Qp suspension is useless

Lmfao again, you are just reiterating MY point here and contradicting the statements you previously made by being upset about people leaving the game :joy: are there 2 Dasaries in this thread and that’s why the name keeps making opposing points?

Serious contender for backwards take of the year and it’s still January

Demanding that matchmaking be better in order to fix quitting is like a tantrumming child demanding that their parents make more money so he can get the toy he really wants. They aren’t sitting on a super secret perfect matchmaker and refusing to deploy it.

And besides, you can’t spoil a child out of throwing fits. Whatever Blizzard fixes, the quitters will always have some other issue to justify their immaturity. Just don’t queue if you’re not psychologically strong enough to commit to a 15 minute experience that may not go the way you really, really, really want it to go.


Thanks for the conversation Blizzard Chatbot.

Maybe in 10 years you will salvage your game and hopefully not lose out to MR.

lol called it again

Lmao does exactly as predicted again :joy: there’s definitely a bot in this situation whose username starts with D, but it definitely doesn’t end with a 19.

It does work and its way better now in QP with the penalties. Before they implemented it, literally every match if your team lost the opening fight, your whole team leaves. This happens 2-3 more times and then its just a constant cycle of leavers through the match.

Ever since they implemented the suspension system, QP actually have good lengthy matches with waay less leavers.

If anything they should go even harder with the suspension if its a repeated behavior over X amount of weeks.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes

what? I’m not going to take 9999th same post seriously
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on the other hand i have seen players just straight up not play and just go emote/voiceline, just throwing.

and even if i do report them, i dont necessarily know if anything is done w the reports. i still see them a few matches later

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I seriously doubt every single match you play is a backfill into a game where you’re about to lose. Do everyone a favour and can the hyperbole.

Yes, it works, because before the QP penalty change, backfilling used to be much more common, especially into losing games. While players will still leave games, remember that there is a ‘grace period’ so to speak. You can leave 3 games out of 20 before you get a penalty. This is put in place to make sure that people who DC or have to leave a game due to emergencies or real-life commitments can do so without getting penalized. However, it also allows your rage-quitter to leave games without a penalty, as long as they play the majority of their games.

For reports? Make sure you do that ‘after’ the game has ended. Cancel your next queue, pull up the endorsement window, and then report them from there. Reporting mid-game, especially if you’re writing out a lengthy report, can result in you being booted for inactivity, as you know.

this is all part of the process

players like this will generally do so frequently, and this means frequent reports, and this means that in short order the player will have enough reports for a suspension

This type of suspension is much longer than those for simply leaving, and so it does more good for the community as a whole for these sorts of suspensions to occur

I haven’t played OW for a while and decided to log in today.

I played two matches and there was one leaver in one of them.

I reported the player pretty quickly, hoping it adds up to the penalty they already got for leaving.

Leaver penalty works pretty well ever since it was added to Overwatch (I see way less leavers in QP), however, I would still make the leaving penalty just a tad harsher, so it’s 100% effective.

Maybe getting a penalty to how much Premium currency you get in a Battle Pass season could be it… Something like leaving more than two times a weak = losing 50 to 100 Premium currency… ? And if one keeps leaving after having completed the BP, maybe the penalty should carry over to the following season… ?

I think that might work as many toxic players care about Premium currency, at least on their primary account.

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i’m not stupid. i load in and my team is dying and the match is more than half way done. 2 today where i loaded in and the game was over.

We don’t though. No one has said that. You need to stop inventing arguments that do not exist.

Because the existence of other issues does not equate to ignoring leavers. Have a thrower? Report them. Have a cheater? Report them. Have any other issue? There is already actions you can take.

Because the underlying cause are entitled people who want to chase wins. The only way to deal with people like that is to penalize them and take their ability to shop around for good lobbies away from them.

Actual real world example: “Here, lets make you spend 10’s of thousands of dollars on a spinal column specialists when all they needed was an aspirin.”


Actual real world example: “Here, lets make you spend 10’s of thousands of dollars on a spinal column specialists when all they needed was an aspirin.”\

200 bucks to go to a Spinal Column specialist, thats cash up front out here with no insurance. Not sure where you are from, but if you are getting rooked for 2 grand probably a very expensive state to live in.

Besides, you can only take so much aspirin before you could end up wrecking your endocrine and gastrointestinal system. Its a temporary solution, not a permanent solution. But thats for you to consult a licensed physician regarding the best choice treatment. (im not a licensed doctor).

Because the existence of other issues does not equate to ignoring leavers. Have a thrower? Report them. Have a cheater? Report them. Have any other issue? There is already actions you can take.

We keep hearing the same thing over and over again. The same “call the police” statement. The watchmen of this game aren’t here. Im sure you have noticed they aren’t policing their games.

Im sure you are aware the game has Free accounts. Yeah that hasn’t stopped anything either.

Because the underlying cause are entitled people who want to chase wins. The only way to deal with people like that is to penalize them and take their ability to shop around for good lobbies away from them.

False; Not every person leaves matches for the wins. Otherwise people would have figured it out long ago that leaving doesn’t always mean a person will win in the next match and even Blizzard states leaving is scored as a “LOSS” on your record.

Even youtubers discuss their reasons for leaves are for the reasons that people that are disruptive in the matches. So no, thats not about leaving on purpose to get to the next match for a win. Especially since we dont know what the RNG would give us for the next match. S

its a video game with a Primary Mode for Competitive ranked play, which I assume we both can agree here should be a competitive driven match system that is specifically designed for dedicated gameplay, and that we both agree a 3-strikes cross-season ban is appropriate for COMPETITIVE (RANKED) play and NOT QUICKPLAY. Since you aren’t losing anything in Quickplay other than people that seam to get butthurt about leavers for no inheritable good reason.

our difference of opinion is that “QUICKPLAY” is its purpose.

Im going to stand by the fact that Quickplay should be used as a warm-up practice room for people to learn Overwatch at their own pace.

Probably a good reason to state why Matches of Overwatch suck now, because we don’t provide a “warm up room” for people to learn the game of Overwatch anymore, (against other players).


  • Yes, it should have skill based match making so you aren’t facing opponents that are too difficult for you.

Yes, I believe Leaving should be allowed for many reasons in QUICKPLAY only, albeit, lifes happenings, people being completely disruptive that are just rioting, or making the lobby entirely unpleasant to play for any reason.

As well as for those that can still try to learn the game when they are struggling with their rig’s performance adjustments to make their Overwatch game finely tuned to play best with competitive.

And yes, there are plenty of RAGE GAMERS out there. They do need their place to play, and learn to chill tf out. If they want to rage while playing its one thing. (I think thats just called a real, actual “competitive gamer”. if they want to rage in chat, Then I agree they are disruptive enough to be banned for “bad speak”.

And I will throw this out here, if you do anything with PC overclocking you know as well as I do that you have to fire up a video game and just sometimes take the hard-crash from the BIOS until you can get those Voltage adjustments set stable, and that each game sometimes requires a bit of different changes to get it fine-tuned. Probably a good reason to keep Quickplay as a “leaver allowed” zone.


The real people that are the problem here are the People want Ranked 2.0 for QUICKPLAY. We dont need it, and people that want to play dedicated Hardcore overwatch should have stayed the hell in RANKED play.

Instead you guys have demanded Overwatch’s dev to team to make the whole game just 1 generic no-variety brick of a game that is boring af, and begged the game’s director to break out the riding crop and beat up casuals for the sake of this 'overwatch league rules only game".

Yeah, thats not very inviting to a larger audience. No wonder why 300,000 people have took the massive proverbial “dump” on Overwatch going from a large audience game to this generic dumpster fire that was brewed in a cauldron in the basement of Acti-blizz studios.

Hence why we are losing out to games like Marvel Rivals (Ewww gross).

If you, and anyone else here want to have this attitude that Overwatch should be this strict. Well guess what. a Small audience isn’t going to fund many more seasons of Overwatch.

Its no different than going to a bar. Not everyone goes to the bar for the drinking games. Sometimes people just want to crack open a nice can of brew, sit back and relax. Life isn’t always about competing and Overwatch shouldn’t be treated any different.

We can have hardcore dedicated play, but it should stay in RANKED Play. But for leaving in Quickplay. its fine. people need to chill tf out and stop being so up-tight about the mode. You only got 36,000 moons in your life to see. So chill the heck out about leavers in quickplay and get off their (redacted) about supposedly should be dedicated to the game. IMO save it for RANKED play. Where it matters.

And yes, this will always be the discussion:

“So stick around its just a 10 minute match” vs " Lifes too short to stick around in a worthless match". vs “So who cares if someone leaves that just a 10 minute match”.

Yup. All contradictory statements, both ways. Both sides of the argument.

Keep ignoring any and all logic being thrown your way. You can never be wrong if you keep changing your stance

Is this your alt account?

Not at all. I know it’s crazy that more than one person could disagree with you. It’s almost like the ideas you are providing are wrong :man_shrugging:

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Well i mean you just want to argue with people and not discuss anything on the topic of OP.

Throwing around insults just makes you look weak like you have nowhere else to go.

We all have been discussing the topic. You are the one who keeps arguing with everyone who provides numerous pieces of evidence and logical examples, only for you to provide absolute extremes.

Then when you get called out on it you change your stance and repeat the cycle.

Also saying you’re wrong when multiple people have proved you are is not an insult. If you think it is then that’s just another you problem


MR is for casuals and leavers that don’t want to try to play this game as a team, and instead emote with the enemy players and doing other douchebag things.

They can stay away, they’re not welcome. Then maybe the players who actually DO want to play the comp version can play the game in peace as it’s meant to be played-in a comp environment without being called tryhards etc, and in a QP environment without other selfish players ruining the experience.

They can do one and play that unoptomized dumpster fire. I also find it amusing that the ones who complain about balancing in this game-have no issue with the “balancing (KEKW)” in MR.

thats called a devil’s advocate argument fyi.