Put Reaper's Normal Voice in all Modes (775+ Likes)

Hearing “Clearing the area” in a not-edgy voice gave me life.

Please add this in the game!

Yes, it sounds very relaxing to hear Reaper “alive” again!


Relaxing indeed, for days when you’re not AS edgy it’s useful.

I support this idea.


I could’ve died from cuteness when I heard that–

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Too expensive for Blizzard.


The company that owns WoW.

The idea that they couldn’t afford 2 VAs for one character is beyond preposterous.

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The fact that’s they’ve already done 90% of the lines proves they can afford it just fine. It is the same actor though.

Are you sure? If that’s the case, they have even less excuse not to give these skins the different voice.

Yes i’m sure. Pretty sure his Reyes voice is just his natural voice. And like i said, they have no real excuse already cause they already recorded them. If they didn’t i could understand since the actor has to do a different voice for Reaper.

Yes pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!! I was hoping his Blackwatch Skin and S:24 skin would have his pre-Reaper voice lines!!

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It’s gonna be awesome if they actually put it through!

blizz has all the assets to make this happen

No idea why you guys waste your time over something that Blizzard was almost certainly going to get around to anyway.

Welp, You’ve got my vote.
(And my like too!)


Why have you edited this 10 times?

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The same should be done for Genji when on Sparrow or Young Genji

I’ve been updating the title.

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I hope we get a positive or negative response from Blizzard.

I don’t see why that wouldn’t be possible since Retribution has these voice lines, most of the work is already done.

One can only hope! Let’s pray!

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Hey Blizzard, what is your stance on this ?