PSA: Pros aren't "ruining" the game

This is rude but true.

I agree to a point. Balance should be done by an unbiased party watching high level gameplay, as only the highest level gameplay will best illustrate what each hero is capable of. However, balance shouldn’t be influenced by biased parties that are actually playing high level gameplay. Pros are human just like the rest of us, and being human means being biased. It’s human nature.

Ideally the devs would be the unbiased party, being equally concerned with all heroes the way a parent would be equally concerned with all of their children. No favorites. Devs can balance based on what they see in those high level matches, read the data from those matches and balance accordingly, without listening to a single biased word those high level players have to say about it.

Balance should be done in a vacuum. What each hero can do can be balanced. What each of us at our particular skill level can do with those heroes can’t be balanced. At least not without having variable balance points from one rank to the next, which is something I’d be 100% against. The game should be balanced exactly the same from bronze to T500. If the heroes are balanced when each are played at the highest level their kits allow then they’re balanced at all ranks, the only variable being player skill. That’s how it should be IMO.

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I’m here to talk true with people, try to find truth and have interesting debates and discussions. Not to be nice, sooo, yup :slight_smile:

People in this thread: ”Professional players can’t adjust to metachanges and for that reason won’t complain about their main character being, what i personally as a (insert character) main in (insert rank as if that would add legitimacy) think is unbalanced.”. Very convincing discussion indeed

That’s what they do :
They nerfed Doomfist for pros
They buffed Bastion for casuals
They nerfed Brigitte for everyone

For example.

I can be biased to sometime, I main Bastion and most of the time Hanzo just shred everything with his stupid storm arrow. I hope for a E rework.

But they shouldn’t balance for or cater to anybody. That’s the point. They should balance for balance, not for any particular segment of the player base.

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This is almost impossible, imagine a Mcree in silver that hit only 20% of his shot, now imagine a T500 Mcree main who never miss anything. Now try to balance that.

They just recently buff the worst heroe in the game to be less trash tier. And then post on the forum start saying new Bastion need a nerf . . .

Well, yes. They are getting paid to win. So if there is anything they can abuse to increase their chances to win, they will use it.

The silver Mcree needs to get better then. That doesn’t mean Mcree himself isn’t balanced. I don’t have to balance that, because I refuse to consider varying skill levels of the players when looking at what Mcree is capable of using the kit he’s been given. Player skill can’t be balanced.

Remember, I’m looking at balance in a vacuum - when played to his maximum potential, is Mcree balanced against and with the other 28 heroes when played at their maximum potential? I don’t have the answer to that, but THAT is the right question to be asking IMO.

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if this game was balanced for pros, why aren’t zen and nerfed despite being god-tier in the pro scene for over a year

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A game should be balanced at the point that delivers enjoyment to the highest number of the people that play it.

I highly doubt that this point would be at either extreme of skill.

So how do you balance if statistics is the only thing left on board? It only makes sense to look at this from two perspectives: The entire playerbase and the higher ranked players (you know, those people that are more likely to know how the game works and how to play it correctly?). If balance was only catered to the average player in mind, then we’d end up with things that just don’t work balance wise from a statistical standpoint as the average has no clue how to play the game.
Edit: spelling

Good point.

In order to win they have to take advantage of their opponents. Look how much Shanghai struggled with getting their dive game up to par and such.

It’s not like there is some pro Cabal like “YAAASSS KEEP DVA MUST PICK”

E-sports pros make up a very small minority of the people actually playing the game. Balancing to them alone only makes sense in so much as they care about what happens in every other rank, and to casual players. I’m sure they do, to an extent. But of course they’re also self interested in making sure the game works the best… for them.

The best way to balance would be to get concensus from all players, and find a middle ground.

A game is made to be played at it’s full potential and balance at the same way.
Pro are the only one playing it at it’s full potential.

The purpose of balancing a game is to make it enjoyable for the majority of people, regardless of how good or bad they are.

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That doesn’t work as a business model. Balancing for the majority does.

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Okay, so let’s make bigger hitbox for making our poor silver Mcree hit thing, and let’s nerf Bastion and Junkrat. Also, maybe buff Ana.

Balance isn’t catered TO anybody at any skill level. Or at least, it shouldn’t be.

From a statistical standpoint, someone who has no clue how to play the game is going to have far lower statistics than someone who has been playing the game for years. That is NOT a balance issue. We have to separate balance issues from skill discrepancies, they are two entirely different animals. Low level players need to understand that they are playing the exact same game as the T500’s. The balance is the same at their rank as it is at yours, and every single rank in between. The heroes are the same, the maps are the same, the objectives are the same. The only difference is that player A is better at the game than player B. That is not something anyone should be buffing or nerfing around. Like, ever.

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