Public profiles in competitive please


I love you :laughing::heartpulse:

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Mate I feel like this other dude is on something tbh.

He told me he thinks I never fill and only expect others to fill for me. And it makes no difference in coordinating or getting players to listen to see a profile…

I told him “look at my profile you can see I fill like 50% of the time on all roles”. So he does and notices that I fill a bunch and he was wrong about me.
So he just learned that I’m a cooperative player and a lot other important info just by quickly checking my profile. Cool ey?

Then he proceeds to design a as engaging as possible example using my profiles data to prove me wrong.
When all he just did was prove himself wrong as “oh who would have thought, it really helps to know what someone plays if you wanna engage them and them to listen…”

a reminder that private profiles exist BECAUSE of competitive…

and youre asking them to change it back…

what do you think would happen?


They said to report feeding, griefing, and throwing. but playing poorly and refusing to switch is not considered feeding, griefing, or throwing. There is no contradiction there.

Blizzard did: the report description says “intentionally allowing yourself to be eliminated by the enemy team (I.E. feeding).” It has nothing to do with ult charges or unintentionally getting eliminated , and anyone who think feeding has anything to do with ult charges or unintentionally dying is objectively wrong.

You have made the case for why Private Profiles should stay.


Hmm I think I see the problem you have here.

To me this sounds like they say the key word here “FALSELY”. Let’s say I don’t like this guys voice and I say he is cheating or her is abusive chat thats falsely.

If I say this dude is feeding and they are not cooperating in my opinion so they should not be in the game. Thats not false.

So question, how do you determine if someone is “meaningfully” feeding or not? If say, I play D.Va poorly and constantly shoot at Zarya’s bubble giving her ult charge in comp, how is that not feeding? And how does one know if a person “is playing poorly” by feeding as opposed to someone mistankingly/intentionally feeding?

This is the issue I have. Playing poorly could be anybody by anyone’s standards logically so if they see someone feeding, who is in the right to report?

Blizz is not clear on these issues I feel imo since they leave it way too wide for interpritation, hence why so many are at odds here.

Not for me, maybe for people who profile stalk, but really they are the problem. Not the rest of us.

I mean if you know you are going to get killed for sure. That’s intentionally then no?

To me this case is like saying well I didn’t know that tping ppl of the map would kill them. Sorry! Well oops I keep running of the map or just cant find the enemy team. #NotThrowingBtw

Blizzard never used the word “meaningfully” anywhere.

Blizzard does not say anything about ult charges anywhere.

If you cannot tell a clear difference between playing poorly and intentionally dying, then you should not be reporting that player.

Blizzard has left some grey areas. However, parts that is NOT open to interpretation is that one-tricking/refusing to switch heroes is NOT gameplay sabotage because it has been explicitly and repeated stated as such.

Is that not considerd “feeding?” I am not sure but I thought it was unless I am mistaken?

Both of those things are explicitly mentioned in the report description as gameplay sabotage. Try reading past the first sentence sometime.

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This is exactly why they added the “Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports” clause.
In the end intentional or not matters little. If a player makes a mistake like shooting a bubble you can’t tell if they try and lose the game or just make a mistake cause they are gold.

If a player keeps walking off the map. Runs 1 vs 6. Walling off their teammates ect. Or just keeps loosing to the enemy by a lot on a hero they never played before while their team happens to need and kindly ask them to maybe play their main.

Sure ppl can try and say just like some ppl in comments here. Sorry all accidental. In the end you are clearly and unless you have 10IQ knowingly losing for your team.

So it doesn’t matter if you meant it or think its ok do do. Cause the majority of players agrees in not wanting such a person on their team which makes it a bannable offense.

Blizzard has never linked ult charges to feeding in any statement, so no.

Intent is the focal point the report description; that’s why it the report description specifically says someone has to be doing things intentionally to be reported.

Ahh so what is the feeding term? Serious question btw since many I heard that give ult charge says “you are feeding the enemy”

Honestly that one’s not that hard.

If it’s intentional, then they’ll just let it happen. They won’t be putting up much of a fight to prevent themselves from dying. They’ll run in, get the enemy’s attention, and let themselves die.

Playing poorly is the dude who goes in on his own, gets 50% of a kill but dies before he can finish the other 50. He’s trying to survive, he’s trying to do his job, he just… isn’t.

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Ahh, yeah, that makes sense aha

I mean, the system has so much flaws so I question how reports even work?