Ptr sombra is incredibly fun

Where is this? I’d love to be stuck in that rank even if it is silver or bronze

Well it’s the same with widow. If a player is skilled enough, they can control the whole game. But the headshots she requires in order to get good kills is very difficult and requires practice/ skill. If Sombra was to have such a strong passive, and such high damage, her ability to make a quick kill would have to require a great deal of skill. How? Idk. That would be for the devs to figure out.

The difference between Widow and Sombra is there is no hard counter for Sombra. She pops up, does something and vanishes again.

Quickplay. Remember that, up until recently, we were drowning in Widows and Hanzos long before Comp got the sniper meta. We also have way more Genjis and Tracers than Comp as well and main tanks are a rarity.

Not to mention all the threads complaining about QP players not taking the game seriously.

And according to the dev’s we make up the lions share of the playerbase.

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That does sound like fun! You know what doesn’t sound like fun? Fighting the enemy team 5 vs 6.

Sombra gets countered by snipers, especially Hanzo. Even pre rework, before you tell me Hanzo counters everyone.


She may be fun, but is she any better than before? I’m just not buying it. She doesn’t need offsetting nerfs for buffs.

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So basically what you said is, “I’m going to sit here invisible all game until my team does the work for me because I’ll finally have an opening to EMP, when I could’ve already done ALL of this before without infinite stealth. Carry me harder, team, pls. I don’t want to do anything until my ‘perfect’ moment shows after you all are already doing the work for me.”


They are soft counters, you can play around them. And yes, they counter basicly every squishy hero if you look at it this way.

It will decrease her win and pick rate since she is played more in higher ranks and they know this is a nerf

Heres the thing…ptr sombra is a buff…She can do stuff she could not before…

The problem is none of it is going too help her main issues as a character…she’s essentially creates 5v6 all the time…the changes might actually make things worse

If it doesn’t make her better or even worse it’s not a buff.

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Hanzo has sonic which zones you out and limits your way to engage with stealth. Hack doesnt cancel sonic or storm arrows. Sombra cant hack anyone from high ground savely without risking to get oneshot, she needs to get rid of the snipers first.

Sombra acts close range because her spread is bad, but thats also a range where projectile speed disadvantage doesnt matter anymore for Hanzo.

Widow has an Ultimate which makes stealth completely useless and if you are unlcky enough to get caught by venom mine then your entire kit is countered for its duration because Sombra cant do squat while taking damage.

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Well. If they won’t be able to destroy it, they will camp it. And if you try to escape using Translocator, you will escape right to enemy trap and will be dead.

Camping is common enough that you actually learn to anticipate it. Like cloaking when teleporting incase someone’s aiming at it.

Or backtracking when you get an indicator that someone’s at or near it


How are people still saying that the rework makes her “less involved” or “less active”?

Getting in a good position is way better and easier. She may have less burst mobility for reactive positioning, but she has WAY more overall mobility for preemptive positioning. Dropping from 75% to 50% movement speed just means she has to run for 7 seconds instead of 6 seconds to travel the same distance - AND she has the potential to travel much farther and faster, permanently undetected.

No more mistiming your Translocator and Stealth cooldowns and getting in position before your team is ready, then having to wait for the next cycle. I don’t care how good you were at this, because I was great at it too - now those limiters are entirely removed, a huge boost in potential. Sombra can guarantee she will be in the right place at the right time, if she scouts correctly, which SHOULD be a test of skill.

This is without even mentioning the Translocator changes. Who cares if an enemy camps or destroys it? You’re safely invisible somewhere, and can replace it at your leisure. Yeah, it’s not as reliable for in-combat escapes, but Sombra has to be punishable SOMEHOW. Honestly, up until this point, she’s been both unreliable to play with and an unpunishable nightmare to play against. The rework alleviates that.

It may not be what you wanted, but this is simply a net buff, people. The only significant nerf remaining is moving 25% slower in stealth, but now you get the movespeed forever, among other perks. Like come on.


You easily punish sombra with hanzo, junkrat, torbjorn, winston, or symmetra.

As for the rest, the problem is sombra is the only hero whose kit can be interrupted by anything less than a crowd control ability. At least when McCree flashbangs someone, he sacrifices a cooldown to do it.

But not for Sombra. For her, abilities are interrupted by bullets. A single bullet. Not a cooldown.

And this nerf makes it way worse. Now EVERY ability she has can be interrupted by bullets.

When McCree resets your ability cooldown by flashbanging you, he does so at the cost of a cooldown. But Sombra gets ALL her ability cooldowns reset by enemies without EVER costing them a single cooldown reset.

It’s just so wrong.


She already had an easy time with EMP, she could already infiltrate the backline without making a noise if she was far enough. She already could use EMP as a follow up. All these things you mentioned are not new at all.

There’s literally no benefit to staying cloaked for such an indefinite time because you can’t do anything with it except for throwing a translocator, and when you do reveal yourself she’s still going to be played as the same old Sombra. Nothing has genuinely changed except for the skill barrier.

Because she could infiltrate just fine beforehand and these changes were unnecessary for her.


Everything you just explained was Sombra actively doing nothing in every scenario just so she can position better. Downtime is TERRIBLE in this game, meaning you’re leaving your team in a 5v6 much longer through the entire match just so you can go play around in invis. It is a terrible change that increases Sombra’s downtime, when she already has the most downtime in this game. It is NOT what she needed. She needed something to make her more active. Not less active. And this makes her overall less active, especially with the inability to contest invisibly. I can’t tell you how many times I have saved Point by doing this. Now I can just sit there invisible on point and watch everybody die as we lose. :slight_smile: