Ptr sombra is incredibly fun

The most it should ever be is like 10-15. 6 seconds is too short, but the 6-15 is more than enough as most teams will engage within that time period.

Then what was the point of removing the time limit on stealth? 6 seconds was enough for me. Especially with 75% movement speed.

Besides since no one should no where you are they cannot aim in your general direction. The risk of the abilities you mentioned is laughably specific and rare to occur. The higher risk is getting hit trying to go through a very narrow choke point such as Anubis.

You’d be surprised how often these occurrences actually happen. Especially for Sombra players who naively think they can use stealth for something other than undetected movement.

This creates a disparity between pro play and casual play. Ana has a history of being weak in casual play, especially in lower tiers, but Blizzard has to be careful about buffing her or she’ll outright break pro play. Generally, the ideal design for MOBA characters is a low skill floor and high skill ceiling, though the nature of some kits doesn’t allow this. Again, see Ana.

Then de-cloak out of their hearing range. Do it on high ground and drop down behind them. Walk toward them crouched. Again, with high mobility, the freedom to go anywhere undetected, and no time constraints, finding a good angle isn’t that hard.

Why should you be able to approach someone undetected, ambush them from the ideal position, and be able to kill them before they or their team can react? That’s ridiculous.

Sombra has never been much of a solo threat, and can’t become one without losing some significant utility - but her kit is centered around that utility, not damage. She’s closer to Symmetra and Mei than Tracer and Genji.

Yeah, that’s called power budget. Sombra isn’t inherently that weak, she’s just niche and outperformed by other DPS. The first rework showed us how easily she can become overpowered and oppressive. Remember when she enforced her own meta for two weeks?

Er…no. Sorry.

Yet better and more consistently.

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I remember how that never happened. I probably need to do another mythbusting thread.


Sombra doesn’t NEED power budget. She never made her own meta. I don’t get why people insisted this. People on this very forum were monitoring her usage and she was still being outclassed. The only difference is a couple of maps like Eichenwalde, she’d be picked in because of the hack/translocator potential on those maps.

The only other reason you were seeing her a lot is because she’d literally just had a good buff. If the buff had been in the game for another 2 weeks, I guarantee you it would have settled. Remember how much Reaper we saw for 2 weeks after his recent buff and how people were saying he was OP now?

As for being niche, having one of the lowest winrates AND pickrates in the game doesn’t make her niche. It makes her underpowered.


The translocator being destroyable I have not found to be an issue at all. The sound on it was greatly reduced. The ability to cancel it say 5 seconds in for a 2 second cooldown so I can reposition it instead of having to wait 15 seconds longer is a very nice buff to changing battle situations.

The stealth movement speed decrease is not that problematic. A -25% speed goes from 9.625 m/s to 8.25 m/s. Over 5 seconds that’s a 6.875 m gain. That gain is neutralized in 0.83 seconds more running time with infinite stealth. Any time after that is a straight up gain in distance covered. The ability to contest is a noticeable change.

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I generally use translocator quite aggressively, so since it can’t be destroyed in middair which is where I normally translocate to, you’d think it wouldn’t bother me too much… However I also like to do buffer translocators. So for example at the start of a fight I’ll throw a translocator in the middle of the enemy team’s side of the field, act like it’s not there for 5/10 seconds, then translocate and strike an EMP when it’s not expected. It’s an INCREDIBLY useful application of the translocator which is just… gone now.

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I mean, no not really. Slower and more susceptible to cancelation.

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I find that hard to believe, considering the massive backlash from pros and most of the community. If you’re not playing dumb, then Google is your friend. Sombra destroyed tanks so badly and consistently that they were declining as a class, even in very high elo. Triple DPS/Support comps were becoming a thing.

That never happened, the stats are right there for all to see.

At high ranks, Sombra was down to 2% pick rate by the time the nerfs hit. Tanks were unaffected (all ranks it was 1%).

The much cited Korean Contenders still used Winston and D.Va, and the ultimate winners didn’t use Sombra.


Dont need google. I was here playing her and following stats.

Just quick recap from Mr. Kaplan the big dog himself.


This never happened. Google IS my friend. You’re quite right. Maybe I should introduce you. I literally found NOTHING suggesting Sombra had been meta. Just a couple of tweets from people worried it was too much, but no actual stats backing you up. Instead, plenty of stats backing up anyone saying that you’re making stuff up.

Also the fact that I’m a Sombra main, so you know, I was playing her when this all went down

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I peaked at 4400SR playing only Sombra.

do you even know that PTR Sombra cant capture anything while in stealth?

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Sounds like they listen to some feedback

Because it comes at a great cost. Slower stealth speed and destroyable translocator.

Infinite stealth and translocator are amazing and there is hardly a time I believe the translocator will be destroyed. But the movement on stealth… the thing is that there is hardly a time you’ll need to stay invisible that long. The slower speed makes you easier to hit and much more predictable, not to mention you lose a lot of jumps you could make before.

If the speed stayed the same I’d be 100% for it.


The fact that Goodman is “surprised” by the overwhelming negative feedback to his Sombra changes tells you all you need to know about how disconnected he is from the game at large…


Did you even know that I posted that I forgot about it? Chill.

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115 hours on sombra. love the changes so much. I’m honestly a little upset that people keep complaining. I want this to go live.

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More like they listen to some outrage.

Or they realized that an extremely small minority of players liked the original changes.

Not to mention that nerfing an already bad hero isn’t a great idea.

Let alone they made 3 good changes and almost 6 bad changes for a total of 9.

Hate to say but this is pretty bad. 10-15 seconds is the same average time of most engagements. So your team is either winning the fight or losing by the time your perfect moment has come.

Most sombra’s are in position at least 3 seconds before every fight starts. If it takes you an additional second to reach a point that means you have to 2 seconds before the fight starts. If you are teaming with a tracer you are falling behind.

Now everyone has to wait for Sombra to get in position before striking Which gives enemies more time to prepare. Saying to my teammates you didn’t wait for me to position isn’t an excuse that’s going to fly well.