Pro tip on finding console players on your team

Console consistently has higher accuracy than PC in this game. Overbuff doesn’t work well since private profiles were introduced, but before that, you could see that console hitscan hero accuracy was always around 2-4% higher than PC, weirdly with Xbox usually 1% higher than PS.


That is not weird.
Most xbox players are more into FPS, PVP, and “serious” gaming. Their playerbase mostly consists of older xbox loyalists, who are FPS veterans.

A bit of a generalization; much less true with the dispersion that happened with soulslikes, PS3, and Microsoft fumbles, but true nonetheless.

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the illusion of assist? if assist existed wouldn’t there be endless players lasering on console as there are on cod? think. i get it. you hear the word assist and think it actually exist in ow. what many pc players rather not admit is that the only aim assist that exist on console is with ana only while healing team mates. outside of that, reticle isn’t snapping to no one.

Thats wrong and you can see for yourself in the training range. it does snap to enemy targets but you have to be moving the sticks for it to work. It wont do it if you are not moving anything

fiction. dear idiot, on console, bots can pass infront of reticle and reticle doesn’t move at all usually. on random rare occasions will reticle move at all. link video of reticle snapping to targets. none exist. buy a console then return for comment.

picks pharah
mmmmm controller tears

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Youre a moron tbh. I have tested it and seen it myself

Your post history is full of some of the dumbest comments i have read. Join reality dude

you are conspiracy nut job who doesnt get it and are hopelessly lost. If you know how it works you can watch it happen in real time any time you want.

when you don’t have the brain power to process new information, then many things will seem dumb to you. having the brain power is being able to articulate WHY something is dumb. you didn’t. couldn’t. but i get it. thinking takes effort.

as have i. but good. then you have no excuse to not link your findings. ignoramus. my post history is the equivalent of a masters degree in reality and multi-dimensional thinking. instead of one dimensional thinking which you seem limited to. turn your brain up. from a brain power perspective, my post history exceeds yours, effortlessly.

Its full of the stupidest things i have read on this forum.

Aim assist isnt rigged to suddenly stop working mid match. Thats just a cope form a bad player who thinks its all rigged against you to never climb

face it you are just bad at the game and bad at life tbh. If there were no match maker than your bronze self would always drag down your team against better opponents.

Your post history is full of moronic coping because you just suck at it all and are looking for excuses. Im an engineer and analyst, you are coping loser.

well, when you’re dumb, everything is stupid to you. that’s how lack of IQ works.

ok. just faulty. unresponsive. nonexistent. i get it.

Says the coping loser who swears its all rigged just because you are stuck in low ranks

Youre a nobody who cant climb in the game. Better players than you have analyzed it better than you and understood how aim assist really works

You are not smart enough for anyone to take you seriously and literally no one does. nothing you say matters because you are a coping loser in life who doesnt get it

who other than rigger would get as mad as you. return to your desk. and get back to work. ignoramus. anti-riggers are the antidote.

Show us proof that your theory about aim assist is correct. Dont just say some patent exists, show proof in a video that its actually in ow. lots of corporation have lots of patents that are sitting idle not doing anything

you dont have the credibility to just say it exists and take my word for it. you have ZERO credibility without showing proof.

You are just a coping loser with no proof of anything about aim assist tbh

how dumb are you? it’s self testable. smarten up.

So you have nothing at all. imagine thinking anyone would listen to a coping loser who is just mad they cant climb like you.

you want me do your test for you? i get it. you were born stupid.

Tries to make a wild conspiracy claim with no proof at all whatsoever, and then says guys believe me or you are stupid. :rofl:

You are joke and a loser that is looking for anything to blame other than being bad at the game yourself.

exactly. which didn’t work. and never will. which is why you’re resorting to 3rd person commentary. i get it. you’re a low paid bitter lizard who thought ow had actual aim assist. the only aim assist that exist is with ana while healing team mates. see how dumb you are? i mean i get it. you don’t have a console. so you resort to regurgitations and speculation.

So you agree that your wild conspiracy with zero evidence wasn’t true? Thats what you just said genius :rofl:

The following videos show that there is indeed aim assist in overwatch. You have nothing to say other wise and like i said before are just a coping loser.

Heres proof

h ttps://

h ttps://

h ttps://,of%20variables%20to%20be%20tweaked.

you were born stupid so i get it.
you don’t know what aim assist looks like. so i get it.
when you buy a console, dummy, visit practice range, stand infront of moving bot. observe zero motion of reticle occurring. idiot. occasionally/randomly reticle may move. but unlikely. most of the time zero reticle motion occurring proving nonexistent aim assist. the only true aim assist exist with ana while healing team mates dummy. smarten up. ignoramus.