PSA: Pros aren't "ruining" the game

I find it hilarious how people seem to think pros are this ultimate evil, trying to destroy Overwatch.

Pros want what’s best for the game, and a lot of time they’re gonna be right about things. A game should be balanced off of it’s high tiered scene, and never it’s lower.

At the end of the day, just stop acting like they are this ultimate evil ruining your hero, etc.

That is all.

Inb4 “skill elitists”

EDIT: I forgot to put in that Overwatch is basically an esports game now. It makes to sense to balance it that way, from feedback from pros.


Nah, pros want whats best for themselves - either by improving their personal win chances or by improving the watchability of the game for the ones running the long con.

They arent evil, but they aren’t good either.


No they really don’t though. How on Earth have you come to this conclusion? They want the game to be balanced and fair, you think they WANT to play some unbalanced game for a living? Most of the pros are known for Overwatch and gain income streaming.

They aren’t either, really.


If the game being unbalanced favors them…

I don’t see pro’s complaining about the characters that aren’t viable all that much when it isn’t one they like:P


This post is slaying all the casuals


Again, pros aren’t trying to do this. They want the game to be viably competitive. If it’s an esports game, it doesn’t make sense to balance the game casually when it is made to be competitively viable.

While pros may not be correct ALL of the time, a lot of the things they say make sense and is backed up.


When was the last time you heard a pro suggest a nerf to their own main or a buff to their counter? They want the game to be watchable because that makes them money, but they want it to be winnable (for them self) so they can continue to benefit from the watchablity.


Good vs. evil has nothing to do with it. Professional players view the game from a completely different perspective, because their primary play experience is a LAN setting with organized teams. Feedback related to that context is often not applicable to the context of “normal” Overwatch play that the vast majority of players experience, and it can be counterproductive when people attempt to apply professional players’ feedback in such a way.


When was the last time you saw a player do that?


I highly doubt this. There has been plenty of times where pros have offered a suggestion to nerf a character they play.


Never, thats why i think its even more unlikely that people who depend on the game and their relevancy in it to pay the bills would do so. Be honest, would you really tell someone “you should do something that could render me obselete and potentally put me out of a job”?

In a way that would actually effect their playstyle or the relevancy of that class?


Exactly. Absolutely no one would. It’s not a pro problem, it’s a human race problem.


IMO, pros should be the last ones to complain and demand changes, they are pros, they are better than 99% of us, their hability to adapt should, in theory, be better than our…

The pros’ “”"“job”""" is play a game, something that most of us do in our free time, for fun, and for free, and they can’t even do it without complain :rofl:; They are “too good” to adapt, unlike 99.99% of us, ROFLMAO :joy::rofl:.


Exactly, and thats why I want balance primarily informed by blizz rather than pros or casuals. They need the game to succeed to buy that second diamond encrusted hyper bugatti, but they dont need, for instance, tracer specifically to succeed to do that.


Yeah its kind of absurd to think the pros really care about the game outside of their own experience… and pocket book. Blizz learned after what they did to Sombra and DF originally to start ignoring at least part of what they say and taking it with a grain of salt.


No, they wants what’s best for them personally. Huge difference.

Except 99,9999% of the players don’t experience Overwatch in professional 6-stacks so balancing the game around that is just hurtful to the game.

You should listen to Seagull (former pro) talking about OWL being ‘a bubble’ where they only experience an extremely narrow version of the game. He straight out say that they have no idea how the regular game is balanced because the competitive scene is so removed from the actual game people are playing.


If it benefits them then of course. It’s very naive of you to think they want a balanced game… They want what allows them to succeed just like any other biased player.

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The loud and illogical pros cause some damage, but aren’t ruining the game. Really, the negative and unreasonable parts of the community are ruining the game by making it seem like the worst thing on the planet.

Then ofc still play OW and just call their toxic posts criticism.

I think it’s cheating to put that on the post.

Got a chuckle out of that. Thanks.