I agree, but EU laws.
They should incentivize public profiles. Like, no endorsements unless you make the profile public.
I agree, but EU laws.
They should incentivize public profiles. Like, no endorsements unless you make the profile public.
You know, sometimes people just have devastatingly good games.
I have had rounds with Widow where I would just hit shot after shot after shot. However, I can’t do it reliably and would probably place at least two ranks below my normal rank if I played her often.
False reporting detection isn’t high on Blizzard’s priority list.
This will give validity to all those “what do you have to hide” toxic mentality, which would negate the purpose of private profiles to reduce toxicity.
All of the opinions is a moot point anyway. Is boosting and smurfing an issue… yes. Does it skew SR… again yes.
Blizzard claims to investigate but yet smurfs and boosters abound so nothing is actively being done about it.
Fans love the idea, people that genuinely want to rank up and get better dont like it. I will be shocked if anything is done.
I just find it funny how so many people defend the behavior, which odds are they are the ones doing it.
Why? It would be just punnishment for wanting to play other heroes than you used so far in ranked for many people.
Not really. I’ve had days where I can land shots as Widow, but even on the best day I can see the difference.
Play enough try-hard warm ups, and you can tell the difference between a GM and a Plat who happens to be consistent.
It’s not just the headshots, but the positioning, the reaction time, awareness, and the general techniques.
One is so much more painful than the other.
Because some of us believe private profiles is a huge mistake.
Well, maybe. But I think enough people mistake people having great days or being in the zone for smurfing that the smurfing problem is hugely exaggerated.
I do miss public profiles because you could look in QP and sometimes discover that the obnoxiously good Genji destroying your team was really a masters player or something.
Private profiles have only helped to infuriate competitive players and help smurfs hide their real ranks.
Its sad, really.
Why tho? I had game when i break my tank/healer gaming for one round and got us win on attack by plaing reaper. But im sure somoeone would object about me plaing him if he woild see that i dont play that hero in ranked at all.
I remember two games I played in QP once, where it felt like the enemy team was absolutely ridiculously good and I had to play my absolute strongest heroes and play extremely conservatively to live long enough to do anything. Yet, we weren’t losing? Turns out it was two fivestacks having at it with all high diamond to GM players, and for some insane reason the matchmaker had brought in a gold player to fill out each team. It was really nice to know that.
Well, maybe. But I think enough people mistake people having great days or being in the zone for smurfing that the smurfing problem is hugely exaggerated.
Do you honestly believe the constant drop in price and sells doesnt exaggerate the problem? Its a HUGE problem. Its not an exaggerated one. It exists and people just dont want to admit or they dont want blizzard to do anything about so they can continue doing it.
So what do you report them for? cheating? Abuse? what?
Blizz doesnt have an option for reporting boosters or smurfs as far as I know, you are basically calling for fake reporting people that are better than you.
I almost never see it in quickplay, for whatever it’s worth. Maybe it’s more prevalent in comp - I don’t play comp anymore since I had some serious network problems and couldn’t guarantee a consistently good connection. I did get them fixed recently, but I haven’t been able to do my placements because I have a really nasty cold and don’t want to have to talk.
Because when I see the instalock Ana with 5k healing per 10 min (and low winrate), I know I can compensate with Moira.
So what do you report them for? cheating? Abuse? what?
Game play sabotage. The issue is breaking comp as comp was intended. It skews the ranks
I had a Mei scream how its pointless to play and how the enemy hanzo is a smurf since like a minute in.
I killed the guy like 5 times in the first 6 minutes on Moira, he was terrified and cutting corners everytime i right clicked him, didnt land a single shot on me. But then I observed our Mei. She had the walk in a straight line toward your target and freeze them play style so he ended up killing her when ever she was dumb enough to walk straight toward him from range.
Gameplay sabotage is ‘‘activelly harassing or disrupting your own team by using game mechanics or player actions’’.
Youre calling people to falsely report.
Welp, thats also why i like to have profile private
People try to read it too much insted of watching how game goes.
I mean, if the enemy team is somehow super vulnerable it is possible for anyone to do ridiculously well on anyone.
I’ve won QP games with Tracer with all golds, etc. and I can barely play her.
Funny enough, i actually suggested this on the forums a long time ago, the idea of private profiles in general, thinking it would be a benefit, i didn’t think it was actually gonna happen as i get backlash in my replies.
The ONE time they listen to me.