Proof that Tank Balance is better now

man i wish these stats made playing tank less of a miserable experience tho
not disputing it, but jesus christ sometimes i really would rather not

Yeah, we can’t have different playstyles and a world where they’re all nearly identically powerful. That’s never going to happen and has never happend before. So it’s probably for the best to either rotate who gets to be the best, or decide what characters are best suited to be the best.

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I like a mix of both. I want the highest skill requirement heroes to be consistently good always, but I do want the rest of the heroes to be nudged into the spotlight now and again because they are cool heroes too & deserve the limelight. Every hero in Overwatch truly is awesome

I advocate for balance and all that, but I had my fair share of boatloads of fun with Brig prior to her rework, Brig after her rework, Orisa being strong, all the Goats heroes being strong, etc.

Being overpowered is fun. Until you realize you’re ruining other peoples experience playing the game. Well, it’s still a little bit fun then too :wink: :laughing:

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Same, the highest skill characters could be meta for the high ranks and your average joe could still win games against any of those high skill characters in the low or mid ranks. But if a low skill character is meta in the high ranks they’re the default must pick option for everyone, since skill is not even a factor.

Right. Though like I said, just for the fun of it I wouldn’t mind lower skill heroes being nudged into the spotlight on occasion. Or maybe they do flavor of the week games & ban all the high skill heroes or something idk :joy: I just love variety

I’m not against that either. Just as long as they’re meta through their intended niche or creative gameplay.

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On a side note what ticks me off even more is the solution is to limit one barrier tank per a team if we ever hope to see orisa come back to light, otherwise double barrier becomes a threat.

Sadly blizzard will prob not bite that bullet.

That is one change I’d love for experimental. From there they can really dedicate to balancing the barrier tanks.

Hog honestly needs a more healthy tank like ability.

There are other solutions to preventing double barrier.
Such as taking away Sigma’s range, for instance.
The reason double barrier works so well is because both tanks can cover multiple angles, refresh their barrier while the other’s is down and most importantly, because both Orisa and Sigma have long range poke.
A simple reduction in range would break the synergy.
Because there’s a reason we never saw an Orisa/Rein meta.

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I’m well aware how and why double barrier works.
Who are you trying to impress?

Nobody, i’m trying to give you a reason not to be such a volatile negative nancy.

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How is that negative if I provide solutions.

I want that on an experimental.

I’m not being pessimistic. I’m a realist.
Blizzard won’t listen. Enough people on the forums offered that as a solution but they decided to rip orisa and sigma up instead.

That’s not selfish that’s reality

  1. They said they balance around masters, GM, and OWL. Get over it? It’s been that way for a while and isn’t changing anytime soon, so when we discuss balance those are the stats we use. Sorry?

  2. Lower ranks can run WHATEVER YOU WANT. You should be HAPPY. You can get away with ANY team comp.


That’s false on your last statement.

Even heroes have winrates that matter as you go down the ranks.
No they cannot. they get just as much animosity/ hate if you try to run a poor hero. Aka orisa or brig or baptiste.

That’s fine to balance for pros but still keep the causal player base in mind.

If in hurts the the majority over the important minority then they should seek other solutions.

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Who cares? Leave voice chat and solo carry? People in low ranks said Brig was “bad” when she was OP before all her nerfs, they have zero clue about what’s good and what isn’t, why are you listening to them :skull: do yourself a favor and just solo climb to a rank where people understand balance

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That goes against my morals. I try to be in chat to work as a team.

That’s regardless though.

I don’t play comp anymore. The have zero ambition to play that mode seriously. Mentally unhealthy.

That’s besides the point.

My point is it’s fine to balance around pro play but you must keep the other player base in mind. If balance means gutting a hero for the majority of the player base or just period because orisa also sucks in gm - then perhaps they should of tried something different.

They didn’t even though masses of people said that was a mistake.

That’s what irritates me. You’re a huge company and has the power to fix it and can try new things. Yet they seem to take the easy way out.

Something needs to give. I’ll seen a lot of people leave over the last few balance changes because it’s destroyed a few heroes.

They need to care a bit more about the causal player base otherwise they may not make it til overwatch 2.

There’s a balance. Balance is an art. It’s incredibly hard to achieve but not impossible.

Another thing to keep in mind is besides gutting heroes they make them a hell of a lot less fun to play. That doesn’t help either.

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And I’ve seen more people come back or be excited about the direction of the game, Just not on these forums where people only come to whine, but instead of Twitter/Youtube/other social media. :slight_smile: All of the content creators who’ve been playing OW since day 1 are overjoyed.

That’s a horrid point. Casual players don’t really matter as much as you are trying to make it seem rn, they contribute hardly any $$ to the game realistically. OW2 is going to be purely marketed towards casuals through PvE and having all heroes be super OP and fun in PvE for casuals to enjoy without them having to worry about competitive balance, the Devs have already said that’s the goal. And current PvP balance isn’t really going to affect how many people buy OW2 considering it’s all PvE content. OW2 PvE to appeal to casual OW players and to keep OW PvP competitively balanced. :man_shrugging:

Also, player #'s right now are meaningless, the Devs are dumping all of their resources into OW2’s launch which will have an explosion of players. They are trying to get the PvP side of the game balanced and fun in the meantime, and are doing a good job of it. So when PvP players and pros come back to OW, they will see the balance and feel of the game is fast paced and skillful and fluid like old OW instead of coming back to Double Shield zzz or Brig meta. And casuals can have fun in QP and arcade per usual but also have an entire PvE game to play super fun, OP heroes in.

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Lot’s of casual players hop over from game to game.
Constantly checking out the next big new game, and will leave within a few weeks notice. I never quite understood why people still use casual players leaving as a genuine argument. If they’re a casual player chances are much higher they don’t really care about the game’s balance that much to be bothered by balance swings, or they rarely play to begin with.

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I guess when I say causal I say any one who isn’t masters or higher.

Definition of causal is loosely defined from person to person.

I consider myself causal but I also have played for a long time and still am loyal to this game.


Finally bookmarked. I kept referencing to a thread somewhere in the forums, but couldn’t find the thread itself. Thanks.

So instead of having two tanks taking up about 50% of the pickrate…we have two tanks taking up about 50% of the pickrate.
Tank balance isn’t better. We’re at a point where most tanks are bad, with Orisa/Sigma outright unplayable. The only tanks that aren’t bad are Zarya (the unnerfed, 1st of her name yada yada), Hammond (the countered), Winston to an extent (the only good in high tiers, profiting from the damage reduction) and Rein.
Rein/Zarya is 53% of the tank pickrate overall btw.

Orisa, Sigma are absolute trash, Roadhog is probably not far behind, now worse than he was before he got buffed, D.Va is still bad, but overused, once more, by copycats thinking they’re in the OWL (while OWL players don’t use her in the same matches).

No, tank balance is absolutely not better when half or nearly half the category is horrendous to play or unplayable.