Problem with replays not being created in Competitive

To start with, I had posted this here in Comp forum:

Since I start off with getting the usual replies of “the list of games are reset after a patch” and they didn’t read/comprehend what I was explaining, I will try it another way:

I have a grand total of 3 accounts.

This is my main and have had since Beta.

I have a second that I been using solely for playing Quickplay these days.

And the 3rd I setup to use only for Competitive RQ. I play no other mode on it, but Comp, and only played QP till I unlocked Comp.


Here’s the deal:

This current season, I started off with my placements. Keep in mind I play usually 2-4 games at a time, and I might get enough time to do this about once a week or so.


I played 4 or 5 of my placements this current season. As usual the games showed up in my recently played replay list.

All good so far.

Next time I go to play, those games are still there. I play a few more games, but no new replays are listed and the first 4 or 5 I had are still there.

Next time I go play, I think I managed to finish placements, so now we are 15 games at that point. Before I had started, I looked to see if the previous games had shown up, they hadn’t, and I still had the 4 or 5 listed.

So I played a few games, then checked. I now had 3 games listed, and they were from the first ones I played.

I played some more games, checked again, had 1 listed.

Since then, I have not had ANY games show up with an option to replay it. Nothing. Notta. Zilch.

Its almost like the game knows I was playing them, and it was pushing the older ones out, but none of the newer ones were listed.


Fast forward to last night. Figured now that this newest patch had dropped, maybe this will work now. Played two games. STILL no replays.

My other two accounts work fine, but I don’t play Comp on them, and really don’t want to just to see if they are bugged. I figured instead I would ask on the forum if anyone else has seen the issue and I get snarky replies and yes I replied in kind.

That is the account I’m having issue with.

And only want to know if anyone else is experiencing this issue?


I ONLY play Competitive RQ on this account. I don’t play ANY other modes, I don’t group or have friends on that account, and I don’t play any modes waiting for a comp game either.

If I need to warm up, I do it with one of the other two accounts.

This is the situation, so not sure what else to share to enlighten others to my problem. Apparently I wasn’t clear enough with my first attempt at posting about it, so figure a longer book was in order.

Game on.