It’s also entirely possible that pros want what is best for them, and no one else, and that they wonder why anyone would or could possibly disagree with them.
Both are possible.
It’s also entirely possible that pros want what is best for them, and no one else, and that they wonder why anyone would or could possibly disagree with them.
Both are possible.
Pros aren’t really the problem at all. In order for OWL to be successful it has to have a certain number of people watching it because the companies that invest in OWL aren’t doing it for the good feelings, it’s advertisement. So it’s in Blizzard’s best interest for matches to be as widely view-able as possible and people enjoy fast gameplay.
Will it succeed? If it does, it’s not going to be good for a lot of players. Watching Overwatch is different then playing Overwatch.
What could be the best for them ? Playing Genji/Tracer instead of Brigitte, I don’t think so ?
Whatever curries them favor? More favor = more notoriety = more public appeal = more business opportunities.
Whatever gives them the least muscle strain? Less mouse movements = less chance of carpaltunnel = more time spent in the League.
Whatever gives them the most enjoyment? More enjoyment = less anger and frustration = fewer chances of xQc-esque outbursts = more time spent in the League?
Whatever strengthens their relationship with Blizzard? More agreements with Blizz’s balance changes = more opportunities to playtest in private = more brainstorming opportunities = more likelihood of sculpting the game how they want = more opportunities to get the leg up on the opposing teams and increase their chances of getting winning bonuses in the League.
There’s a lot more at stake for them than just pure objectively fair balance. Any influence they have would be considered a potential conflict of interest in literally any other field except competition…
I strongly disagree that pros want “what’s best for the game.” They just want what works for them.
LOL yea, that’s a great idea. Let’s make a game with an userbase in the 10s of millions and tune it for 500 of them.
This is a beautiful destructive argument, did you really think balancing the game on people who don’t know how to play it is better than balancing the game on people who exactly know how to play it ?
I don’t think so.
lol, yeah, just like only Nascar drivers know how to drive.
You know how to drive in Overwatch better than pro do ?
They… don’t do that, though. It’s pretty obvious this game isn’t catered to pros in the slightest, Blizzard just buffs/nerfs whatever the ladder peasantry wants them to for the most part.
Life just doesn’t work that way.
Being good at something doesn’t mean someone knows more about something.
There are plenty of fans that know as much about basketball as LeBron James. Maybe more in some cases. Also, there isn’t a coach in the NBA that could outplay LeBron James, and yet he still listens to their advice.
Being able to pointy clicky accurately because you have a hot gaming machine and better than average reflexes is only part of the story.
Pro have coach too, and they are listening them. Also, pro are the only one playing the game at it’s full potential.
They know how to play the game better than all of us. So I accept that idea that a game is made to be played at it’s full potential and balance for the same way.
But it’s not though. That’s why certain heroes dominate at low ELO (Junkrat) but are garbage at high ELO where precision matters more. Just as the reverse is true where a character that dominates at high ELO (WIdowmaker) is generally considered a troll pick at low ELO.
This is all about balance. Try to make a heroe more effective at all ranks is very hard. I can dream of a game balanced in alls ranks for all of us but it’s almost impossible.
It’s pretty ignorant to say that pros are only where they are because of their mechanics. They’re not just adderall-infused teenagers that suffer from ADHD. It’s their jobs to know the game inside and out, they’re not just good in the mechanical aspect, but the strategic aspect as well. You don’t become a pro just because you can aim gud, contrary to what you imply.
I am just saying. Balance it for just the high ELOs and only the precision characters would matter.
Stop taking seriously people that think pros want to ruin the game, pros are the ones that live because of the game. Their job IS the game. Why would they want to ruin it ? It’s utter nonsense.
Moreover, pros are the one that have the better game knowledge. I don’t see why I should trust a plat random claiming people that know better are bad for the game.
People thinking pros want to ruin the game are just stupid, period.
I have no reason to believe the pros or the OWL are adversely impacting how I play this game. I don’t see reason to point at them and go “THIS IS THEIR FAULT!” Makes no sense to me.
I do however see it is very important for a lot of people that they have someone to blame. This forum very much enjoys blaming.
Pro like this game, but imagine if the game is not fun for 99% of the player base. They will get 0 spectator on twitch.
Their suggestions are surely biased because the pro world is so much different than the casual one. But saying they try to ruin the game is BS.
It’s a competitive game, people should try to improve, so following what pro are telling should be a benediction for tryharders (like me).
Casual players on the other hand, are just casual, they shouldn’t care about the balance and play whatever they want.
Casuals that want a balanced game are just people lying to themselves that want to win without tryharding and that want the game to buff their hero so they can do things without any effort. That particular kind of people have only one problem : themselves.