PSA: Junkrat is in danger of Dying

“junkrat is in danger of dying” finally! Its been 4 seasons!

Lol it’s been longer than that if you ask some people.


This community lul


Its about time junkrat takes a break, id like to not see him in every other game thanks

Its something they need to be very careful to not overdue. Junkrat was completely garbage tier before they buffed him, if they start undoing those buffs now then he’ll go back to being a complete troll pick like Sym and Torb are.

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Yeah but now he gets slower ult charge too - from all the shots he’s missing :slight_smile:

Well that’s you my friend.

i find it funny how many people realy dont know how high skilled junkrat can be to play. yeah alot of people just spam his gernades but the real junkrat mains know how to bank them and ark them and use them in a way that can and will kill every hero in this game even his counters !

look what there currently doing is going to effect him alot. even if there not planing to. this whole nurf is becuse every little whinner on the forums and reddit and everywhere else dosent know how to counter him when hes going full tilt at them.

i have 22+ hours on junky alone. at my current level. most of that is in comp. hes my main pick for nearly all maps. (( i do have 2 other picks i will use if i have to but junky comes first )) spending time on him learning how he moves how he shoots how he reacts and where he is best used is all part of being a junky main

and it brings alot of hate. becuse everyone thinks hes OP and is a no skill pick ect ect.

his skill comes from learning his kit. the longer you play him the more things you find out about how to use him.

you can use him to ambush an enemy who is flanking. via his steel trap. you can 2 tap a tracer if she lunges at you and over exstends with a mine to the face nad a quick tap of your nade launcher. or even 2 mines to the face and a tap of the launcher.

you can take a phar out if shes stupid enough to come low or near you. or even just land !

each hero is weak agenst him. if there not paying attention to him. hell you can wipe out a torb bash and orisa that are behind an orisa wall just by simply droping in behind them and bombing them becuse there not paying attention.
h ttps://

everything about junk rat is skill based. and thats what proper junkrat mains know.

but no one that has ever played him or has played him less then 15 mins will argue hes OP becuse hes able to use his kit in ways that other heros cant use theres .

hes on of the few heroes that can be picked for every map everysituation and is going to do damage in them.

and people hate him for that. thats why this nurf came into play. and why it will damage him more then it will anything else.

but its not going to stop me from picking him. im still going to main him and play him and as this nurf hits main server im still going to play him. becuse a true junky main. will never abandon him, even if everyone else does


yes 120 damage per hit is a meme pick

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So you’re saying Hanzo mains are justified?

Harder hits to land and he doesnt have an ult thats almost guaranteed a kill.

If you jump in his ult, you die…

That’s true for any hero.

Something tells me you will still whine about getting killed by a junkrat after these changes go through. You will still claim it was no skill, luck that you died. How much longer do you have to delude yourself to realise maybe there are people aiming with junkrat?


Rather that then see him in every game like now.

Why though? because it is incomprehensible for junkrat? is he a storm trooper? xD

No, it just shows how dumb people are because they dont understand what leading a shot is.


He’s needs an ultimate charge increase.

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So leading the shot isn’t aiming?


I can’t wait until I stop seeing the dive tanks in every game.

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