Ana’s pickrate = OP Mercy pickrate

“But she’s a hard hero!” :man_facepalming:

It doesn’t matter whether Ana is considered “hard” or not - she’s statistically OP in comparison to the other healers. Geoff has said he feels Mercy is “fine” now so the answer is clearly not buffing the other healers.

Ana nerf incoming then?


In my stats I have a way better winrate on any off tank, main tank, dps that I actually play than ana. SoloQ and flankers got me :wink:

Your statistics don’t reflect that of the communty’s. Perhaps you aren’t a great Ana.


so the overall stats reflects the whole game in its current state ? Fun how stats matters only when its good for your point :monkey:

  • I think i’m doing fine, I just dont survive so often anymore since Activision-blizzard made Brigit a trash pick and people run around out of sight spaming for heals when i’m trying to keep the main tank alive

Why do you say this? I haven’t given any biased views. Mercy was nerfed when she had these stats, so it’s only logical for the same to happen to Ana.


mercy broke both the ladder and all levels of pro play
ana’s only particularly strong on ladder and is not very relevant in the pro scene

if you’re going to make a topic like this, you could’ve at least used lucio since his pro pickrate is mercy 2.0-tier and his ladder pickrate in the highest ranks is similar (highest pickrate in gm) as well


Yes, this is how data gathered from a large population works.


I wouldnt say shes OP, but it is quite telling of how people view Mercy in comp play since Ana has quite consistent high picks regardless of ranks, shes either 3rd, 2nd and mostly 1st picked, at least according to overbuff.

How bad of a main healer do you have to be when even lower ranks would rather pick a harder hero to play compared to an ‘easy’ hero.


“All heroes are equal, but some heroes are more equal than others.”
“Ana is balanced and a super-duper-high-skill hero.” © so any thoughts about nerfing her are heresy of unskilled players and have to be flagged and dismissed at once, heretics burnt at stake… /s


So let me get this straight, you are saying that when a HARD to play hero with a HIGH skill ceiling gets HIGH rewards is OP.
And you are comparing it when an EASY to play hero with a LOW skill ceiling gets HIGH rewards was op … and you are not seeing any FLAW on that analogy ?

Ok pal. Still going to go with a BIG “N A H” on that one. Agree to disagree.


Mercy’s pickrate was ~14% in all ranks. Ana’s is not.


Did you know that Ana players in GM this week have healed about 150hp more on average than Mercy players in a game? Did you also know that during this whole month they’ve outhealed Mercy players by 10hp in a game? Mercy used to heal about 1,5k more than Ana on average in a game which was about the expected results considering their kits

Mercy is so bad compared to Ana and Moira that picking her over the two healers without a Pharah is just plain throwing. If I was a Mercy main I would’ve probably quit the game at this point because it’s quite clear that the devs have no intention of picking Mercy back up from trash-tier


she is under-powered and the sleep dart’s aren’t as easy if it was hitscan then nerf her. she has no mobility

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More than single player states.

And i could say that with my stats i have better win rate with doomfist than my main hero. So we need to nerf doomfist right?


Honestly why would you even pick Mercy anymore unless you just like the hero? If you want healing, Ana and Moira does it 10 times better, if you want utility and especially a defensive ult, Brigitte, Lucio and Zen got you covered.

But, I guess Mercy is fine :man_shrugging:


Considering Ana has a higher pickrate than Mercy from Silver and up, with Bronze Mercy being higher but not much and a similiar Winrate in the lower ranks should say enough. Ana is the best healer across all Ranks. By this forums logic, a “low skill” hero like Mercy shouldn’t be at the top in the higher ranks, but a “high skill” hero like Ana shouldn’t be at the top in the lower ranks either. But here we are, I think that says enough. I kinda agree. You can’t win this battle though.


It’s because Nade is too powerful.

DMG/Heal/Block Enemy Healing/Aoe.

All these things on one ability.

Plus one of the best CC in the game and you have an Overtuned hero


No you see, Mercy takes no skill because she has no aim, hence she should be picked less across all boards even lower in bronze. Compared to our goddess Ana, who fulfills all the required skill. Now lower ranks can just git gud. Its alright if a low skill hero is less played in lower ranks but a higher skilled one has overtaken her /s

I hate this forums hypocrisy.


Well she has only one (1) niche and that’s Phamercy, but Pharah is probably the worst DPS in the game so you’d just double up on throwing with that comp


Mercy wasn’t nerfed for pickrate, she was nerfed because she out healed all the healers combined.

You could also solo heal with her, where currently can’t with Ana.

And a large portion of the community just think she’s really fun.

Please look at more statistics than just pick rate.