Proof why roles are never the issue

Don’t be one of those forum meme generators… It’s beneath you.


I don’t understand what you mean

You’re talking to the guy who complains that he can’t effectively play Tracer because he can’t be bothered to learn the health pack locations. The guy who wants Bastion to have Baptiste’s rocket boots. The guy who wants a scoreboard in order to blame teammates (his words). The guy who wants rear-view mirrors on tanks because he can’t be bothered to move his mouse to look behind him. The guy who spams his “hitpoint balancing” idea incessantly. The guy who tries to get people to “talk with him on comms” when he’s been thoroughly disproven, and calls anyone who disagrees with him a troll.

Meme status is already confirmed.


There’s no way to balance the game with 2-2-2 either, so your point is short-sighted imo. You think they are going to hit some magical balance point and then stop with the monthly development and balancing changes? These people still have jobs, I assume.

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they’re reducing map pools, so my request wasn’t far off

you gotta think outside the box

it’s okay to blame a thief for stealing a candy bar

see, I’m not the only one lol

I’m not saying I’m right, I’m just saying I’m not alone

Treb stuck with me without going to comms

just because your testimony is valid doesn’t mean you get to stay in the court room, you must be polite

I bask in it.

A nod’s as good as a wink to a blind bat.

Your logical fallacy is Argumentum ad populum. _

You’re just throwing words together and hoping they make a sentence, aren’t you?


no thank you :nauseated_face:

yeah but you just said looking behind Rein is bad with no reasoning except git gud, so don’t expect a good argument to a bad one


Now you’ve got it. You don’t need a rear-view mirror, just move your mouse 1 inch and look behind you.

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I don’t need one. I want one.

Just move your mouse 1 inch, dude. It’s not difficult.


And I want Adam West back


Dude, you’re my frakking hero.

I’m not discussing severity, I’m discussing existence.

go post on the batman forums, that’s what I would do

the health pack location fourm killed me inside. i laughed for like 10 minutes. it took me like a week to learn health packs just playing the game.


Tactician, why did you hide youre profile on here?


Clearly they didn’t because before role queue was even officially announced they had said certain heroes would need to be reworked to properly fit in to 2-2-2 comps. Obviously those heroes weren’t created with the assumption of 2-2-2.

they’re reducing the map pool size, so my complaints weren’t unfounded


Your reasoning is purely inductive, which excludes any and all variables. I guess my Rein example wasn’t good enough.

This statement isn’t true. If a hero has 17 million HP, 1 million DPS seems like a good amount. If a hero has 14 HP, 1 DPS seems like the right amount.

You are ignoring necessary factors to push a system that is fundamentally flawed and doesn’t work.


quote it if you’re going to reply 6 hours later

I didn’t change the DPS in the example, you did. That’s why the theory is no longer true. Because you changing variables that weren’t changed in the original statement.

link the rein statement, the system works no matter what you throw at it, unless you’re intentionally trying to derail it by moving DPS numbers, and I never said they would do that. you can tweak them slightly if you want, that’s cool, but yeah, you can break it if you try

don’t make a gasoline engine because you can’t put deasil in it, cmon

Rein has 2000hp shield and 5 health and he is a throw pick. Rein has a 2000hp shield and 5000 health and he is a must pick. somewhere in the middle he is perfectly balanced.

and you can even tweak his shield a little bit and let the win rates decide his HP pool. but you can’t say well what if I made his shield 2 million health he hu huh… well yeah it wouldn’t work then, but why would the dev team do that?

Forget everything else you said because you destroyed your argument better than I ever could.

With your “self-balancing” system, Rein with 5 HP is possible. Therefore, your system doesn’t work because you have created a “throw pick,” and your game is not balanced because Rein will never be a viable hero.