QP bans ruined the game

Throwers, throwers everywhere. They said it would get better, they said they would all get banned and the game would be great.

Now it’s worse than ever because there is absolutely zero incentive to try to win a losing game when all it does is extend the purgatory of the match.

Yay, no one’s leaving matches anymore! They’re just throwing them!

Bruh why do I let myself get excited for this game at all anymore???


It’ll never get better. The problem isn’t leavers, it’s people that have no inclination or ability to play in a way that helps their team. :person_shrugging:


This is what people wanted, now they’re not leaving your games, they’re just watching youtube on the 2nd monitor till the match is over! Don’t worry, though. Someone will make a post in a bit about how you report them and they’ll get banned! Even though they won’t.


They went from ruining games by leaving to ruining games by staying. So no difference then


I’ve not seen all that many throwers tbh. I’m sorry it’s happening to you but my experience is overall improved.


Unless the backfill player was better. In which case the game quality has only gotten worse. Whoopsie!


50/50. At least in my lobbies in masters mmr they often were not, they just got destroyed

Can’t force a player to stay in the game if they don’t want to. It’s silly. Make the rules more strict and it gives the player the option to play a rival game and come back later. Possibly spending cash in the rival game while waiting for the timer to run out. Not smart in a business sense. Especially for Quick Play.


I would like to think quitters ruined their enjoyment too. And they would stop queuing soon after.


Hey, its what the Prophets of this game foretold.

They said that moment Leaver penalties were implemented that the game would become Peace and tranquility and that leavers were the only problem to this game.

Despite the many people that told them that it was something entirely different that needed to be handled. and that it would instead solidify the problem even worse now.

Which is a big “i told you so!” to the many here that praised leaver penalties as the Golden sword to ending ANY and ALL problems to this game.

In next week’s news. A prediction to the upcoming “D E F E N S E M A T R I X” - Air quotes. … playing Overwatch will be a bann-able offense :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s right. Just 3 consecutive reports from 3 separate matches by SPITEFUL inexperienced TROLL TEAM MATES will leave a person with an ACCOUNT ban.

The “overwatch team” will give some sort of heroic speach about their conquest to conquer a toxic player and deem EVERYONE a “toxic gamer”. In hopes of supporting their community.

Folks. this is a joke. But at the same time. We need to ask these team leads at Blizzard to step down and by stepping down. By asking that they resign or we write letters to Microsoft in WA. That they find a new capable team leading staff to run this game.

Its clearly ran by trolls.


Except that when people leave they’re more often than not replaced by somebody more skilled or at least with a better mental.

I literally had this happen tonight. We were getting absolutely steamrolled until our tank left and we got a new tank and then we destroyed the enemies.

I had that happen all the time before they implemented the quick play bands and those games felt great.

Now I literally don’t even log in most days because I don’t want to spend hours trapped in purgatory with people throwing on top of the already below average matchmaker.


Maybe rank/mmr dependent. Like I said above usually they get a t500/GM/masters player replaced by a gold or plat who does nothing goes 0-6 and rolled.

I’m gm and either I’m the backfill or its someone that ends up being more useful, whatever their mmr. Overwhelmingly so. :person_shrugging: Then again, I dont need a lot to work with


its not just QP same issue is ranked, its clear that using the stick does not work, and that they should use a carrot in stead, not for the leavers or throwers but those effected by it.

I am so sick and tired of busting my a$$ as well as 3 other teamates. finally on ending a loss streak when some muppet throws or leaves. sure they get penalised, but the rest of us cop a loss and all the psycological rage that goes with it and blizzard complain about toxicity in the game.
perhaps if those that stick it out are better rewarded, and in the case of ranked those that stick it out are not having their progress affected, while it wont exactly curb the problem, it would reduce the complaining as the impact and consequences on those remaining isn’t affecting them negatively so less likely to complain.

but as it stands now reporting the play and maybe they are punished for it if enough report. is one thing but the rest are still tilted by the loss. goin the direction they are is not working,


I’m still seeing leavers and no throwers. If I see a thrower, I’ll report them.


You know, what would actually end ANY and ALL problems in this game?

Replacing all human players with bots.

Bots do not complain about poor games;
Bots do not leave or throw;
Bots can play without any pause for “real life”;
Bots can achieve accuracy impossible for actual human;
Bots always play on same level of skill;

“You don’t know pride,
You don’t know fear,
You don’t know anything,
You’ll be perfect” - Glados.


There is play vs AI for ppl who want that :slight_smile:

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leavers were never a problem. when a team has a lot of leavers, you know what actually happens? the backfill is BETTER than the players that quit, and the tide turns


I am thinking more of an AFK mode in CS:GO, where bot would take over, if player pushes AFK button.

100%, OP. Until Blizz addresses behavior as strictly as they do abusive chat, normal people will continue to hate the game.

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