Ps5 beta login error

yeah i got the beta but i got it twice so i need a refund!!

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Go to your PS store, it should be there, it was there for me and I did buy watchpoint pack.

Now I just have this stupid issue of not being able to actually log in to play it dude, it’s annoying me.


Yes i understand the issue :sweat_smile: they will be forced to refund you they can’t steal you twice the money for the same pack

Getting error LC-202 in ps4

im sorry lmost back on ive just been cooking to distract myself

its there. I physically cant download it, and it says I can purchase the pack for a 3rd time. as if I never bought the pack in the first place.

paying 40€ as poor ppl cant find it playstation store when you launch the overwatch 2 pack you get overwatch 1 lol then find it and cant log in waited for so long on console lol they had a least a month to get everything ready why they dinit check.

What does it say? Does it say “Overwatch 2 beta”? That’s what you’re looking for, not “Overwatch 2: Watchpoint pack”

:hatched_chick: i think it’s the due time to find the person behind this issue and burn the witch.

it syas overwatch 2 beta. right in front of me

If that can make you feel better even if you download you’ll only see a “press X to play” menu then an error :hatched_chick::joy:

And there is no option to donwload?

Try from your phone, the PS app from your phone, I downloaded it there myself.

I tried both several times. no download

so Im assuming my watchpoint pack has not registered and doesn’t count

Everyone are you getting the LC-202 error or any other error message?


Is your phone PS app connected to your playstation? Like, “primary” playstation?

Keep trying bro, check again right now go.

Yes!! That, can you help us please?

no you just need to go to your ow and go to game bundles and when you click on that go to zxtras and the beta should be there

My game just says it can’t connect to server

I have the “server error” issue :hatched_chick: cool menu tho but i planned to see my more than the press x to play menu ngl :eyes: