches under your belt just shows how clueless and inexperienced you are at overwatch.

Got news for you. im sitting at over 23,000+ matches played and 2,595 hours played of Overwatch. I think im more qualified to talk about this game than you.


in those 23,000+ matches played. I have yet to experience one report actually working and zapping someone out of a match disrupting it. Yeah, Leaver penalties can take a hike or blizzard can go hire an office building full of moderators and go back to charging 50 bucks for accounts. Until then. It needs to go.

Now go sit in a corner , while the adults have their discussion.

That would be a heck of a long report to get kicked, and you still hear the alarm for 10 seconds, so being kicked in this scenario is deserved.

Nobody says it’s ok, but they will get banned pretty quickly with reports. Much better to have people do something bannable so they can’t leave more games than to just let them disrupt every game they join by leaving.

The number of backfill matches is a small fraction of what it was before penalties were introduced. Add the number of throwers and it is still a small fraction of the old leaver/backfill problem.

You seem to be advocating for stricter punishments if you think the current ones are not working (which they definitely are).

The QP matchmaking has gotten so F bad that I don’t even care getting banned for an entire night.
It is absolutely no fun in getting steamrolled while being stuck at a role. In OQ I can at least try to communicate with the team and try things out (like I do now in “the Rivalry”). Not the case long ago.
I press alt F4 whenever I saw that 5 seconds warning, and one another night I’m not touching OW

Well over 500 matches but way to boast about having 23,000 matches played and still being wrong and called out on it by multiple people only to resort to childish things like this to try and fail again to argue absolutely nothing, and backpedaling to protect your cracking ego

And yes we have been but this strange child Dasa keeps whining over and over about their play time in a meaningless video game that they keep crying about

Arguing with serial leavers will get you nowhere mate. They are immune to accountability. For everything else:

seams to me you pretty much just showed you aren’t much an adult yourself considering you just basically outted yourself by the same redundant personal attacks, leading conjecture and aren’t talking about the topic itself directly anymore either and are having an emotional melt-down because people leave games.

Just given this attitude by you. Absolutely I would be leaving a match you are in. Since you seam to be one of those that spends the entire time focused on what people said to you or what happened to you in a match and then get angry people leave the matches you are in.

Thats the real thing here. Its pretty obvious we have two sides here.

Those of us that ditch matches because of people like you, that wont play the game and have a 10 minute tirade in a match.

yeah you made my point for me. We need leaver penalties gone, so people like you can 1v5 the other team and learn to chill out. and when you do become less of an insufferable human being, maybe people would actually be happy to invite you to groups after the next match.

Except that I gave you a logical, evidence based argument that was backed up by numerous people in this thread that each provided you with sound and proven theories. You simply responded by lashing out with false and very childish displays like claiming someone doesn’t have as much play time as you.

You also keep backtracking on all of your state whenever you are confronted on it. Keep changing from saying “qp doesn’t matter and neither do bans” to screaming and crying about “they’re ruining my game and not doing anything about it”. You are trying to have your cake and eat it too without taking any accountability for your own actions. Aka being childish.

P.S.: you still aren’t discussing OP topic :heart: stop looking for a fight that you keep losing over and over with every new post you make kid

Sorry that offends you. But again attacking me directly isn’t making your point.

You’ve basically proven why people leave the matches and yes, leaving is the topic and it is “useless” because people simply throw the games to run the clock out now.

Im not a kid. I do have a mortgage on a house, and like everyone else I also advocate that Quickplay was more appropriate for adults vs children because adults know that from time to time people also have to get up from the game to either take care of their family or answer phone calls. and that the game simply backfills people in when the person has to leave.

A child wouldn’t be hell-bent on leaver penalties for the game because adults know the game backfills a person and it isn’t anything important. Other than its a simple video game that pays you no income.

The only one getting offended is you. Only reason you’d resort to personal attacks like bringing up false and inflated playtime numbers.

And yes you have. Because they keep running into people like you who cry and complain in chat more than they just play the game

And yet you are


A child wouldn’t be hell-bent on leaver penalties for the game because adults know the game backfills a person and it isn’t anything important. Other than its a simple video game that pays you no income.

And yet you still are. Crying about the, and how they don’t do enough. For a game you admit to getting nothing out of

Because this is blizzard’s feedback forum there dippy.

They dont hand out surveys. They dont have monthly feedback emails. its a public feedback forum. Thats my feedback of the game. love it or leave it.