QP = Dive Supports?

I would’ve just sent this to the devs for feedback, but instead I’m here which is annoying.

I main support and I’m constantly facing matchups where DVa, Doom, Tracer, Genji, Sombra, Venture, and a few others here and there just dive the back line and so if I’m trying to play/learn Ana and Zen, I just get abused and generally solo targeted by the diving heroes all game. Sure it’s a “skill issue” but how can I even want to play these heroes currently. I’ve been solo ult-ed by Doomfists and Tracer countless times and then just generally targeted by the rest for who games unless i switch and even then that’s not all too helpful.

TLDR, the current standard quickplay match often ends up being a game of diving the healers and them just taking it or losing the game because the dive can’t be stopped.

inb4: skill issue get good, cool thanks. being a support main is awful RN if you’re actually trying to heal your team and run support.


I play Lucio and Dva can certainly be scary. I try to stay away from her.

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Dude, facts. I’ve run into it far too often where she just blows past my team to hit me, using her whole arsenal to pin me. TBF I’ve been playing Ana which i can sometimes escape, but holy man. Dive is insane right now for support mains.


That’s where you’re forced on Moria, Brig or Lucio, maybe even LW to grip your tank back to you every time you get dove.

Think of it like this…

Them needing healing isn’t your problem if they’re letting you get dove.

Just like when I DPS and I peel for my supports and they run off to live and let me die I swap to Sombra so that they have an even higher chance to be targeted and I don’t peel for them.atch your teams energy. It’s no longer about winning and all about proving the point of being selfish.

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Oh yeah absolutely, but as a proper moira main, I’m trying to branch out and this is making it absolutely brutal to even begin that, but often it’s not just one dive. It’s Doom/Tracer/Genji or some mix thereof, like man I can only do so much. Team play is becoming worse and worse it seems.


Honestly I feel the same way too. I guess it depends on the characters you play, Dva and Tracer isn’t much of a problem for me. Doom is very annoying but whatever, don’t want to sound salty, but screw Genji and Sombra. They really make supporting so difficult I really hate bein forced to goin Brig because I don’t want to get swatted in the backline. I really wish they do something with the stealth and maybe virus.


Bruv, I’ve just been trying to play Ana (and I’m far from fantastic, I can do well enough) but when I mean I have Doom, Sombra, and Tracer ALWAYS waiting for me to appear, I mean ALWAYS. One game a Doom solo ulted me three times, another tracer killed me when I appeared 6 times even with the other healer going mercy to help me, and Sombra does Sombra things as you can suspect. If I miss the dart I’m screwed and the likelihood of actually landing them on Tracer and Sombra is so minimal so like tf can I do -_- not play Ana I guess? but then also RIP the money I spent for the mythic skin XD

Life is hard out here for support man.


D.va is tough on us this season. It’s really easy for her to dive us. Not much we can do.


big big agree fam, it’s brutal. Even the nerfs on Sombra and Tracer don’t help with them either, and in that they nerfed Moira’s Biotic Grasp by 8% ish, -_-


I can kill those two, but I can’t kill D.va. She’s also way to fast. It’s also rough with those two on you, but I can at least kill them.

I feel the exact same as OP, and it is obviously the hitbox buff that made the former 3 way easier to play than before

Venture is just braindead against most supports. Worthless of discussion

Basically its Moira or AFK for me


Trust me I get it. At some point someone’s gonna pay for me not playing how I want to.

If Pharah is annoying me, even by killing my team and not me directly I’m going to counter her, if my counter isn’t successful it’s because the rest of my team isn’t doing their part and it’s a loss regardless so I’ll just practice widow or spawn camp supports.

Pick how you wanna lose if you’re gonna lose anyway, make it as fun as possible.


You’ve already said it.

Skill issue, git gud, also stop playing immobile champs against mobile dive Comps.

You’re asking to get bent over and violated playing Ana and Zen in QP.

Put it this way. Support is annoying because you’re healing the targets I want dead.

So to kill them, we must kill you.

Playing Ana and Zen is a DEATH SENTENCE, unless you have an aware team , which doesn’t happen in quick play.

Understand you’re gonna be dived you’re an support.

Don’t want to get dived? Play DPS or tank.

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This is why kiriko is the best support. You have to outcheese the cheese and no one is better at that than kiriko

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And then nobody can play role queue because supports all swap to other classes or just stop playing.


Getting dived is part of being support.

If you can’t handle that, pick another role, or you can go play another game where you won’t get dived.

Supports are high value targets because of healing alone.

If you can’t handle the Major responsibility of being a support, DONT play it.

Simple as that. Seems like OP can’t handle high pressure situations, which is playing support in a nutshell.

If you’re cracking under pressure of getting dived as a support, which is half of the role, it’s not for OP.


It’s even more boring on high sr comp, even for DPS.

Before dive I used to be creative with how I approached fights and flanks and had to make my own opportunities and properly execute mechanically.

Now it’s like… Woooo let me just wait for Winston to dive, and follow him and still win the fight even if I miss everything. Such fun. Very stimulating.

Such a boring meta.


The problem is mostly that with moira’s damage nerf and all the healthbar buffs, we’re basically unable to defend ourselves.
And my biggest beef is that my team doesn’t peel for their supports as often as they could.

The bullet changes also made a support’s life harder. Dodging isn’t as effective as it used to be and we can’t peel for each other by healing, because the healing is nerfed.

The season 9 changes just made supporting miserable. They could just shrink the bullets back, so that being unable to kill a support could go back to being a skill issue.

A tank dives me and kills me and the other support? Fair play.

A tracer or venture kills me and the other support in a 2v1 repeatedly with our team flaming us because we’re not healing?
Not fun.

The entire team dives us. That’s fine.

Losing a 2v1 repeatedly is my issue. Supports should be able to win a 2v1 scenario, that would still be fair.


The changes in season 9 made playing immobile supports very difficult without peel from your fellow support and dps. Until dive heroes get nerfed or other heroes get revisions or buffs, expect Ana and Zenyatta to be hard to play. Even the pros and top 500 players have stopped playing them…


bro no cap, and I don’t want to just KEEP running her ffs, like, I love her, she’s great especially when finishing people is proving tough for your team, but like holy man. I want to branch out.

TBH none of those are hard for me if I respond fast enough on Moira, but any other support is near impossible to learn given the current state of the game.

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