Lmao no it’s not a devils advocate uses the logical evidence provided to a formulate a counter argument. What you are doing is argue nonsense and change your stance whenever you are confronted on it. And by doing so YOU are constantly going off of OPs topic
Im sorry Quickplay and most of Overwatch is “hardcore” like you think.
Overwatch is changed over and over again. If it was
- Pay to play.
- stationary, no changes to heroes.
- Had a much tighter match making system.
- had active match policing.
I would 100% would agree with the leavers penalties
They’re not Mistikas or their ilk who have countless alt accounts to use conversing with themselves on these forums agreeing with their own points.
Newsflash-not everyone is unhinged. The fact that because someone is disagreeing with you so you play the “alt account” card makes me wonder how you handle real life disagreements in real life. Do you ask them if they have an alt life?
Okay, So you’ve spent the entire time arguing with me, but not discussing talking points.
So whos really at fault? Me?
Why report them if you dont know their reason for leaving? Maybe they got kicked from the game cause they went to pick somethingup quickly or their game glitched. I feel like reporting in unranked for leaving is kinda overkill when there are things that happen in-game out of people’s control
Hey bud, if you have something you want to talk about why you do like the penalties or dont fine. But if you are just arguing for the sake of argument.
Grow up.
I have been. We all have you just keep ignoring whatever we say and trying to fight common sense and logical arguments
Yes, ignoring all of the discussion points and examples i have provided is your fault. That’s called trolling
If you scroll up. All you have done is go on a butt-hurt rage and said
“Well you are contradicting yourself” etc etc…
You’ve not said anything constructive.
I mean you are just solidifying my points that with how you act here. You seam to be one of those that spend more time arguing with someone in chat than playing…
Hence WHY people would leave matches you are in.
Crazy thing is I wasn’t ever complaining about people leaving my matches. More proof that you didn’t read anything and are not discussing topic. And more proof of how you keep contradicting yourself
nah. its quite clear the folks that are angry about people leaving here.
ARE the folks that we get in our matches won’t stop typing and actually play Overwatch.
A very good and valid reason to leave the match.
Sorry I think i just figured it out. Thank you for helping me on that one.
You mean like 27 posts in a thread after being continuously proved wrong from every angle by multiple people? And STILL being angry about it
Give me those “proven points in a summary” and I will admit defeat.
Summarize them for me, and enlighten me… Educate me.
Post here please: “Those, good , reasons” to not leave.
Lmfao I don’t need to repost an entire thread that has already been broken down for you multiple times only for you to repeatedly ignore it
Every time someone gives you a factual point you just say things like “oh is this your alt account” or come up with some extreme hyperbolic example that only fits in a 1:1,000,000 scenario.
You aren’t even discussing the topic anymore you’re just wailing into the void. The fact that basically no one that has entered this thread has agreed with you, and in fact have done a lot to prove you wrong, should speak volumes
I mean if you really want the bottom line to leavers and why people do it. Go read external forums and videos as to why people leave overwatch matches.
here, let me do you a solid favor:
People leave matches souly based upon garbage team mates. Not so much about their skill being garbage. But being garbage human beings.
Garbage human beings are a valid reason to walk away, since they bring down everyone. Weather it be keyboard commando warriors to the entitled jerk that thinks people should have to play the game with them despite their social setbacks to (redacted) and moan about some pointless hero comp that otherwise they think should be played in overwatch… Instead they resort to 10 minutes of an adult man-child throwing a tantrum the size of Denver in chat and everyone has to sit around and deal with it.
In real “Sports” people walk away from those people and let them go play ball on the field by themselves.
in real sports, people would kick out those people from their teams and bench them.
I mean if you want actual “Sports” here. we need vote Kick to be put in. and that means vote kicking people from either team.
Lmfao again you keep providing the extreme hyperbolic examples that fit a very slim scenario and completely ignore the numerous other incredibly valid reasons someone might leave a match. And on top of that, you are complaining about a meaningless video game and advocating for features that have been in the game since launch, that you don’t seem to know about like a report tool.
You don’t want answers you want arguments
The overwatch report tool is only a tool. It doesn’t eject people from matches. It doesn’t solve for “here and now”.
And it doesn’t get rid of the person, just the account.
Wow. You have no idea how idiotic you sound just typing that. You’re getting owned in a debate and you typed that…good god Fiona maybe you should buy a backbone.
Hey look it’s one of my 10 alt accounts who have proved you wrong in so many ways
Indeed. I am you. Brb, need to go like our posts
Lmfao so you are advocating for “getting rid of the person” who you think is ruining your admittedly meaningless qp matches this is getting absolutely wild
And yes, it can. If and when the reports that have been filed for an account go through, the account action takes place immediately. They don’t wait for you to finish your match and THEN tell you you can’t play anymore. Yet another valid reason why you may have leavers in your lobby that you will ignore