Private profiles need to be removed

Well, I take a hit on the game stats if that is what it takes.

Or, Blizzard can incentivize opening the profile.

But why would they? They don’t even have a score board within the match and to be frank those are the stats that matter.


Lol. One step at a time.

I don’t care much for public profiles, but a score board would sure be nice.

I agree. But even that is contentious. Perhaps even more so.

See Are we getting a scoreboard?

Its funny… yesterday I played with and against a guy whose enemy team constantly claimed he was aimbotting… I haven’t see anything in the killcam or anything myself but I won’t fully dismiss about a dozen people claiming the same thing over multiple matches.
Tho I checked his profile and esspecially on Tracer (who he played excluively in all matches we shared) and the maximal weapon accuracy was below 50% with the average about 40%.

The guy even failed to kill me when I was pretty much standing still and looked in a different direction.

I know… I honestly like private profiles, because the information there are not very helpful to begin with and many people really can’t read the information correctly but would love to see a scoreboard.

But hey that would just be my preference.

Hey. If I had to choose one, I’d choose the scoreboard hands down.

But right now we have neither, and it’s a killer.

Sure, but they can see that without your help. Not only can they see that, but through the magic of educated individuals and programs that cost tens to hundreds of thousands a year just to LICENSE, they are so startlingly better at analyzing that data than you are, there’s basically no point in ever sharing it with you. You attempting to give input through incorrectly coded reports may actually be lowering the accuracy of their analysis.

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why everybody wants to see somebody else profile?
thats so bad like why? i know you want to see their main but its his her profile so let them be free one day even if you see their profile this will not say that they are not boosting cuz when you see a gold widow hitting almost all of her shots its 100% a booster
Thank You

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My feelings about this topic are pretty mixed.
The thing is, I get why they decided to give us the option to set our profiles to private:

1. People instantly went to everyones’ profile even before a match started to check their stats on the hero they picked at that moment.
2. That in general caused toxic behaviour before the match started because people got flamed “your winrate on that hero is on xx% please switch off”

What’s the reason for that? Like, you can have bad games. My winrate on Reinhardt (I have a public profile) was under 50% last season while it was on almost 60% 2 seasons ago (if I remember it right). Winrate is just a number, it doesn’t define your skill with a hero and it doesn’t tell if you are throwing or not. Throwing, in my opinion, is defined by your playstyle on a hero and your actions in a game, or your playtime on that hero (in very few cases - considering the number of smurfs)

You can still report people for boosting, you know, Blizzard can still access our profiles? They aren’t private for Game Masters.

Now, I also think they could reduce the privacy of the profiles a little bit:
1. Keep the private profiles in general, hide the stats and winrates but
2. Let us see the SR of each person in my team for this season (I don’t care about the enemy team, personally.)
3. Let us see the time played (across all modes) on the hero a person picked (as I said this wouldn’t include more specific stats), so I can tell if this pick is serious and how much experience a guy has a Hero X.

Why would I do it like that? Well because the main aspect that people don’t want to be checked at the beginning of a match stays in a acceptable way but the players who are afraid of throwers can also be happy. If you jump into competitive and pick a hero you have 1h on across all modes, well then it might seem like you are practicing that hero in that moment ( which is justified then, unless you are smurfing that no one can tell) which you shouldn’t do in competitive. In this case, people should be allowed to ask you to switch off politely because of a number. If you as a player still say “I’m gonna play that hero” then, well you are allowed to, if you get flamed - repot, mute and move on but a report for yourself might also be acceptable then. (if you fail and do not switch.)

Private profiles is the most controversial thing was ever done. In one hand it had to reduce toxicity, in the other hand ppl now can’t see what hero that guy playing better…
I don’t like it.

A good player doesn’t hide their profile.

Only people that have something to hide make their profile hidden - boosters, smurfs, OTP players etc.

Not to mention the highlighter tool was very efficient for flex players. It’s really hard to flex now.

I like it honestly because I dislike when someone looks at my stats and imagine how I play or if I am good. I still play the heroes I normally do. I just dislike people sniffing into my information.

Making profile invisible is for alot of people a nice thing who have the same reason like me or maybe another one. That smurfs or boosters do this is not my problem.

Bliz should be able to see when you report them anyways I think, so just press the report button with your info and let it go.

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anothet thing might be because people push you to play the hero where you have most hours on, while you want to choose for yourself.

Because of your own stats, people might hate on you for not following your own stats.

I think it’s common sense that most people who hide their profile still play their most loved heroes in comp.

so you report people based on there rank? maybe there’s a reason private profiles exist?

I reported one guy with open profile cause hes playing didnt match his acc stats. I mean like this is not the matrix, people dont go to T500 in one season after 12 seasons in gold. And I think he was punished.

Why? They can’t have 1 good game?
If you suspect a cheater, report him.
Looking at stats and saying “I have Proof” is ridiculous, because they are stats over a long long time, players get better.

Also if anyone is hitting 85% of his shots in the same SR range, close your eyes and report that f@#$ing cheater.

Blizzard can see all the stats, they are not going to ban someone because “you have proof” but if it looks suspicious to them, I’m sure they will monitor. Your only role in this is to call attention to it by reporting what you think.

This screams to me that you think if someone doesn’t play like they’re hardstuck at their rank, they’re either boosting someone or smurfing, and there is no in between.
There are an enormous amount of reasons why someone in gold or silver may not be playing at that low of a level anymore.
Some of them, but not limited to, are as follows;

  • Upgraded hardware
  • Put time and effort into learning more about the game
  • Consistency is above-par today
  • Adjusted settings for better optimization
  • Learned by error

It’s not so black and white.
And while I agree that private profiles are dumb, and think they should at least put a ‘preferred heroes’ section in them so people can at least know what they feel comfortable on/want to play, your reasons for disliking them are negligible.
When I was in gold, I honestly rarely ran into smurfs, and I never ran into any when I was in bronze or silver. Granted in those ranks after I upgraded my own hardware, I was getting massive SR gains to push me out, but I still didn’t see hardly any smurfs.

EDIT: I didn’t include cheating at all because people who cheat don’t end up in gold. They end up in masters+ because they play the system through statistics.