QP = Dive Supports?

That’s the biggest part right there. I WANT to learn more, but if I even try I just get entirely railed man. My win % with Ana is 33% but with Moira and Kiriko it’s 55%+, it’s getting to the point where it’s unplayable in random QP. Meanwhile when I play DPS I’m always peeling for my healers because I AM ONE, but straight DPS are just spoiled children i stg


Idk a lot of DvAs just play her the same as Winston now in ow2.

Doom and Ball on the other hand are a blast to play with.

Sooner or later supports will learn that they’re almost always priority number one on the list of who I kill. You’re keeping everyone alive therefore I need you to die first. If it’s not dive it’ll be snipers. If it’s not snipers it’ll be brawl. And if you still hate it dps can go back to only shooting tanks making tank gameplay more miserable. Like do you actually think dps should just kill the dps and then stop playing. Supports are almost always priority number one.

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Nice not so hot take, the problem is that dive is the meta and it’s too strong to want to play support, without supports, there’s no game for Role Queue. Thanks for the quick lesson in obvious strategy 101. Try being empathetic to the situation next time.


If you dive any other target they’re either gonna be saved by a support or bailed out by their tank. So you might as well target the root problem; the supports

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Empathy. That’s cute. To change this means other mains lose which means your empathy is just for one group and nobody else. Trying playing all roles and then come back and see if empathy makes any sense for the chat.

Supports are always priority number one. Whether it’s brawl, dive, poke, or double sniper. Dps should always gun for the supports first. That’s our role.

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Wow, gatekeeping on when someone can have an opinion while speaking from one perspective as well. Very classic, next time just don’t talk.

The difference in those metas is that support can actually get away or stay out of the way, in the current state, they’re pretty defenseless without their team’s help, but ty for your awful take.

All I said is supports are priority number one always. And then you told me to show empathy. You’re the hostile sensitive one here man. Your role is priority at all time. That’s just a fact and that hurt your feelings? Good god. Man really fulfilling the name you’ve got. Kaneki is literally one of the crybabies of anime.

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The fact that your response is to dismiss any attempt to understand the sucky situation dives leave support in. I get that support are the targets, but just the simple lack of “yeah man that sucks” but instead “try playing all roles and come back and see if empathy makes sense for the chat”. I’m fine with it, I get it, your attitude is just poor about it. I shouldn’t have to prove credibility to you to have respect about my opinion, but pretty typical for overwatch players I guess.

At the end of the day this was where I was sent for the “developers to see issues” so that all I was doing, which I wish could’ve been done with an email at this point.

No the bad situation non dive supports have. Dive supports can keep up just fine in this environment. Lucio mains are having fun. Moira mains are having fun. Some Ana mains too because she has range and no fall off she can play far away as her team destroys from afar. Saying all supports are unhappy shows your lack of empathy for your own role.

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Most people who play Ana in dive aren’t having fun, they’re playing her because being a nanobot in dive metas helps you win.

It’s similar to Zen being a discord bot in dive.


My favorite 1v1 is me on Ana them on tracer. So to me I’m not too scared as I am excited to fight dive heroes on Ana.

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Queue with a friend who plays support too and let him watch out for you, that’s the easiest counter you can create to being dived. 2 healers focusing each other are unkillable still.

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Plus, at least supports are allowed to fight back, for now. It’s not like tank where you’d just get bullied. OP admits themselves Kirko and Moira still work for them, and there are others that would also still work, like Bap, or Lucio and Brig if you don’t need as much healing output.

Speaking of which, you can even duo que with another Support, and then they pick Lucio or Brig to protect you.

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i play ball and in unranked half the time i can just roll over enemy supports and dps

i think the main issue is the lack of lfg so if you solo queue in unranked the expectation is nobody has any game sense and is just trying to score elims

unless youre willing to suffer thru comp or stack up and probably stomp everyone else there is really no alternative with OW

it just turns into who can feed the slowest rather than anything about zone control, cooperative play, and strategy

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Dive isn’t just a tracer on you.

Dive is a DvA shoving a DM in your face as a Sombra viruses and shoots you while Tracer shoots you along with Lucio


especially if they dont like you because youre the more “problematic” enemy, get ready for counter-swap and being hard targetted. because of skill gap, often they will just hunt down the best player on the enemy team then the rest fall over

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If you really want to get good at a hero you have to be a masochist and play them when they’re weak in the meta. Ignore your flaming teammates in qp and try to get better


that’s honestly been what i’ve been doing. Gritting my teeth, dealing with the crap, and learning from the Ls. Sometimes it’s just truly unbearable though because someone will go tracer just to kill me despite their team losing anyway, and that just…really wears on the desire to play

Thanks for the reassurance mate. it’s a hard life out there sometimes

Ana in Dive is fun because you get to practice Sleep Dart

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