Ps5 beta login error

Anyone else with this issue?

EDIT Solution (for now): download the ps4 version of the beta from the PS app from your phone. The ps5 version seems to be bugged.


Yep can’t log in either :frowning:

Me 2 also. Its not fun :frowning:

i accidentally bought the damn thing twice and i cant get a refund right now because the playstation mail isnt active and it doesn’t even let me get on the game
Is this fr?
I’m genuinely so upset rn you can’t imagine

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Yeah I guess the ps5 servers are messed up :confused:

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Yep, on PS4, can’t log in, it says lost connection to game server, I’ve been trying for almost an hour now.


I accidentally bought Watchpoint pack 2x as well. I got one refunded but it still says I can buy the pack. Ive had pack 3 days, can see beta on Ps Store and still cant download. Im hoping things get fixed soon

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This is a ducking joke :hatched_chick: we literally PAID 40€ . HAD ISSUE WITH THE PAYMENT . NO PRELOAD FOR IT . HAD TO GO ON THE PHONE APPLICATION TO FIND THE BETA . AND WE CAN’T EVEN PLAY WITH IT INSTALLED ??? They definitely want to hurt us :cry::hatched_chick:


Yeah, I’ve been trying to log in for an hour but I couldn’t

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at least you can install the beta. I cant even install it. I can just look at it in store

You have the watchpoint pack ?:cry:

I do. or I assume I do. I bought it 3 days ago. but still says I can buy off Ps store if I look at it. they took my money from my bank. so I better have it

I’ve purchased the watchpoint too. I feel robbed now honestly


Im starting to assume I have been robbed since it says I can purchase it for a 3rd time. got the second one refunded thankfully. I swear they better give me the pack

I hope they give you the pack my friend

i swear when i apply for the refund tomorrow they better accept it because im not paying TWICE for a beta :sob::sob::sob:

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they better give it or they just lost a player permanently. never playing blizzard or activition game period

Oh t’es belge ? Je pense que la vente a marché juste que ces clampins savent pas gérer un ptn de store playstation ! :hatched_chick: vas voir sur l’application mobile ou le site web ps store et cherche " overwatch "

belge ne sert pas que je peut parler français mon ami😅

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My bad :joy::joy::joy: i cannot speak the other side of the country sadly.

I said try to go on the paystation store website and search overwatch i did find my beta there