Push mei as a tank live!

Yes, this is a pretty great idea.

Srsly I’ve been asking for this for 2 years…


You have been spamming this forum with your god awful idea for 2 years you mean.


I just try the april fool experimental, and it was weird, but funny.

Devs have been looking for a way to increase Tank usage for ages.

And Mei basically offers a “soft” version of 1-3-2

While also making high durability compositions much more difficult to pull off.


Mei enables brawl, that is the extent of her tankitude.

You want to fundamentally change mei to no longer be what she is now, just make a new hero at that point, and leave mei out of it.

Nobody would play tank mei, and would be throwing if they did.


So basically, they are experimenting?
And playing on every hero strength?

Haha, what a joke! This is Overwatch, it’s not supposed to be fun!

Seriously, these might be the best ideas they had in years.
The sad thing is, it makes for a better experimental than what Overwatch Leagues thought up.


Wow again I’m missing the joke with the Moira stuff 2 experimental in a row lol…

They acting like 75 DPS is mega op for Moira, so I literally have 0 hope for future changes for her after seeing that. I think maybe she gonna remain in the gutter for a long time.

Sorry gkdgkfgkfgkdfgkd don’t mean to sound like a babu, it’s just… look at this on paper, and then look at her current state live.

Mehhhh I really wish I could play Moira but they keep making these meme experimental cards that don’t really ammount to anything and when they actually do a serious experimental card they never do anything to help Moira anyway. Maybe after 2 weeks from now they will actually provide some much needed help for her. Unless it’s just another meme, again.

Seeing how the forum is now flooded by topics talking about how some of these changes are actually good, we can only hope it will draw some attention about what the community wants.

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I hope they don’t do that, but if they do to please maker her into a proper off tank and not leave her with just more health. Mei would need to have off tank level of lethality like Zarya and hog to be a threat and push to make space.

You know what this means? It means GreyFalcon gets to claim that the devs take inspiration from him and that this was his idea the whole time! I guess when you spam a bunch of random ideas the devs are bound to accidentally use one eventually. Something something monkeys with typewriters.

Okay, just tested that experiMENTAL and…

Yeah! Mei actually feels quite right in the tank role. Her freeze gets some value thanks to the other two DPS present in the team, she has decent survivability and protecting value…it’s like she was made for this.
Under current experimental, depending team composition, she might be underperforming sometimes but under real conditions, she is a good off-tank.

Let Mei be a tank.


Literally asking for this since the implementation of Role Q :+1:

What if you could choose Mei Tank or Mei DPS? Only one Mei per match, and players have to decide if they want her to make space or destroy

The joke’s on them, then - it seems pretty cool having MeiTank so far.

I’m another one of those “mei shouldve been a tank” people - and have also been talking about it for ages.

Jokes aside for April 1st- I love it.

I’d rather not.

I think she needs more than just a bigger hitbox and bigger health pool. Rather keep her as a dps than tank since I don’t want my ice queen to be unplayable with how blizzard had treated tanks

I mean…

Moira is being played in contenders tho more so then ana is.