Interestingly enough, had a low level player join the guild who had insane Widow stats, but had been placed gold. Turns out he had just goofed around in QP for 25 levels trying out different characters, so his initial MMR was low. Once he got serious, he fell back on his CS:GO sniper skills and one tricked Widow. He rocketed out of gold pretty quickly.
Sticks in my mind because we had to change his initial gold/plat squad assignment, and move him to a GM squad.
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Yea there are people out there who join this game with quite some skill alredy from other games, and usualy they are called smurfs by others because of that, sadly.
You do realise that profiles are only private for external view and that internally they have all the data available to them?
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You do realise that profiles are only private for external view and that internally they have all the data available to them?
Yes. Looking at the stats will also let someone that is reporting know if it is a legit report also. Seeing a 35% hit rate with say Mcree in the overall stats but in actual game play having that stat be at 80% consistently will indicate something isnt right
People cant have a awesome match were they play above there skill lvl any more.
I have had a match were i was hitting 90% of my shots as wm.
No, they really don’t need to be removed.
Some people prefer their privacy and ya just gotta respect that.
Private profiles were added because people would spend half the match in the p menu trying to find a reason why their team sucks. If anything private profiles is the best thing to happen to this game.
When profiles were public I was constantly sent messages that I was “boosted x main” or just plain insults over my SR or how I played. It didn’t make me feel good, I’m not one of those people with thick skin either.
Having a private profile it’s been much more pleasant to play competitve. I’m not attacked or insulted that I’m not playing a hero I have most play time or win rate, I’m not insulted based on what my main is, I’m not called boosted anymore and I’m not blamed for the loss.
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You have no business looking at people’s stats
Another thread dealing with private profiles. Just chilling
lolz they do “analysis” on smurfing?!? They can’t tell jack from who is smurfing or who is being boosted on a new account.
good news they don’t actually read your reports so putting the stats IN the report means nothing
also good news if they are looking into the boosting they can see the guys stats
you just want to try and bully theirs not much reason for private profiles to be gone, especially with the amount of pros for it existing.
sorry you are sadly mistakened if you dont think for one moment that private profiles have brought in an era of full on trolling.
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Honestly the data protection stuff is one of the EU laws which I really really love.
Yes it has some flaws, but it is an amazing piece of legislation.
So you say. But it’s the difference between sowing confusion for the first two minutes, vs. adjusting pre-emptively.
Someone wants to practice Ana. Fine. But better to know beforehand rather than after the enemy has a huge uot advantage.
It’s ok. The real solution here is a guild or clan, then anyone who has something to hide will get back the boot fast.
I doubt Blizzard will ever do it, but maybe they’ll surprise me.
In general, yes. For game stats it’s a problem.
Public profiles are what needs to be removed so people can stop doing that entirely.
Well, I take a hit on the game stats if that is what it takes.
Or, Blizzard can incentivize opening the profile.
But why would they? They don’t even have a score board within the match and to be frank those are the stats that matter.