Ok, First, I’m going to talk balance change questions. (gonna try to see if devs can speak to me or not on at least something) Ok, first, is anything going to happen to Sym, like a buff or something? Secondly, A lot of people sudgested improvements to Bastion, including myself, so will something be done with Bastion at some point in the future?
(This will be part 2 of the balance change questions.) Thirdly, a lot of people complained about her power level, she’s currently about to be banned, so, is Echo’s ult going to get toned down? Lastly, there’s a Roadhog change I’d like you guys to take into consideration: The ability to hook your teammates without interupting their ults or damaging your allies (to kinda make him better seen as an off tank when others see giant dps).
Now, my second bit I’ll talk about is more of a future skin sort of question. Can you give us a heads up on the Atlantic-Pacific skins, like maybe a date, or even if the designs for the skins are completed or not? And what about some of the past skins missed too, will some of those make a return like the Demon Hunter Sombra did? (I’m sad about not Having Illidan Genji and GOATs Brigitte after missing my opportunity) And what about a heads up on the MVP Zarya skin, a date or if it’s completed or not?
And Finally, kinda more lore based in a sense. Could you guys maybe give us a heads up on OW2? Like, maybe a date or even if the game is finally completed? Just maybe something? And Lastly, will there be, like a new D.va - type of character. I’ll brb to find out what I’m asking. (30 mins later) Ah, MEKA character is what I meant to ask! Is there going to be a new MEKA character to play? Or will that just be part of the lore instead?
If the Developers can read my post, I’d be thankful for at least that. Even more thankful if I get responded by them. And so that you guys don’t have to dig through to find my Bastion changes, I’ll repost that info down here. Also the Sym changes, and dream skin ideas I had some point in the past, just for you guys to take it into consideration, like the Roadhog idea. I’ll put Bastion under triple parenthesis, Sym in double parenthesis, and just dream skin ideas under *.
(why Bastion for another reason is because you asked for any sudgestions Bastion, so I’ll give you a sudgestion (btw, for people who don’t know what I’m talking about, I repost the Dev’s word first, then dream skin ideas, then Sym changes and finally, Bastion changes))
*My dream skin… I have to think about this one. (1 hour later) I just realized, we don’t have anybody with Arcane, or even representing it. The closest I could get to that was LA Gladiators Tracer, on the heart-machine thing that keeps her stabilized. That would be something I’d ask skin-wise. For anybody, I don’t care who gets that skin. Perferably any of my mains, D.va, Brigitte, Tracer, Sigma, Mercy or Widowmaker.
Otherwise, I’d just simply want a skin so awesome, I’ll never ever take it off. EVER! For my top Tank and Healer I can play out of the rest, whom are also my mains, D.va and/or Brigitte. (so sad still that I never got GOATs Brigitte… I’m sad now…) I could get creative and ask for more ideas, but umm… That is probably the dream skins I’d ask for.*
((Idk if I ever did recently spill some Sym changes, but I can spill some thoughts that I’ve thought up of over the last, like, 2 months of time. Some of the thoughts are my ideas. Some thoughts were influenced. But one thing to point out: I won’t make her a support. Reasoning is because 1, I don’t remember her 1.0 very well, and I see her 2.0 as more of a dps build over support build, and 2, it’s honestly less work needed to keep her as a dps over transforming her back into support.
First, I’ll stop the beam from ramping, have the beam be the 2nd ramp (so no tiny beam in 1st stage or big, giant beam in 3rd stage), but have the dmg be 140 per sec. Then, I’ll add some hp to her, but nobody here, hilariously, said what type of hp should she get: shield or normal hp. Your preference on that, but I’ll add 50 shield for now until you guys spill what you’d like more. Finally, faster orb, from 30 meters per sec to 60, and reduce dmg of orb (right click btw) at max charge from 140 to 120.
I hope this will keep her niche state, but buff her correctly at the same time. Maybe this will ring any good ideas somebody might have. Because honestly, I believe that Sym is clearly not in the best spot myself, but I would like her to get some play. I would want to play her myself, but I will never play her if she is broken or in this position. I don’t even ask for a full-blown rework, the changes I’ve made is the size of the change that D.va got, the one that gave her the missiles.
No, we don’t need to ask for another rework for Sym, especially since I remember a long time ago, the devs said they won’t do anymore big reworks. (this was probably after the Torb rework, which was over a year ago, take with a grain of salt, since my memory’s poor) Yes, I’m willing to make the game better for everybody, including the players that could possibly be forgotten, like the Sym players, of course. (not to be offensive) No, I’m not a dev. Just a gamer with a highly creative mind and a kind soul.))
((( I thought, what if we kept the machine gun, but have it last a certain period of time before getting off the machine gun? So I COMPLETELY change the ability for machine gun here, by having it transform into the machine gun in 0.5 secs, have it keep shooting for 3 secs (since for 1 second while shooting, you deal about 500 dmg in the machine gun, which in total is around 1,500 dmg in 3 secs) then you take another 0.5 secs to transform back into your normal self. This ability gets an 8 sec cd (to keep his role to burst down shields).
Now, I thought his heal should have more freedom, so I would simply make him shoot with his basic attack while he heals at the same time. But this won’t work in machine gun. Which follows up to the next thing to talk about, his basic attack. It’s the same as soldier’s basic, but because bastion is a bigger target, he should be given a little bit more dmg I think. So I gave bastion 30 dmg per bullet shot on his basic.
From here, the final thing to do, is give bastion a new ability, name it Adrenaline, (pay no attention to the name since that’s not the point of the move) which is basically a speed buff, 10% increase of speed, that last 5 seconds. This ability is also on an 8 sec cd, but to remind you quick before you think 3 sec wait until more speed, the cd starts once the buff has ended (same for the machine gun btw). )))
Thanks for your time,
The D.va, Brigitte, Tracer, Sigma, Mercy and Widow main at your service,
And the person who’s just trying to help,