PSA: Junkrat is in danger of Dying

Okay I LOVE new Junkrat.
Needing to aim brings back skill differentiation between bad and good junkrats.
Something that was lost with “no self damage” change.

Regarding tire you just need to be creative with it, no more strolling down main street looking for a healer.

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Good. Let him die. So happy.

The speed got nerfed by 8%.

Let’s not act like that’s a hell of a lot.

Reinstalls Overwatch


After having a place in the meta for a few seasons, it’s healthy for the game for him to not be the best pick.

He wasn’t ever meta lol


Maybe not on PC but on Xbox he definitely was. Can’t go 2 rounds without seeing one.

This. Thus right here.

oh no you will have to actually aim with his frag gun instead of getting contact damage five feet from someone

the horror what monster BALANCES A FREAKING GAME

I will agree the riptire nerf is somewhat pointless except lag is a thing so that 0.2 seconds helps the server register its actually getting hit by a slow client

so in reality no, these literally miniscule nerfs will not kill junkrat they will simply make him less bs

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i miss self damage when playing junkrat because kamikazing enemies was very effective when there was no escape and extremely fun to do when they were stuck in grav

Good. Maybe people will want to play tanks again.

Tried out his new nades, and did a comparison between live and PTR. He feels awful to use now.

The nades are so damn small now that hitting enemies with them is much, much harder. Disproportionally so. If this goes through to live, he’s gonna be near useless…

The RIP-Tire nerf is also painful, and very noticeable to anyone who isn’t biased against Junkrat. (As in, the people who hate him for no other reason than because they die to his abilities due to their own carelessness.)

These nerfs are gonna put him back down to F-Tier for sure. Not good changes AT ALL. Wish Blizzard just reduced the ult charge. Then he’d be fine.


Are you trying to tell me Junkrat who gets massive value out of blind spam without even knowing what he’s shooting at and an ult that can be activated and detonated in a matter of 2 seconds around a corner for a teamwipe before it’s humanly possible to do enough damage to destroy it, is gonna somehow just disappear from the game because they made his bombs slightly less absurdly large and they made the tire a tiny bit slower?

Yeah no. Junkrat’s gonna be the same as he was. People with no aim will play him and still get massive value, just slightly less BS value.

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Junkrat is and will always be difficult.

If he’s just a tiny tiny bit too weak he’ll almost never be played. Simply because he already has almost no consistency in his kit.

But if he is in a state where from a theoretical standpoint you would call him balanced, he will dominate again. His entire kit is based on unreliability and spam. Balancing that is a nightmare.


PTR is awfull in general because of the extra latency, but junkrats grenades are even less likely to hit a target now, and more likely to register a zero damage when they explode due to netcode and favor the shooter vs physics tickrate.


This is why I don’t understand these changes. Blizzard wants to kill spam rat. O.K, fair enough, I understand that criticism, you don’t want players feeling like they get punished for being out of step all the time.

But that being said, what does Junk’s role become? If he is a high damage single target hero now, then why not reduce the size and increase the speed, hell to make it better, reduce his clip to 4.

He will still have to aim, but now his kit is about jumping in, bursting a target down, then mining out again. I feel like that is fairly high skilled, and that is what Cho, PVP, and other high level Junkrats try to do. The mine is piviotal.

But if you don’t want Junkrat to be spam, by god, don’t be lazy about the rest of his kit, figure out what is role is supposed to be, and go forth with the kiss method, I love Blizzard, but they second guess themselves too much for my own personal comfort, that is why I am so frustrated with this topic, and players telling me to aim; dude I got to Diamond on Soldier before I went ham and tried to climb with Junkrat, I know how to aim. Most people know how to aim, If you’re out of gold, chances are this is not your first FPS.


This is why Junkrat got a low quality animation, and not a full rendered sequence.

Hey, still, it was cute enough.

Not gonna say it wasnt, but still, the lack of interest they have in maintaining junkrat vs OWL/CompPlainers is pretty visible. The optics of how bias the changes are is blatantly one sided. This wasnt about balance, this was about OWL , Tracer, Lucio, and trying to bring a Shemada back into the game because Hanzo was one of their original babies they had to split off from their original design.

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