[PS4] Can't get past the title screen

Networking equipment if you mean like my router and stuff then no because it’s not a connection issue. Overwatch works fine on other accounts but seems to always encounter this bug only on my account. My friend even signed into my account on her ps4 and it had this bug so I really don’t know what to do but thanks for helping me I really can’t find any information about it. If you find anything or figure out a solution please just post to the thread again it would be greatly appreciated

There can be bad cached data on the network equipment, so I don’t understand the aversion to rebooting it if it might help? Up to you.

Well I mean I can sure give it a try but I don’t see how it could my router could affect a certain account on my ps4 but ill try it and let you know what happens

Hey Nicole, just wanted to thank you for helping me try to solve this issue it means alot because it seems like nobody can really help me and I dont understand the problem. I just reset my modem and unfortunately I still encounter this error. I even tried switching to my hotspot but that didn’t work. I spoke to blizzard support and they said only sony can fix it but I spoke to Sony earlier and they told me to factory reset my ps4 which I did and it still didn’t work and I’m out of options :frowning:

I recommend contacting Sony again to tell them it didn’t work. Maybe they have more steps they can offer/apply.

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Update: so I got in contact with blizzard and they said that they recieve an error when trying to access my console account so they sent a report to their technical team which will probably take around a week to get to but they will update my ticket with further instructions or if they fixed it so im hoping for the best :>


Hi Dire,
Did you get any updates?

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Well they said 1-2 weeks and it’s been just over a week so I texted to see if there was anything they found but they didn’t have any updates but he said he would update the ticket so im hoping he updates it!!! :>

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Thanks :slight_smile: I’m not sure if they are going to fix anything but plz let us know.

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This forum just made me feel way less alone. Having the same issue from top to bottom. I hope it gets resolved for you soon Dire. Waiting to see how it goes

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Same problem here but my bf and I are on PC

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Same im so glad more people are responding to this forum. They told me they haven’t got anything back so I contacted then again today. I find it crazy that my whole account is just gone and like there’s not a fix yet and it’s been happening for a while. Hopefully blizzard will investigate and fix it for everyone


I have the same issue where I get the BN-564 after trying to entering game with any non ps plus account and then I get the error code NP-31731-5 from PSN, I can only login to OW on my ps plus account which works perfectly fine. Sadly I don’t use the account for playing OW as I only buy ps plus for it yearly and share the account with my siblings. PLEASE FIX THIS.

Random question but is your ps plus account the primary account on the ps4/ps5 because if it isn’t that may be why your having that issue because I haven’t received a BN-564 error code. If so then nevermind just thought that might help

Yes, I have the ps plus account as primary. Still had that issue.

So I’m not sure how but I have the same problem and managed to fix it the next day so if you want to try what I did I created another profile on my PS4 then used that to get into overwatch but used my same battle.net profile the next day I went to my main profile and tried to get into overwatch used that same battle.net profile and it let me in I hope this helps

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That was a smart idea so I recently just tried it but sadly to no avail. I’m very happy it worked for you thought at least you don’t have the issue anymore m!! :]]]

That’s unfortunate I was really hoping I figured it out for you and everyone else it happened to I hope you can get back into yours soon as well I guess I just got lucky


It amazes me that it hasn’t gotten any attention from Blizzard yet. This is the loudest voice on the internet that I’ve been able to find for this particular problem. I’d really love to play Overwatch again - it’s literally my favorite FPS.


Maybe if we keep posting to this forum it will get big enough for blizzard to finally look into it because they said they sent a ticket to a higher up support but haven’t heard anything yet. Also none of my friends had this issue so I’m kinda mad that it’s just us and they’re ignoring us.

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