"promoted" to same rank after 7 wins

Quite honestly this new system is extremely complicated for no reason, if the SR system is still in effect behind the scenes they should’ve just kept it. Players like seeing how close they are to a promotion and this goes for almost any online ranking system. This new system in Overwatch 2 is leaving people discouraged and confused.


I am having the same issue! At first I was placed in silver 4, I won seven games got silver 1, another 7 and I got gold 3. Now I won 7 games again but I am still in gold 3. It put me up 3 ranks for each 7 wins twice in a row, so don’t tell me its an mmr problem Blizzard.

yea but close to all ppl here report that they do win more often than they lose. In my case I was promoted 3 ranks up the first two times i got to 7 and now the thirt time I stayed the same. It was 7-2, 7-4 7,4 for me. First 7-4 I go up 3 next 7-4 I stuck?

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Hello there. So I’ve been playing OW for couple years now and since OW2 I guess my rank system is broken cause ain’t no way I got that bad Blizzard RIGHT ??? I mean, I won 35 games as I support and it still puts me in Bronze 5. Also, in OW 1 my tank and DPS were higher and yet I keep getting place Bronze 5 in those roles as well. Please am I just really bad or is it a bug ? Thank you love you miss the lootboxes btw.


I went 7-2 in support (i did them all as lucio as he is by far my strongest support) placement and got silver-5. Just short of 2to1 k/d and assists for days and 9k healing per 10 min.

The ranking system does the wrong kind of drugs.

As far as your endorsment- you gotta maintian endorsments every game. I get 2+ a game most games. Im a 4 and dont ever lower. It takes forever to get to 5 from what i hear but im on my way. In ow1 i dipped down to a 3 twice for bout an hour or two.

Do your job and stay positive and the mic- call out or ping enemy positions- and call out good team plays if u see em. Encourage proper play, etc.

One thing— leaving/quitting games will drop you fast.

Every time someone leaves- im honestly happy. Cuz the quitter is always the weakest link. NOT KIDDING. Cuz they quit and look for teams that carry them. Theynever lose and neve learn anything.

We had a quitter in one of my placements and we did better and won without them.

Addition by subtraction. Every. Single. Time. Dont be a quitter.

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I also had 3 ranks taken from me. I should be almost diamond 5 right now. It just happened to me again like 2 seconds ago.

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Im also encountering this issue, got 5 calibrations as support player and still im at bronze 5. :frowning: bought battle pass for this, bcos many of my friends are playing this rn.
fix this please :confused:
-player since ow1

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Joining the new group “got 7 wins and promoted to same rank where I was” :smiley: as usually blizzard did not disappoint.


This happened to me too I finished all my placement games for gold 2 and then it ranked me to rank i already was (gold2)


Have a friend who is stuck in Bronze 5, he has won like 14 games and heals really good and does alot for the team. He is not a B5 at all but everytime he gets to go up. He would be happy to just get to bronze 1, but this bug really bringing his joy of the game down.
Blizzard, please fix this.


I wil join to the “stuck into brone 1 with 7 wins”


Same here…3rd time stuck in B3. :frowning:


I did my 2nd set of 7. Went 7-3 and moved from silver-5 up to silver-1. Two of the losses were jus sad team play all around… i had a 6 in a row streak going and got a bad draw. (It happens when ya solo queue 100% of time)

But it seemed to move quite a bit with the wins.

My heals over 9k per 10min… 2 to 1 k/d and 2.5+ assist/death. So basically im involved in close to every enemy death in one way or another…

Still feels low but if i maintain my 75% win rate i dont think ill stay low for long lol. At least i dont seem to be stuck like others are saying.

I was high gold usually on ow1 - but i didnt play often and i used a controller on pc which is horrific for aim lol. Im now on console and its a diff ball game. I got my eyes on platinum. May take a while to get there solo queue tho…

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Progression in competitive ques is clearly broken. I like playing overwatch, but what’s the point of playing competitive ques at all if my wins don’t mean anything. Been stuck at the same rank for 4 promotions in a row.


I finished my 7th game that was supposed to rank me up from Gold 3 to Gold 2, it stayed the same and said promoted to Gold 3, it might’ve had to do with the Halloween Update though since it forced me to restart my game right afterwards. Annoying that I have to re-win 7 games to rank up to the rank I already should be.

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Seems to be working fine for me… but I played 9 games lost 2 won 7 on my tank got placed gold 2. I have over 30 eliminations per game and I went 4 games without dying once. And when I did die in the game I only got like 4 deaths. Had over a 15K dmg per game as well. So yes you do rank good, and rank up. Just takes some really good matches.

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It’s not all about heals. Anyone can boost their healing stats if they stick to healing their tank mostly… deaths/ players saved / dps saved dmg boosting, anti nade , cleanses, dmg done, all these things can arguably be a lot more important than just “healing” - just “healing” doesn’t always change the outcome of a team fight. You’re a support (not a healer) higher tier players completely understand this. Lower players (think it’s all about healing) and stick to healing their tank because they take more damage and are easier targets to heal. So you don’t improve and your just boosting your heal stats that really don’t mean or do anything for your team in the long run.


Yes I do agree with you that healing is not just all, but he does more then just healing. He saves people alot, do dmg and keep overtime all by him self from time to time (and other crucial stuff).
But as many other also has reported they have the same issue, and I have seen it with other of my friends too.
I do understand the system is not only built on win/loss but other stuffs too, and i Assume the others that experience this also do more then just healing/tanking/DPS.

In my mind he should atleast go up 1 or 2 levels each time he wins his 7 games and so on.

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Same here, I was “promoted” to plat 5, when i was already at that rank! Hopefully this gets fixed soon

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Im also encountering this issue, got 5 calibrations as support player and still im at bronze 5. :frowning: bought battle pass for this, bcos many of my friends are playing this rn.
fix this please :confused:

-gold player ow1