Public profiles in competitive please

This assures me that you want these profiles open for a very different reason than composing a working team in a friendly manner.


As I said before, I will know who to report. If I see you play tracer at least a few times and always did ok. I will not assume you are the problem. Maybe enemy is just good. Or I’m just bad at helping you and need to position differently.

Now I can’t see any of that if your profile is private. Instead me and many others will think. Oh this tracer keeps failing. Has a private profile to probably hide the fact they never played tracer ever before and joined the game tilted or maybe they just boosted and have 10% win rate.

Do you see the issue?

It really doesn’t prevent someone from attxking player for the hero they play.

Ok let’s have our experiments.

I just checked your profile. So you and I are in a game together.

I am the Ana, you’re the soldier, we have a Rein, zen, McCree and Symmetra. Do you switch to Zarya if I say “guys we could use another tank, can anyone fill”? Or do I have to check your profile and tell you “Hey, I see you have play time on zarya, swap”.

Same thing I said to the private profile dude refusing to make a actual argument.

LOOK AT MY PROFILE… You can clearly see I fill about half my games. On tank support and dps. I play what is needed if I can fill the hero we need.
Not the behaviour I believe any private profile player arguing against me with the argument you are toxic.

Yeah I’m toxic. But ingame I try and win. I cooperate. And fill. Now tell me you dont want that on your team. I dont blindly call ppl out either. Unless I cant look at their profile to see its not their fault.

You flex, but you are toxic, and you’re looking for more causes to base your toxicity on.

No, thank you.

I rather have a friendly, cooperative Torb/Sym who talks in the VC how we can utilize their skills, than someone like you who will trash them because [insert a reason, you know better].


It’s not, your openly admitting to false reporting and abusing the system.

The devs have said on multiple occasions that they didn’t expect one-tricking to be a thing but that’s what came with freedom of a choice and they stood by it. You even quote the meaning of “gameplay sabotage” and proceed to weave in your argument.

A sym only player, a genji only player, a mercy only player cannot force you to do anything and they’re just trying to win with the hero that they like

People can win or try to win with whoever they want and if you don’t agree then maybe you should be the one to rethink playing comp. Telling people they can’t try to get better and win the way they want to is the true angst and toxicity here.


Do either situations matter though?

As I’ve said numerous times throughout this thread, playing poorly is not a reportable offense.

Regardless of if I have a public or private profile, I will play as I will, and you shouldn’t be reporting me for how things end up. My previous time on them is irrelevant when you shouldn’t be acting on it either way.


Is this attack and what map?
Assuming this is control(koth) I will look at the symms profile to see if she can maybe tank. Also in that comp if I really wanted to dps I would have went tracer. Much better to play in that comp on koth.
If symm is a one trick I would be mad at the as*hole, avoid him and report. But i would zarya if I feel like this cant work.

Now this is a different story on a map where symm is a good pick and the symm is being a cooperative player (in vc ect). Then I would have not picked dps.

Both cases assume the cree is a cree main btw and the zen is a zen main.
If a saw zen is a offtank main I would have asked him to maybe offtank as my zen is better than my zarya. So I play my better hero and he plays his main.

None of that I can do with private profile bs.

If you say “guys we could use another tank, can anyone fill”? I will feel much less reason to do it. Why not anyone of my 5 mates. If you say “Hey, I see you have play time on zarya, swap” I won’t do it 90% cause you trying to boss me around.
If on the other hand say “Hey, I see you have play time on zarya, this cree and symm are both maining their hero. Would you mind paying zarya one of your mains for Rein?" God damn brother I will swap so fast you cant even finish the sentence.

Ok you’ve identified Slythers tracer as the problem. Now what do you do. Tell them to swap right? Well they don’t want to. Tell them that you can see they are better on Pharah. He still doesn’t want to swap because he knows what he is better at, he just doesn’t want to play it.

Whats your next move? Report? Well you can’t report someone for playing worse than you want them to because as explicitly stated by blizzard that doesn’t count as sabotage. Neither does a hero pick no matter what. Thats why one can pick mercy or torb and only use pistol and hammer and be safe from the gameplay sabotage report.

Whats left? My guess is you flame them.

How did a public profile help you?

in that case it would be better if the default mode was ONLY TEAMMATES can see your Profile

that way you are protected from the enemy team and your teammates can coordinate better

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Cool you said that. Blizzard said it is if you do it in a way which obviously will hinder your team from winning. Same as onetricking if your 5 mates want you to fill. Jeff said that.
His argument was that forcing 5ppl to play around you on a maybe suboptimal pick if they want a chance to win or you throw is a offense and will be punished. 1 ticking is exactly that cause if your team will try and play dive with a torb 1 tick its basically a 5 vs 6.

Thank you for clearly demonstrating the type of mindset that has ensured my profile will always be private


I just leave mine open, I just ignore people anyway. If playing siege has taught me anything playing with friends is more enjoyable.

First mistake is thinking the character that is best at controlling the objectives with her area denial kit should swap on koth map.

Second mistake is not understanding how hypothetical works. The map is besides the point, the point is that we need a 2nd tank to help rein (just imagine a situation where we need it) and you know how to play zarya. Do you swap if I say “guys we need a second tank, can somebody swap” or do you wait till I go to your profile, check that you do know how to play zarya and tell you specifically to swap.

Well yes and no. While Blizz said that playing worse or not what I individually want is reportable (I agree with that btw).

Not cooperating regardless your 5 teamates effort to ask nicely and proceeding to play a hero which considerably puts your team at a avoidable disadvantage (which I would say playing a hero you have no playtime on and 10% win rate qualifies as). Is a reportable offence! Blizz and jeff said that as well.

I don’t just say that. The game literally does, I’m just relaying the message.



Their stance has always been, to my knowledge, that you’re always allowed to play what you want, just understand that heroes aren’t suited for all situations and sometimes swapping is the better option. Not a mandatory one, just a better one.

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I understand, but i dont feel like providing the would-be team micromanagers with any data at all

I used to be somewhat micromanger until I realized it was not helping team. Now I just do call outs.

Well I did orient here on what pro streamers and owl does. Symm takes on koth crucial time to set up and does best in a choke like environment where avoiding her and her turrets is hard. Most koth maps have many open ways to engage and easily avoid all that makes her kid good.

While a hero with lots of mobility can maybe easily harass targets like a zen or ana on the enemy team.

I dont know what you play or how well cause thank your private profile. But I play in dia to masters and watch streams and pros. Noone ever before you told me symm is better on koth than tracer.

Still doesn’t matter if my game understanding is perfect or not (which I know it isn’t). Fact is I fill. I talk. And cooperate if asked nicely instantly even if not feeling it that much.

I can probably safely assume that neither private profile symm, nor you, or Slyther do the same. Cause if you did you would not try so hard to justify not showing what you play to anyone. While the cons clearly outweigh the only pro which is not getting called out as early if you are displaying unwanted behavior. Which suprise is only a pro for ppl like that.