QP = Dive Supports?

with a gun to your head XD

Even if they’re either not running DvA/ Winston or mess up their bubble/dm to deny sleep, sleeping a single target isn’t going to change much. You’re still going to die to the other 3.

Or, in particularly egregious examples, you’ll be solo dove by the dive tank, save nade, sleep, and die after they wake up because your team is trading rather than helping.

As an aside, I don’t really think people are using “dive” correctly. Dive isn’t when a single flanker is picked. Flankers are played in essentially every meta. Our last meta was poke and Genji was one of the most popular picks.

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So? Who said staying alive was the goal?

If you expect to be able to live against 2-4 mobility heroes jumping on you at once you have a warped perception of the game. It’s up to your team to keep you alive and it really shouldn’t be any other way.

Literally nobody said this.

You said this:

And I brought up that even if you sleep you’re dead in dive. I also brought up that you don’t need to go against dive to play against flankers(aka you don’t need dive to practice sleep)

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For…what? That’s the entire point of Dive.

When Dive isn’t meta people don’t play flankers consistently below Masters, and my Support is Diamond. Also, there’s less pressure on you when it’s not a real dive.

I would stay in spawn, if that’s what it takes to live.


Damage players complain because they can’t aim, refuse to prioritize targets, and can’t easily win 2v1 scenarios:

They get global hitbox increases on their weapons, self-heal passive, a “braindead” “free-value” healing reduction passive, and global healing nerfs all while still keeping a lot of their kill-combos and burst damage as a whole

A support player complains about dive characters using low-cooldown mobility tools to easily get into their backline and then obliterate them due to the s9 changes and already having superior dueling/survival capabilities:

“That’s just how it is.”
“skill issue.”
“If you can’t handle it, you can go play another game.”

Typical anti-support garbage. Damage players could not accept the fact that if they missed their shots that objectively, factually, literally outdamaged someone being pocketed outside of ults (With some damage characters even being able to kill through support ults with their burst damage), they would have a harder time getting kills. They could not accept their own skill and common sense issues and got the game warped around them so the role could become the very brain-dead, easy-mode, free-value they they claimed the other two were and were seemingly so against. It should be even clearer now, these people did not care about balance or fairness, their complaints about the support role were never in good faith. They just wanted to have their characters be broken and even more oppressive so they could stop having to show that skill they were advocating for everyone else to have to showcase.


The issue is the teammates brain imo.
You can play Zen fine if your team have some intelligence, the overextending enemy venture/else will be smoked in a matter of seconds.
In most QPs the opposing team have the same lack of understanding and wont follow correctly their divers.

Unfortunately if your teammates are no brain mode then it is suffering. Like 80% of QP games.


These two will kill the game at this rate if they dont get some basic mobility, fix that and there should be no dive kill support issue.

Without second tank they are sitting ducks against any good dive.


That’s why things like resurrect are mandatory for this game, as they allow to bypass whole “teammate incompetence” thing.

In my book that’s how supports should work - by having abilities, that are applied to teammates, but impossible to waste regardless from actions of said teammate. At least, completely waste - invulnerability allows to use teammate as shield, even if one is incapable of landing shots.

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Yeah the game itsn’t in the most fun or balanced state right now.

Just so you know these 2 ults specifically are only really good for focusing singular targets most of the time and multikills are just a happy bonus.

9 times out of 10 you want to use these ults to kill key targets to make your teams’ engagement easier. You being an immobile high priority target… well…yeah, it makes sense that these ults are being used on you.

That’s basically life of support in a nutshell. Didn’t you know what you sign up for?

By agreeing to play support, you agree to:

  • teammates being completely oblivious to you being vaporised right next to them;
  • enemies hunting you like they are dogs and you are running around with piece of delicious steak;
  • other sorts of stupid/annoying things, such as teammates demanding you to violate laws of physics to heal them;

So why isn’t our team peeling for us if we’re so important?

Our dps should peel for us. It’s your job to help keep us alive because there’s no second tank doing it.
Do your job.

If you dive the enemy supports with the ither dps, you have vetoed all rights to complain about lack of healing because we’ve been sent vack to spawn.

Dived and dead.

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They won’t be doing that, so you may have to do morally questionable things to survive.

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I do peel when I play thank you very much.

Genji sees a ton of play in every sr outside of like bronze in every meta.

Tracer sees play when she’s not awful in high sr in every meta, as does Echo.

Reaper when he’s not awful sees play in low SR.

And reworked Sombra seems to see play on every SR and did even during poke.

So I don’t agree with this at all really.

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Yeah honestly, I’ve elected for just running away when my teammates are in a 5 v 2 with me healing from far away. There’s just nothing I can do in those situations, sue me hahahaha also just finding ways to trap opponents to make the sleep darts and escapes easier has come into play, but I still get the “Thanks” and “I need healing spam” but they just get reports if it’s too much griefing over it.

Honestly I never did think that supports would ever be properly understood or taken care of by their teams and often it’s the tanks are the ones more likely to pay attention and take care of us, but often times the DPS, as someone else alluded to, are basically spoiled children who cry when their health isn’t full 100% of the time. Which as a support main who plays other roles, as a DPS I am either:

  1. Playing with support friends who I can talk to and let them know my intentions
  2. I just don’t expect healing at all and find it myself because I enjoy playing mobile characters (Pharah, Sojourn, Reaper, ofc Sombra when absolutely necessary, and Mei who self heals a lot)

It’s clearly people who don’t understand the game, but they also make playing abysmal when trying to learn new heroes and when you aren’t there polishing their dome all game. OH Oh oh, another favorite is DPS who want to be healed but won’t stop jumping like frogs for me to shoot them with my single target point healing dart gun :face_holding_back_tears:

TLDR; support players = masochists and/or have parental issues of wanting to please others and you can’t convince me otherwise lololol (myself included obviously)

Supports are the backbone of the team and bring a lot of values, if they are not the priority targets to kill first i dont know what is.

In most cases yes, but that doesn’t mean that the current meta isn’t garbage for Support AND that our own teams realize how important we are and treat us as such. In most cases only the supports realize what’s happening and do what they can to keep each other alive, but that’s hard in a 2/3 v 2 when your team jumps on you for not healing because they’re stupid.

When I play tank and DPS I do the same thing, but I’m also watching over my own Support in the process. Mercy 10/10 times is my very first target in any role lol but Dive meta especially shows the gap in basic game understanding when your team is just letting you die continuously.

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What keeps things balanced is that if people are gunning for supports, then your team isn’t under as much pressure for damage. You can focus more on self survival.

At different levels of play, people will screw up things. Dva players will woefully waste nearly all of their dive bombing tools trying to kill something and screw up aiming. I’m really only scared of Dva players at higher end play because they have the aim to murder nearly every support any time they dump missile salvo + booster on a support. By which point I swap over to Kiriko or Moira.

Though I understand the frustration because OW’s mobility has made me hate trying to play heroes like widow, ashe, cass, ana, and zen. All of the immobile characters that are insanely aim dependent to do anything. This is why I fall back on heroes with counter mobility like Illari over Baptiste or S76 over Cass.

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