Qp suspension is useless

Bud, I’ve made plenty of reasonable points for you to look at the cross-arm arguments that is what we call finger pointing. If you are too dense to understand the points of how this just isn’t a 1-dimensional discussion. Thats on you.

You got a game losing out to Marvel Rivals and some of here think that game sucks. You want people to be here to play and support the game. Try to advocate for better ideas to bring everyone to the table.

That just sounds like supporting Masochism. I thought Video gaming was supposed to be fun.


Day number 231 of people exposing themselves as chronic leavers in QP Penalty Threads.

Love to see the usual offenders still prove how the penalty is in fact effective. And of course, the hypocritical stance of “who cares about QP” but when you get suspended for leaving, you suddenly care SO MUCH that you have to rage and complain in the forums.


Where? I’d really like to read those and not the contradictions you’ve been posting here

Yes that is exactly what you keep describing your actions as. So self aware, yet so headempty. Almost as contradictory as the “reasonable” points you make

And those that come here just to advocate for the penalties while watching marvel rivals take away players we need so we can get enough money in the pool to have PVE again.

If one considers playing a game to be masochism, then one shoudnt be playing said game, imo

Makes no sense to queue for a game that one feels is harming one’s self

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They really aren’t contradictions though. They are more or less mixed points that lead to the same path of what challenges the intellectual person.

There’s no gray answer to this solution. its a mixed problem.


we are talking about leavers, not players

MR can have them, np

“people know what they are getting into”.

i think when you play a video game you expect a match to be

  • Fun.
  • Fair.
  • Within your skill range?



lol yay more backpedaling and changing the goal posts :joy: the fact that you can’t understand that is equal parts worrying and hilarious

And yet. you don’t want to talk about “WHY” people leave matches…


I have asked you a pretty fair question too…

Do you want to address why people leave matches or not?

Conjecture being used to win an argument is not winning.

My point stands

in order to be a leaver, you have to have already experienced many matches

so the leavers know what they are getting themselves into when they queue for a match…and they know before they queue

so you are telling me.

“A leaver knows what?”

I dont have to…its irrelevant

if a leaver queues for a match, they have made a social contract with Blizzard and 9 other players to play out the match

Its relevant other than you are dialing in going “full npc” on the discussion.

“Wont addressing why people leave”

“Wont say anything other than what the company’s narrative”.

Just think for yourself… Feels like im talking to a chat bot, sorry bud. I’ve asked you to give me a reason why these people’s are a good thing for the game, and all i get is regurgitated Aaron keller rhetoric…


I already told you there numerous reasons why people leave matches that have nothing to do with trolling or throwing. People have lives outside of the game too. They need to leave, go to work, help with family, go to the bathroom, their connection dropped, their game crashed, they went to get food, they stepped away for a second too long as the game connected to the lobby…

I could keep going but you’re just going to keep backpedaling, make another contradictory statement to what you’ve already said, or change the context of what you’re asking so that everyone else is “avoiding your unreasonable” points

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Lmao called it in the post above :joy:

I’m not a chat bot, and I ask that you not refer to me in this dehumanizing way

that aside, a question: in order to leave, the leaver has to have queued and been granted a match. If said leaver knows he will leave, why queue in the first place, especially knowing there is a growing penalty for doing so habitually?


You finally made a good point.

But why dont you actually take into consider its a GD video game, its not a big loss if someone leaves an unranked play so boohoo if someone leaves a QP. get over it. its a video game, its not important.

its a recreational game. Want no leavers, it should be rules for RANKED PLAY only.