Are Competitve replays busted or something?

I literally just got done playing some Competitive on my comp only account about 5 minutes ago. (PC).

None of the games show up in the profile to be able to view them. Its just blank or empty.

I have not played Comp on any other account, but I have noticed this prior to the last patch as well. I cannot view the games I played, and I don’t know why?

Account this is regarding:

And yes, my loss to win rate is god awful, especially this season, so don’t rub it in. I can’t prove it of course, but over half of those losses have been leavers in my games. Several where most if not all the team, including one of them tonight even. I’d share the replay code, IF I COULD. But since there is no replay available for the game… Anyway.

Been like this for about a month now and no change. I was hoping it was just a bug or something.

My other two accounts have no issues, but they aren’t used in Comp either. Anyone else having issues?

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Replays are deleted with every new patch. Its not a bug. Its there to prevent way too many games being stored on their servers i guess.

Apparently you did not comprehend my post. If you had actually read my post including the time in which I posted it you would have realized that I am talking about an actual problem not a stupid understanding of how things work. It has been doing this for a month! After the patch I went in and played last night and it’s still won’t show me any replays.

I know that new patches remove previous replays. But this problem isn’t that.

Now try again.

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aint no one gonna want to help someone with such a ugly personality damn lol
Maybe work on your people skills before asking people for help?

contact tech support for help, not the competitive forums

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Sorry, if my pointing out that others didn’t comprehend my post. I mean damn.

I don’t have time for people that can’t read either. The whole point of posting here, was because it was the competitive forum…

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Im sure hes just tired of zax responding to every single thread with some snarky comment

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Well, that sounds like a Zax problem. Not sure why its a me problem? lol

To be clear I posted this in the Tech support forum as suggested and can be found here: