Publish the Matchmaking Algorithm

I agree, fall below rank threshold you should lose the rank.

Bolded the portion of the quote that indicates PBSR is still based on hero specific performance.

If it’s low pickrate then the performance bar is LOW. doesn’t take much unless that heroes only being played by GM smurfs lol

I don’t see how you’re making this association.

Less data mapping. If you have a low number of participants the variants will be more drastic.

Haha… I’m just ragging on you dude… the skills don’t necessarily translate across roles. Game sense (kinda does) though.

Like… mechanics not withstanding, I think any player can be equal in skill on 2 of the roles. But you’ll ALWAYS be better on one or two than the other.

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Okay that’s fair and a great observation. But you’re still potentially creating a (weak link) scenario. A pretty big way to gamble tbh…

I guess that was just a case of not being able to judge tone/humor in text. I was legit thinking “dang he’s on me for some reason” lol.

Also yeah, we end up with generally positive winrates when we play together. My take is he’s not climbing because he’s…well just bad, & I’m prob not climbing because being the highest rated player in every match doesn’t favor you win or lose.


Well if you’re already looking at ways to game the system outside improving your performance I supposed you’re already in a weak link scenario lol

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Lol… You can’t read my tone without emojis which I gave the first time but the frowny face should have been :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


My friend gave me his alt account (all roles were silver) to play on, climbed it to plat for DPS (climbing to Diamond not easy for me, takes time).

He tells me he prefers playing QP as tank/DPS on that account because the teammates he gets are better.

MMR related? :joy::sweat_smile: I also try hard pretty much all the time so I bet I get matched with QP warriors… :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Unless you’re a GM Widowmaker killing everyone and your brain dead team manages to walk on point more often than not :unamused::unamused::unamused::unamused:

There will always be those who want the easy road. Sometimes they find it and never get shut down and that’s unfortunate. Other times it catches up to them. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Had this Middle Eastern dude in my engineering school who got busted in a programming exam wearing a hat with a small camera live streaming the exam to someone who was telling him what to write.

He was expelled from school and lost his student visa… Get chucked… :relieved::relieved:

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That’s some above and beyond level cheating right there. IMO they should perhaps tap this person for working on anti cheating since they obviously think like a cheater.

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Lol… He’d have passed the exam if he’d put the same effort into studying as he did cheating.

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They need to publish.

Nothing rigged, nothing to hide.
Nothing rigged, nothing to patent.

This has 0 things to do with anyone’s rank or ability to climb.
We want to see the code so we know things are fair and working as intended.

Heck if I was a brand new gamer looking to embark on an “esports journey” 4-years after it was relevant, I’d want to know how their ranks/matchmaking worked and what the state of integrity was.


Crank up the PBSR.

Right now, you’re entirely at the mercy of throwers, smurfs, and horrible players. Doesn’t matter what you do, you have almost no impact any more. Almost every game lately feels like i’m just there to observe a clown fest and see if i lose more SR because of some idiots on my team. And i tell you, if these idiots are purposely put on my team through MMR and it’s the matchmaking that’s forcing me through this clownfest… that is unforgivable.


Imagine they did publish and we found out it was a pseudo-sham all along. Would there be lawsuits? People have dedicated their livelihoods on the premise of fairplay and rank integrity. That would be a lot of lost income and undue hardship. See the various casino acts/legislation as precedent for anti-rigging and fair gaming.


I think if they did we would learn that skewed 50% is real, and that the algorithm is designed to make us addicted money spenders.

A lot of us play to gain sr, and have been hardstuck, and playing daily for years now just to not move the needle. It’s rigged because it makes them money to rig it and keep us hooked. Like a gatcha game.


hmmm, that’s what I suspected, “gambling algorithm” is used without notice.


Late to the show, but you can have 4 ranks in a game as long as the stacks work out that way even without pending demotions. As an example:

2400(gold) + 2400(gold) + 1450(bronze) = 2083 avg
1700(silver) + 2600(plat) + 1950(silver) = 2083 avg

These stacks are both allowed and could even be on the same team. If you move up to 4+ stacks, it can be even wider. The 1000 SR queueing range ensures that games with a wider gap than 1000 SR are allowed, as long as teams have outliars skewing in different directions. It really should be more like 500 in middle ranks.

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Wyoming if you truly believe all of that to be real, then tell us more. Let’s hear it. There’s more to it than that. Just let it all out and be done with it. Don’t give a half of a cake to a family. Bring the whole thing.

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The cake is a lie. 20

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And a lot of us haven’t.

That’s how it works. Not everybody improves at the same pace.

Except keeping players addicted to comp has nothing to do with directly giving Blizzard money. It may give them publicity which is also valuable, but they don’t mean the same thing. This game generates money off of cosmetics/lootboxes, not p2w or playtime. Even OW2 is unnecessary for the competitive players, whatever it may be priced at.

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Agree, but the unprofessional clowns who wrote the alg probably don’t even use the Harmonic mean. Harmonic is what you want for parallel operations and combined efforts. OW is a team game so people work together, not in a series.

3/((1/2400)+(1/2400)+(1/1450)) = 1970 avg.
3/((1/1700)+(1/2600)+(1/1950)) = 2019 avg.

Not big differences but important for completion and correctness.

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