PSA: Ana isn't the most picked support in GM

For some reason Mercy players are still making threads about Ana’s pick rate, despite not realizing that Ana isn’t even the top support pick in GM.

News flash: Lucio has the highest pick rate in GM.

Please stop picking on Grandma.


I haven’t seen any threads about Ana’s pickrate in a while now.

What do you call this?

She is in the 6 and 3 months window, Lucio caught up in the in the last month window and this week rose <1% above Ana, with compared WR.

It’s not a big deal either way.

Dude remember when Mercy mains were saying Ana was next because of some conspiracy against support mains lmao I knew it, Ana is their next target
Now it’s them who want her nerfed cause they can’t stand another main support being viable except Mercy.


Mercy players and Ana players have a contentious history stretching back to Season 2, so I’m not surprised by this at all.

I’m laughing at that thread still going strong despite being based on an objectively wrong premise. Ana will continue to fall as the ladder adjusts to playing with three off healers, the strongest way to stack healing/utility right now.

A thread from yesterday. I didn’t even see it. Most of the threads I see are talking about the new map or Reaper.

I don’t get this “X is most picked, so he/she must be overpowered” reasoning as well.
There always be one hero that’s the most picked support, one that’s the most picked tank, and one that’s the most picked DPS at the moment :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re saying numbers and metric data can lie? but not questionable anecdotal experience?