Proof why roles are never the issue

Just move your mouse 1 inch, dude. It’s not difficult.


And I want Adam West back


Dude, you’re my frakking hero.

I’m not discussing severity, I’m discussing existence.

go post on the batman forums, that’s what I would do

the health pack location fourm killed me inside. i laughed for like 10 minutes. it took me like a week to learn health packs just playing the game.


Tactician, why did you hide youre profile on here?


Clearly they didn’t because before role queue was even officially announced they had said certain heroes would need to be reworked to properly fit in to 2-2-2 comps. Obviously those heroes weren’t created with the assumption of 2-2-2.

they’re reducing the map pool size, so my complaints weren’t unfounded


Your reasoning is purely inductive, which excludes any and all variables. I guess my Rein example wasn’t good enough.

This statement isn’t true. If a hero has 17 million HP, 1 million DPS seems like a good amount. If a hero has 14 HP, 1 DPS seems like the right amount.

You are ignoring necessary factors to push a system that is fundamentally flawed and doesn’t work.


quote it if you’re going to reply 6 hours later

I didn’t change the DPS in the example, you did. That’s why the theory is no longer true. Because you changing variables that weren’t changed in the original statement.

link the rein statement, the system works no matter what you throw at it, unless you’re intentionally trying to derail it by moving DPS numbers, and I never said they would do that. you can tweak them slightly if you want, that’s cool, but yeah, you can break it if you try

don’t make a gasoline engine because you can’t put deasil in it, cmon

Rein has 2000hp shield and 5 health and he is a throw pick. Rein has a 2000hp shield and 5000 health and he is a must pick. somewhere in the middle he is perfectly balanced.

and you can even tweak his shield a little bit and let the win rates decide his HP pool. but you can’t say well what if I made his shield 2 million health he hu huh… well yeah it wouldn’t work then, but why would the dev team do that?

Forget everything else you said because you destroyed your argument better than I ever could.

With your “self-balancing” system, Rein with 5 HP is possible. Therefore, your system doesn’t work because you have created a “throw pick,” and your game is not balanced because Rein will never be a viable hero.


ok it’s up, you brought up a good point and if that kind of thing every happens to Rein, he won’t be played that week and his HP pool would increase. Check it out How to Perfectly Balance the Game

2-2-2 isn’t to “balance the game,” it’s to make the match quality more consistent, balanced, and predictable; and to make the game easier to balance - as you have to deal with less esoteric comps that force out imbalanced hero interactions. GOATs was a good example of that…

Every nerd to Brig to curb the power of GOATs made her even more awful outside of Tank/Healer stacking comps that relied on the ability to stack more than two of one or both of those archetypes. With 2-2-2, they could have taken a much more radical route to balancing her, much earlier, like they are doing right now…

Making something “easier to balance” is not the same as “balancing it.”

This is something you anti 2-2-2’ers seem completely incapable of understanding.

2-2-2 is about making the game more enjoyable to play for the widest swath of people, not appealing to a certain sect of pessimistic forum crusaders.

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2-2-2 is the third best option imho

number one priority: Guilds, scoreboards QoL for the LFG every single little last thing that is needed to play a team game (i.e. drawing lots to form teams has never been done in the history of mankind,kinda)

second priority: Individual Hero SR this would give you the better match quality we all desire, without restricting compositions and role switching between rounds

Finally: return OW to No Limits again, perfect balance can be had anywhere, even in No Limits. How to Perfectly Balance the Game

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… is it this dude legit? Like, this has to be bait.


nah brah, I’ll talk about it for hours with you over voice comms about my posts, and you will hear the sincerity in my voice, or was that a rhetorical question?

I mean… look at his post count and factor in the absurd claims and demands he makes while spamming advertisements for his own threads. Yeah, it’s a troll.


come on, i don’t usually defend Tactician (i rather provide him with fact-checked realities), but you say some nonsense

Relative power is expressed by ratios.
and if we go with “chances of getting hit by multiple sources”, “damage absorption uptime”,“damage produced in a range”, “max potential damage if everything a character has hits”, these are ratios too if you compare multiple characters

other than that - good points

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That’s nice for logical arguments (and certainly appreciated), but you know as well as I do that the OP ignores everything that goes against his arguments, calls anyone who disagrees with him “trolls”, and when all else fails tries to take the discussion to “comms” so that nobody else can verify anything.

It’s an actual troll, don’t feed it.


one of examples - he did not argue when i said everything is documented in patch notes, found him some of them and cross-checked with one of sites that provides us with most up-to-date stats and showed him that they are getting information from patch notes and timely

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