PSA: Junkrat is in danger of Dying

i love all the junkrat hate thats in here. and how people that hate him have little to no time on him at all and dont know what skill it truly takes to play his kit. or how hard he is to play.

they just assume hes a cheese hero that is easy to play and " spamy " with the gernades when in reality a good junkrat player knows how to use him when to use him and what to do with him to win every time.

case in point
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a good junkrat knows how to get behind an orisa shield and kill everything that is behind it.

or how to bank a shot into a doorway. or arch there shot into enamys that are out of sight over a wall or some where else. it all comes down to skill not " spam " as so many beleave.

by shrinking the size of his gernades there ultametly nerfing him to a point he wont be as good as he currently is. and he will become a spam hero.

the same goes for the tire speed. by lowering it it now means that people will have more time to shoot it and destroy it before it can reach its destination something that higher skill level players can allready do

this means its going to become more of an issue to play him more people may not pick him but the main die hard one tricks and mains are going to keep going in hopes that eather he gets a buff in something else or reverted from this new nerf.

i challange by the way. anyone that has never played him. to go pull potG in a live comp match with him that did not take some kind of skill and prove that hes a garbage hero. otherwise. go play him and learn for your self what he is able to do. before commenting about him if you dont know anything about how he plays
(( and just dieing to him does not count as knolage of how he is ))


The people who claim they can easily get a quad kill ulti off with him are actually questionably educated. It’s incredibly hard to do so and in the 160+ hours I’ve played of him I’ve probably managed it twice and they were in quick play. Plus, you need to violently shake your mouse in order to make the tire somewhat evasive otherwise people will just shoot it down. I’m a low plat borderline gold player and even down here people shoot it easily, reducing the speed is going to make me question if I should even use it anymore as all it’ll do is waste possibly up to 10 seconds of my time that I could be trying to make picks with. The speed nerf isn’t just making it harder to hit with, but makes Junkrat need to sit closer to danger in order to actually pull a successful ult off. Taking the tire off road and up buildings etc just to try and catch someone off guard takes a lot longer than you’d think so if you sit too far away from the action you’ll waste the ult completely


Your in a hallway you’re going to lose. He destroys teams in small areas.

That’s very obviously sarcasm even without the /s

By the way I played three minutes of him now. I had to swap to him to win a point. I still think he’s braindead and easy to play and I did 8k damage in 3 minutes.


To put it bluntly, the more they nerf Junkrat, the merrier. I hate that character so much.

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Apparently she is super powerful at high level. I almost feel vindicated in knowing that Blizzard is about to eat a ton of crow on that front.

Sounds like you need to get better at game then lol.

I hate a few heroes too but I don’t wish they’d be nerfed into the ground and made utterly useless either. :roll_eyes:


I personally don’t think this will effect Junkrat’s viability or pickrate all too much. I know first-hand what these nerfs mean.

In a different and better first person shooter I play, there was a recent nerf to a weapon I really enjoyed using.

Thing is, it was almost exactly the same type of nerf that Junkrat’s grenades got; it got a sizeable reduction in projectile size, about 25 percent. And, on top of that, the center of the projectile had to hit the target in order to trigger the increased damage gimmick it had on the second hit.

Needless to say this hit me hard. However, I continue using this weapon, because I still really enjoyed it and I understood that this wasn’t a nerf to its power but rather to the people using it. It has a bigger margin for error, so naturally I miss a lot more than I did before, but that was the whole point of it: to weed out those not dedicated or good enough to get maximum value out of it while not drastically affecting those who stick with it. I firmly believe this will be no dofferent for Junkrat.

I also understand there’s quite a bit of a difference between this particular weapon and Junkrat. For one, this weapon was made for precision and pinpoint accuracy and I can’t say the same for Junkrat as a whole. Second, this weapon is a close-ranged, fast-moving fireball rather than a mid-range, slow moving grenade. Despite this though, I still think the same logic applies.

God knows my bias alone would kill genji.

the change (unless they decreased it further) is so minute because its a fix for his stupid frags would act like contact damage when it shouldn’t. The amount of times i have been “hit” by these its rolling away and just blows up and deals full contact damage is pretty obnoxious and when i see him i see the grenades fall from a short distance and blow up 4ft away from the skinny monk bot bring him from 200 down to 80 usually followed up by a landmine or a teammate finishing them off

I honestly dont care at all if junkrat becomes a troll pick. Hanzo was a troll pick one, so was symmetra. Now they have their chance in the meta. Its your turn now junkrat mains. :slight_smile:

We’ve already had our turn, we don’t need this agian…


Good. Hate his grin. Its like hes telling me is proud of the groceries he eats.

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You guys do. Its the circle of meta in overwatch.

Ok when’s Tracer’s turn?


It was tracers turn when brigitte was introduced. Genjis turn was also introduced by her.

She just got nerfed lol.

So… what’s the problem?