Pride event in Poland

what?! seriously its blocked in poland?? why??? all the pride events on league of legends were never blocked and they were a lot more revealing (revealing in terms of what characters like what characters etc). i think this is a slip up, I hope it gets fixed because I wanna experience it too!!

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Yeah… I hope so too…

Really hope it’s just a slip up, but it’s already been so long and still no update. Hungary, Croatia, Lithuania, and Romania are in the same boat.

pretty sure thats on each country’s regulations not blizzard
but im no international politics expert

You’d like that… But…

There are no regulations in Poland that would prohibit them from releasing event here. You know what? Because those regulations would be in conflict in EU law, that every country that is part of have to abide to…

So no, it is not “down to local regulations”…

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then go to blizz twitter
they dont do any kind of … anything on these forums

other than deleting treads

I;ve send a ticket…

And I don’t use twitter (don’t even have an account there)

big brain move tbh
there is little to gain over there

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I am read up on my country’s politics. There are no anti-LGBT laws currently in order. We have gender reaffirming healthcare in place. Our constitution recently was changed to support same sex marriage with the help of EU regulation regarding human’s rights.

Blizzard is 100% doing this purposely and making it look like it’s “for our own protection”.


there might be some caveat somewhere but
it can indeed look like its on purpose on their end

but it is not illegal (yet). So that is EXACTLY WHY places like Poland and other bigoted places NEED stuff like this, so there is visibility and they can’t just erase people.
But no, let’s just self-censor (like they did with so many things for China). Because they don’t care about the players, or any community, they only care about money.

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well if it is not on purpose, then it is a big donnkey fricking blunder isn’t it? And after all the stuff they have blundered lately, it really isn’t a good look.

(also they are now censoring the word Ay aRe eSs Ee??? how prudish can you be???)

Well my country is excluded and its far away from Europe

Yes there is because Blizzard would lose a lot of money if it were released there.

I am not sure if distance to Russia is actually the metric they used. The event is available in Belarus and Kazakhstan. Maybe they were afraid of potential pushback from players in Poland/Lithuania/etc?

Ok. Think about the venn diagram between people who balance the game and people who create the flag profile icons. What do you HONESTLY think the overlap is between these two? Cause it’s likely two separate circles.

why fix something that isn’t broken

Polish players wouldn’t push back crap, every game in here celebrates pride and no one is Having problems with it. Tbh the most homophobia I’ve seen from the US on Twitter comments under the overwatch pride anoucment then polish people complaining about any pride event like ever

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You think the person who designed a few icons and title cards is the same one who balances the game?

p.s: its COULD"NT care less. Not could.

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I’m so upset it got blocked in poland… There is literally no reason. It is not illegal and riotgames always makes the PRIDE event normally in Poland