QP losing streak feel so good

Currently, on 47 game losing in QP and coming close to my 64 streak. I felt never so happy in my life. Time to break the streak.


are you doing it on purpose or just really bad teams

5 DPS and me playing Zen. I’ve been wanting to get back into playing Zen again but not like this.


Wow, that’s terrible.

Yup a break is a good idea, a very long one. Trust me it really helps. Take a couple months off, you will start to feel greatđź‘Ś

I’m basically went to playing Tales of Vesperia. Can’t wait for the remastered version to come out soon.


Yeah iv had loads of 20-30 game losing streaks in QP, that mode is literally anarchy. Havent played OW in 2 months, feels good tbh.

Oh I’ve just given up on playing Zen in QP half the time. You can barely play him if your team doesn’t support you; it’s almost impossible to get better at him if you’re babysitting 5 dps. Imo CTF or Team DM is the best place to practice him just bc you don’t have to rely on teammates as much.

Yeah, I may take an break until the summer games event. Right now there is nothing worth to play for right now than just to lose your insanity.

it’s quickplay, if it wasn’t just luck he’d have to play so badly that he’d be banned by now

May as well try this because I got nothing to lose. Trying to find game modes to improve on other heroes than Damage.

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i dont belive you. Sometimes you can win in QP even when you’re jumping off the map entire game

The matchmaker is a mysterious algorithm. Here are a few theories for you to ponder:

  • Perhaps the matchmaker likes you so much that it only wants to pair you with chill teammates for a more relaxing and laid-back experience?
  • Maybe one or more of your hidden MMR stats is so amazing that the system is leaning on you to improve the experience of the other five people on your team, who are in a slump and in need of a morale boost from you to improve?
  • Maybe the matchmaking in QP is nothing more than a psychological experiment, and your account was a randomly selected special case?

When most QP games end up being stem rolls with bad compositions. Winning a QP game seems now like trying to get an higher rank in Comp now. I thought QP was to practice an hero but when this stuff happens constantly you don’t get any practice especially with Tanks/Healers in mind.

Unfortunately, devs are not intelligent enough to understand what a “fair” match is. They put silvers against GMs sometimes. They are keeping the data between comp and QP separate. Low IQ design, IMO.


I’m going with the third theory. I clearly don’t understand this game matchmaking anymore.

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I doubt the veracity of the remarks. I have never experienced a losing streak of more than a few games.

Actually, if you don’t play qp for a long time, like couple months, you’ll be matched with real level 10s … needless to say, you’ll probably destroy the enemy team for few matches …

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I’m close to level 1100, and I constantly get matched with level 25 players in ranked and QP. The “experience ≠ skill” argument is not too valid when you put someone who’s played the game for two years with someone who’s played for two days. It’s only getting worse and worse; no wonder most new players leave the game behind only after a few weeks.

Right, the devs are arrogant enough to think that the sample size they have by the level of 25 is enough to accurately measure skill. They need some classes in advanced statistics. Their assumptions driving the matchmaking model is so far off. They probably did some t tests without proper adjustment for multiple testing lol.

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I haven’t played QP in 3 months now. I’m not babysitting the payload alone as Zarya anymore. VS AI is leagues better than QP. Most of the time there. The DPS is picked last. Tanks and healers are picked first. Sad fighting bots gives proper comps.

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