If they are so careful with their words then they are intentionally omitting mentioning boosting in report categories, because they don’t “need” anyone to report it.
Rather than chasing after booster, I believe the Devs would rather improve their mmr/sr system to quickly de-rank boosted account to their respectable placement automatically instead.
wow I hope you get banned for false reporting. people have bad games and great games. it’s why ranks fluctuate. I also hope you get reported and banned for every game you do worse than your average stats. you know bc it’s only fair
Oh my god my poor omnic friends
Zen is too enlightened to be corrupted by these forums, not even popcorn can get in his head.
That depends on the scope of the question.
Was it only about smurfing? I have to assume it is, but you tell me.
I’m mentioning boosting as something similar to smurfing for which I will report.
Our own community moderator says as much here: Are smurf accounts a reportable offense?
So sorry, but I will go on reporting when needed.
Edit:. Actually, he says only if they admit. So I may be wrong here. That puts players in an extremely awkward place.
wow I hope you get banned for false reporting. people have bad games and great games. it’s why ranks fluctuate. I also hope you get reported and banned for every game you do worse than your average stats. you know bc it’s only fair
So you think a lvl 25 genji with 90% kill participation and 70+ kills is “just having a good game”. Yah… ok. I have some ocean front property in Arizona for sell too…
Private profiles should have been optional. But no, nothing of logic is done.
So for this player to stay at this rank they need to throw every other game. Stomp one, throw one, back and forth. They’d have to throw so hard it would be obviously reportable. Private profiles aren’t at issue here. Otherwise it could be someone placed too low who’s climbing to their proper level.
Anyways maybe don’t go running to the forums the next time you lose a game. It happens.
You have no evidence of boosting. Being better than you are at this game is not boosting.
There are no blue or yellow posts there. WyomingMyst is not an employee or representative of Blizzard.
Hope you get banned for false reporting then.
Yes. And having a good game is not reportable.
not an example of boosting. smurfs can easily carry games. if theyre lvl 25 they could easily shred noobs who also just started or even are lower ranks. go watch a masters player play in bronze. that’s basically what happens.
they are
I have my profile set on public and I had a REALLY good game as Widow. I’m in high plat. I got accused of boosting and got reported.
And I am in no way boosting. I just had a good game.
Public profiles can easily be far more abused than a private profile ever could. I get far more abuse with my public profile than I did when I had it in private for a few months.
not an example of boosting. smurfs can easily carry games. if theyre lvl 25 they could easily shred noobs who also just started or even are lower ranks. go watch a masters player play in bronze. that’s basically what happens.
Which is exactly the issue. Thanks for making my point for me. Smurfing and carrying a team is boosting that team. It means having a rank much lower than the main which skews ranks in general. Games that shouldnt have been lost are lost due to 1 or 2 players. Apparently defending the action of “wrecking noobs” is one the fans absolutely love and continually buy accounts to do. So instead of consistently playing the main ranks to get better, they run to a low rank to “wreck noobs”. This is exactly the problem.
Back to topic, i like my profile private, at least i can play what i like to play in comp, even fill sometimes dps role if for some magical reason we dont have alredy 2 or more dps.
When you report someone Blizzard can see the report AND the profile stats. You don’t need to be redundant and include them a second time.
I’ve been playing this game since launch, and I use my best judgment. I’ve never once been banned.
Then again I’ve experienced it all–meme throwers on stream, stealth throwers (duos or trios) picking on a player, boosters, team throwers–so maybe that’s why I usually see discipline messages.
I have a pretty good idea when something is very off.
Private profiles should’ve been an option, but never the default. A lot of people don’t care, but still have their profile on private because they never bothered to change it.
No, they are on by default. It should have been optional to have them selected.
I’ve been playing this game since launch, and I use my best judgment.
Same. Ive seen it all. Ive had good games but never “smurf level” good games. You can generally tell the difference between a few good shots and ALL good shots.