Put Reaper's Normal Voice in all Modes (775+ Likes)

I’m amazed that no one responded to you.

the only problem i see with this is how is going to be the line for an ulting enemmy reaper like die die die like the normal voice or al going to re record that too?

I’m sure that would be ok they should replace it with “bye bye bye”.

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I think “Clearing the area” would sound good as an enemy ult, but just way louder than a teammates’ Death Blossom.

If Blizzard is really smart they do this. Seeing that so many people want this. Maybe even give the skins (Blackwatch/S24) the option to switch between the Reaper/Reyes voice so people aren’t left out who don’t like the voice but do like the skin.

Shame that it isn’t on the PTR. We need this Blizzard. Please!

I have the Blackwatch Reyes skin from buying the game of the year edition and it just doesn’t seem fitting that his voice sounds the same. I would definitely love this change. Does Genji have a different voice as well if he’s not a cyborg ninja but instead when he was younger?

Yeah I’m pretty bumped down they didn’t include this on the PTR and no official answer yet… :frowning:

We’re still waiting for an official answer Blizzard! Please?!?!

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If they did this I promise I’ll watch more Overwatch League

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This does actually make sense, and I agree. Although I would love the voice line change, new players would be confused at first. It does help that both Blackwatch and Soldier: 24 are legendary-s though… not super common unless you buy them in event.

I agree, this needs to be done.

His voice is so cool! This needsssss to happen! :smiling_imp:

RIP Reyes 2016 - 2018 never forget

This is a very good idea

I had a horrible time with Junkrats Junkenstein skins “Prepare for a chock!” as a beginner since it changed the wording, but after encountering it a couple of times you learn. And I feel this would be pretty ok though, even in Reyes normal vocie “DIE DIE DIE” should be pretty recognizable. Or if Blizzard just keep the original voiceline for the ult enemies hear, since it is the one mattering the most to the enemy team. Or they should add a mark to skins with altered/new voicelines in the hero gallery menues so that peole can atleast have a chance to check which skins they can expect something different from if they feel the need.

I really, really want this blizz :frowning:

At least they could make his normal voice play with the Blackwatch skin. It looks so cool but its weird hearing him.

There is no reason to not add it for both skins, Blackwatch Reyes and Soldier 24. Both or none. My vote is on both.

man i was really hoping they’d update it for the anniversary guess not… we will wait.